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S tudies of sienese patronage during the first half of the fifteenth century generally revolve around institutions rather than private patrons. Usually, this lacuna is justified by the claim that in a strictly Republican regime no citizen... more
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      Patronage (History)Patronage and collectingDonatelloSano di Pietro
Erasmus’ treatise “A Most Useful Discussion Concerning Proposals for War against the Turks” (Utillisima consultatio de bello Turcis inferendo, 1530), shortly known as De bello Turcico, disputed with Martin Luther’s call to refrain from... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceErasmusHumanism
La sera del 20 agosto 1458, riferendo a Francesco Sforza i primi atti di Enea Silvio Piccolomini, salito al soglio pontificio il giorno precedente, l'oratore del duca presso la curia sottolineò come nell'udienza pubblica il neo eletto... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Church HistoryVatican ArchivesEnea Silvio Piccolomini
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      European HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural StudiesNear Eastern Studies
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      Italian Renaissance ArtDonatelloItalian Renaissance sculpturePius II
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtReligious architectureItalian Renaissance Architectural HistoryRenaissance Culture (Siena)
The present volume gathers the entire literary tradition concerning the legend of Pope Joan and the account of the masculinity test allegedly undergone by every pope after her election, from their earliest records (1250-1254) until the... more
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      Women's StudiesRenaissance HumanismMedieval Latin LiteraturePapacy (Medieval Church History)
Satz: Christiane Storeck (Hugo von Sankt Viktor-Institut mit TUSTEP) Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdrucks, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung,... more
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      Book HistoryRenaissance HumanismMedieval TheologyMedieval Iberian History
14 È possibile che questo Antonio Lolli, visto il ruolo servile svolto, sia solo un omonimo del più noto e dotto Antonio che invece riordinò l'epistolario. 15 Sul problema della data di questa lettera si tornerà più sotto. 16 Anche il... more
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      Renaissance HumanismPapacy (Medieval Church History)Humanistic Latin LiteratureEnea Silvio Piccolomini
Il saggio approfondisce le architetture mantovane realizzate da Leon Battista Alberti e quelle non terminate ma presumibilmente progettate da lui (come indica una sua lettera del 1460 al marchese Ludovico Gonzaga), in particolare per... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArchitectureLeon Battista AlbertiHistory of MantovaPius II
The role of Francesco del Borgo in XVth century Rome has been described by historians in very different ways; as the surveyor of papal building sites and bookkepeer or as architect. The re-examination of archival records concerning the... more
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      Architectural HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtRomaItalian Renaissance sculpture
Verse translation of
Le onoranze fiorentine del 1459
with some additional notes
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      History of FlorenceRenaissance DanceItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and SpectaclePius II
"Il contributo ricostruisce e riassume, sotto forma di relazione congressuale, i vari aspetti e momenti del piano di "salvataggio occidentale di Bisanzio", che ebbe per protagonisti Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Bessarione e Tommaso Paleologo,... more
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      Late Byzantine historyPiero della FrancescaFall of ConstantinopleGregory Palamas
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      CrusadesThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersPius II
This article analyses the construction of Pienza and, especially, its cathedral (1459-1462). Pope Pius II’s commentaries were the base of the methodology in the analysis of the existing architecture. In this comparison is evident the... more
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      Pius IIPienza
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      Renaissance HumanismItalian HumanismHumanismLetters
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      Apocalypticism15th CenturyMehmet IIPius II
This paper is devoted to the first period of Pomponio's career, from the 1450s to 1468, which is relatively little known. A fresh examination of the subscription in his copy of Lucretius produces new evidence. He is shown to have been... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesLatin PalaeographyRenaissance Rome
There are many causes of war, but battles amongst Christians are not as brutal as those between Turks and Christians.
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      Interreligious DialogueJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle AgesMehmed IINicolaus Cusanus
"Al centro di quest’ulteriore contributo dedicato alla talora misconosciuta presenza della questione d’Oriente, dell’impero bizantino e dei suoi rappresentanti nella pittura del primo Rinascimento italiano è anzitutto l’interpretatio... more
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      Late Byzantine historyPiero della FrancescaNicholas of CusaFall of Constantinople
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryModern History
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismPius II
El presente trabajo ofrece una aproximación biográfica a Lluís Joan del Milà, sobrino del papa Calixto III y futuro “cardenal de Albaida”. Partiendo de su promoción eclesiástica al amparo de su tío, se analiza su actividad al servicio de... more
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      Ecclesiastical PatronageBorgia FamilyValenciaPius II
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance RomeMichelangelo BuonarrotiSebastiano del Piombo
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      Renaissance HumanismRenaissance RomePius II
The only surviving oration of pope Nicholas V , delivered on 24 March 1447 in response to the declaration of obedience of ambassadors sent by the king of Naples Alfonso V of Aragon, is published and commented in this essay. The reports of... more
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      Pius IIRenaissance oratory
Rencontre avec le Patrimoine religieux 2008 Images de la cathédrale dans la littérature et dans l'art s a c r é Pienza, façade occidentale de la cathédrale. 91 1 Pour la réalisation de cette contribution, je désire remercier Clara... more
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtItalian Renaissance Architectural HistoryRenaissance Culture (Siena)Renaissance Siena
"Il contributo è dedicato alla ricostruzione e all’indagine storica degli intrecci dinastici, politici e religiosi miranti ad un progetto di “rifondazione occidentale” di Bisanzio nel XV secolo. Il progetto di un “salvataggio occidentale... more
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      Late Byzantine historyPiero della FrancescaFall of ConstantinopleByzantine philology
In July of 1460 a Venetian galley departed Porto Longo close to Pylos, and slowly tacked its way up the western coast of the Peloponnese. The galley had aboard the last remnants of the imperial Byzantine family. These included two young... more
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      ArtLate Byzantine historyPiero della FrancescaFall of Constantinople
Ripercorrendo la ricca documentazione conservata negli Archivi Vaticani o negli altri archivi dell'Urbe, il ricercatore vive sempre con l'impressione di camminare sulle tracce di illustri studiosi, il cui sguardo, ch'egli auspica... more
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      Medieval HistoryLater CrusadesPius II
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT Le voyage d'Outremer (composed in 1455 and published in 1457), the account of the travel made by Bertrandon de la Broquière, counsellor of Philip III the Good, Duke of Burgundy, and ambassador to the Middle East and... more
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      CrusadesBurgundyPius IIBertrandon De La Broquière
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      HumanitiesBiographyPius IIHumanism (15th-17th c.)
The logistics of the Council of Mantova (1458-59) convened by Pope Pius II have been studied in detail; one small thing, though, remains unknown since not all archival resources have been published: the canopy ordered by Ludovico II... more
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      Renaissance StudiesPius IIThe Gonzaga of Mantua
The examination of the liturgical codex 56-23 from Toledo’s Cathedral Library has revealed the existence of an exceptionally rich text, unnoticed by other researchers so far. This document contains an exhaustive assessment of the economic... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesOttoman EmpirePius II
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      Italian Renaissance sculptureRenaissance SienaEnea Silvio PiccolominiPius II
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      Ottoman HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismCrusades
This article deals with the development of Cardinal Protectors of Nations in the 15th century. It is based partly on texts examined by Josef Wodka (1938), partly on the correspondence of Cardinal Enea Silvio Piccolomini published in the... more
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      Pius IIRenaissance oratory
Seit Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts entsteht im deutschen Sprachraum eine umfangreiche weltliche Autobiographik. Autoren sind zunächst Angehörige des städtischen Bürgertums. Sie halten zuhanden ihrer Nachkommen Informationen zu ihrem Leben,... more
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      Late Middle AgesEarly Modern HistoryUrban HistoryHabsburg Studies
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    • Pius II
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      Etudes byzantinesEnea Silvio PiccolominiPius II
recensione di: Enea Silvio PICCOLOMINI (Pape Pie II), Lettre à Mahomet II, traduit du latin et préfacé par Anne Duprat, Paris, Rivages poche (collection “Petite Bibliothèque”), 2002, 180 p., in "Franco-Italica", n° 31-32, 2007, pp.... more
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      15th century Italian humanismUmanesimoEnea Silvio PiccolominiPius II
"E’ questo l’ultimo dei contributi specificamente dedicati dall’autrice al progetto di “salvataggio occidentale di Bisanzio” dipanato lungo il mezzo secolo che separa il matrimonio interconfessionale tra Cleopa Malatesta e Teodoro II... more
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      Late Byzantine historyFall of ConstantinopleBessarionPius II
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      BessarionEnea Silvio PiccolominiPius IIPio II Piccolomini
In 1464 Pope Pius II donated a precious relic to the cathedral of Siena, his hometown—the right forearm and hand of St John the Baptist. On that occasion the appropriate document was drawn up—a donation charter. This paper brings a... more
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      ChristianityHistoryCultural HistoryArt History
Reviews: 1. Fabrice Fitch, “Busnoys the Bruiser,” Early Music, 28 (2000), 283-84 2. David N. Klausner, American Recorder, 41/5 (November 2000), 20-22.... more
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      Music HistoryMedieval StudiesAntoine BusnoysJohannes Ockeghem