Mehmet Kentel recognises In the Shadow of War and Empire as a contribution to urban history. The review highlights how the book connects the histories of labour, industrialisation, and the reproduction of urban space.
This study investigates the opportunities perceived by teachers in implementing indigenized mathematics education in Southern Province, Zambia. Indigenized education aims to integrate indigenous knowledge and cultural practices into... more
De lo Nacional a lo Local: Retos para el logro de los ODS en las entidades federativas. Caso Jalisco
Los gobiernos subnacionales son esenciales para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Son el nivel de gobierno más cercano a la población, lo que significa que cuentan con grandes posibilidades de tomar acciones diarias... more
India has institutionalized the Voice of Global South as it held the 3rd Summit. It has also decided to commit to a Global Compact on Global South
Documentary cinema navigates the intersections of society, not merely to grasp the narratives beyond the headlines but to immerse itself in the moment and actively participate in the storytelling. By embracing a perspective from the... more
This study examines the emergence of autonomous teacher's trade unions in the British Southern/West Cameroons. The objective is to account for their creation and the important role they played in enhancing the teaching profession,... more
CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSION 9.0 INTRODUCTION The aim of the study was to expand the right to the city (RttC) debate from a spatial perspective so as to inform planners' modes of analysis. This was done through empirical research on the... more
A High-Level Government delegation from Bangladesh conducted a study tour to South Africa between the 8th - 18th of July 2013 on focusing on local government and urban initiatives. The primary purpose of the study tour was to learn and... more
In recent years, International Political Economy (IPE) scholars have increasingly turned their attention to cities. However, their primary focus has been on the role of a select few global ‘cities’ that regulate global flows of capital,... more
The Urban Book Series Aims and Scope The Urban Book Series is a resource for urban studies and geography research worldwide. It provides a unique and innovative resource for the latest developments in the field, nurturing a comprehensive... more
I am writing this column in Marrakesh, Morocco where I am participating in the 20th World Congress of Dynamic Psychiatry, which took place from April 16-20th, 2024, sponsored by the World and the Moroccan Associations of Dynamic... more
The rapid expansion of Addis Ababa into peri-urban areas has resulted in detrimental effect such as the loss of agricultural land, forest degradation, and worsened livelihoods. With a significant influx of people from both Addis Ababa and... more
El desafío cada vez más apremiante de impulsar un modelo de producción y consumo más sostenible e inclusivo, en un contexto internacional de creciente complejidad, ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de políticas productivas más... more
This research paper delves into the imperative of harmonizing educational objectives within the Global South with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development underscores the... more
The Cartesian world view established a model of development for western cities that led to a number of environmental, social, and economic consequences. In order to overcome these challenges, a reform in current thinking is necessary.... more
The increase in informal settlements has aroused the concern of many professionals and governments seeking to understand the emergence and expansion of these dwellings, as they currently coexist and form an integral part of our cities,... more
El cuadro de crisis en cascada que atraviesa la región y la volatilidad del contexto mundial exigen potenciar los procesos de planificación de los países y el ejercicio de una gobernanza anticipatoria que permita determinar y modelar los... more
This paper reflects on the ongoing debate between theory and practice in planning, using the example of South Africa. Based on survey responses, it discusses how planning education in South Africa is perceived to prepare students for... more
The potential of ICT to enable micro-entrepreneurship in peripheral and resource-scarce countries has been well documented in contexts, such as agribusiness, fisheries and manufacturing. There has been, however, a paucity of research in... more
Buenos ejemplos de países vecinos: Las buenas prácticas que Ecuador debería replicar.
Consultores que contribuyeron a la realización de los estudios en los países:
This paper interrogates the existing paradigm of housing in Nigeria and how they have helped to form and shape the multiplicity of housing programmes experimented in the country. The paper questions the efficacy of these government... more
For the large population living in Nairobi’s informal settlements, the long-term effects of Covid-19 pose a threat to livelihoods, health, and wellbeing. For those working in the informal sector, who are the lifeblood of the city,... more
This chapter situates the South African policy discourse within global theoretical concerns regarding Surveillance Capitalism (Zuboff. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. New... more
Popularly referred to as an Asian Tiger, planning for economic development has been a significant feature in the Malaysian planning system. This reflected the historical junctures that transform Malaysia economy from agricultural... more
Este artículo se formula a partir de la pregunta por el escaso éxito de las redes Sur-Sur, principalmente con relación al desinterés en los ecosistemas intelectivos del Sur respecto de los otros "sures", además de varios otros... more
It is well researched that peri urban interface of Indian metropolitan cities are experiencing a major transformation. Transformations of peri-urban interface are results of different factors including development of transit road at peri... more
The paper aims to reveal the politics of urban governance and the associated impact on the lives of disenfranchised migrants. It critically explores the urban governance structure and the nature of practices involved in the cycle of... more
Popularly referred to as an Asian Tiger, planning for economic development has been a significant feature in the Malaysian planning system. This reflected the historical junctures that transform Malaysia economy from agricultural... more
Este escrito, parte de reconocer la importancia de la planificación como forma de intervención del Estado para la consecución de los fines y propósitos generales, sin embargo, muestra como los procesos e instrumentos de planificación... more
This article adopts the “Conflicting Rationalities” perspective (Watson, 2003), which focuses on dialogue, contradictions and gaps between the state and its excluded communities, in the process of shaping space. We use this perspective,... more
This essay examines precarization as a process produced by recent housing and urban growth agendas in Metropolitan Mexico. Our contributio...
Over the past 20 years, changes in urban planning and its translation into new instruments for urban projects and management have been observed in numerous cities throughout the world. The approaches resulting from this transformation... more
The growth of irregular settlements in Ciudad Juarez has largely contributed to the expansion of the city, where informal city expansion was later transformed to regular urbanization. The reason for this is not far-reaching as the... more
This chapter tells the story of two buildings—the modernist headquarters of the International Rice Research Institute, the first large collaboration between the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, and the Coconut Palace, Ferdinand and... more
Connecting urban geopolitics with critical geopolitics, this article highlights the urban geopolitical significance of learning from the European Southeast. Urban geopolitics has often made reference to the European Southeast in... more
'Living labs' originate from an R&D environment, and intend to innovate commodities by experience-based knowledge, with a direct involvement of users. Meanwhile, the living labs approach has been shifting into a wider range of... more
Housing has been one of the defining issues of our times. Enabling strategies were implemented to address the housing challenges over the past decade with limited success. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of government-led... more
The making of a place is an important theoretical issue in occidental architecture, especially when it addresses the creation of places meant for communities. Architects working in that field are confronted with a number of issues. They... more
we draw courage from the historic victory of enslaved Black workers in the Saint-Domingue colony and the founding of haiti. we reflect on the fight of the Chilean people to be rid of a dictatorship-era Constitution. We learn from the... more
'Living labs' originate from an R&D environment, and intend to innovate commodities by experience-based knowledge, with a direct involvement of users. Meanwhile, the living labs approach has been shifting into a wider range of... more
Introducción El objetivo de esta ponencia es compartir los avances y retos actuales para la institucionalización de la Agenda 2030 en el estado de Baja California. Parte de las siguientes interrogantes, ¿cuáles son las acciones qué han... more
¿Planificar de manera inflexible, en un enjambre de incertidumbres? 2022 Miguel Gutiérrez Saxe Marco. La pandemia originada por el COVID-19 causa estragos generales en el mundo, también genera profundas incertidumbres, respuestas... more