Growing evidence of cell-to-cell transmission of neurodegenerative disease (ND)-associated proteins (NDAPs) (ie, tau, A, and ␣-synuclein) suggests possible similarities to the infectious prion protein (PrP sc ) in spongiform... more
To evaluate a possible role for altered cortisol metabolism in mediating the immunoparesis associated with progressive tuberculosis (TB), we have studied the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and the activities of the 11 ... more
Enhanced responsiveness of the pituitary gland to GnRH is a fundamental step required for secretion of the proestrous LH surge, and is achieved primarily by the actions of ovarian steroid hormones on the gonadotropes. The mechanisms... more
Enhanced responsiveness of the pituitary gland to GnRH is a fundamental step required for secretion of the proestrous LH surge, and is achieved primarily by the actions of ovarian steroid hormones on the gonadotropes. The mechanisms... more
Preembedding visualization of exocytosis by tannic acid treatment and postembedding immunocytochemical identification of cell types were combined to demonstrate the release of secretory products by exocytosis of characterized cell types.... more
Growth retardation in children with thalassaemia major is multifactorial. We studied the growth hormone (GH) response to provocation by clonidine and glucagon, measured the circulating concentrations of insulin, insulin-like growth... more
Monthly surveys of the plasma prolactin level in Bufojaponicus at two localities, one in Tokyo and the other in Saitama Prefecture, revealed that the level was highest during the month of breeding in early spring with an additional peak... more
The maternal environment affects fetal development and may permanently affect the physiology of the adult. Fetal growth hormone (GH) secretion is increased by maternal undernutrition but the physiological mechanisms responsible for this... more
Objective: This study aims to clarify the relative position of the normal important structures and anatomical spaces formed by the structures passed through during the transfrontal pituitary surgery, and discuss how to avoid some eloquent... more
We report on the isolation of a murine homeobox-containing gene, Six6 (Optx2), that shows extended identity in its coding region with Six3, the only member of the mammalian Six gene family known to be expressed in the optic primordium.... more
The brain's unimaginably complex operations are expressed in just two types of output: muscle activity and hormone release. These are the means by which the brain acts beyond its bony casing. Muscle-mediated actions (such as speaking,... more
The brain's unimaginably complex operations are expressed in just two types of output: muscle activity and hormone release. These are the means by which the brain acts beyond its bony casing. Muscle-mediated actions (such as speaking,... more
Phytoestrogens can produce inhibitory effects on gonadotropin secretion in both animals and humans. The aims of this study were 2-fold: 1) to determine in vivo whether genistein and coumestrol act on the GnRH pulse generator to suppress... more
Reproduction is of significant economic importance in dairy cattle. Improved understanding of mechanisms that control estrous behavior and other reproduction traits could help in developing strategies to improve and/or monitor these... more
Studies of genetically engineered flies and mice have revealed the role that orthologs of the human LIM homeobox LHX4 have in the control of motor-neuron-identity assignment and in pituitary development. Remarkably, these mouse strains,... more
SummaryAn analysis of the gonadotrophin response to an intravenous injection of LH‐RH (50 μg) has been undertaken in 41 patients with secondary amenorrhoea. Thirtyfive of the patients were free of any recognizable pathology to account for... more
That light and melatonin rhythms provide both clock and calendar information in humans and numerous other species is beyond dispute; this holds true for all stages of life, including the very early ones. Experimental evidence elucidates... more
Molecular regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis plays an essential role in the fine tuning of seasonal estrus in Capra hircus. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are emerging as key regulators in sexual development and... more
Mercury, a ubiquitous toxic element, is known to alter expression of sex steroids and to impair reproduction across vertebrates but the mechanisms underlying these effects are not clearly identified. We examined whether contamination by... more
We investigated whether carbofuran CF , a carbamate pesticide, at sub-lethal concentration had any adverse effects on reproductive function of the Indian catfish , Heteropneustes fossilis. 17-Estradiol content of serum and ovary of Ž . Ž... more
Vanecek, Jiri. Cellular Mechanisms of Melatonin Action. Physiol. Rev. 78: 687–721, 1998. — The pineal hormone melatonin is involved in photic regulations of various kinds, including adaptation to light intensity, daily changes of light... more
Male rats were grafted on Day 21 of age with 'young' (21 days old) or 'adult' (90 days old) pituitary glands and then treated daily with 4 mg bromocriptine/ kg or vehicle. Plasma samples were obtained on Days 21, 25 and 35 and when... more
The LH response to 100 or 1000 ng of LH-RH was studied in adult male rats treated neonatally with 500 pg of estradiol benzoate or olive oil. The dose of 100 ng elicited the same LH increase in both groups, but the estrogenized animals... more
Deterioration of reproductive health in human and wildlife species during the past decades has drawn considerable attention to the potential adverse effects of exposure to xenosteroids during sensitive periods of sex development. The... more
In previous studies, we assessed the effects of intrapituitary injection of a recombinant adenoviral vector (RAd) harboring the cDNA for rat insulin-like growth factor type I (RAd-IGF-I) on the lactotrope and somatotrope populations in... more
Department of Experimental Endocrinology, Institute of Endocrinology, Medical Academy of Łódź, Dr Sterling sir. 3, 91–425 Łódź, Poland (Received 22 May 1978) Lloyd, Meares & Jacobi (1975) observed inhibition of mitotic activity in the... more
The case report is presented of a 47-year-old white woman with Cushing's disease treated by bilateral adrenalectomy in June 1981. A first computed tomography (CT) scan in September 1984 showed a voluminous pituitary adenoma with... more
A 39-year-old woman with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) presented with acromegaly and a pituitary macroadenoma. There was a family history of this renal disorder. She had undergone surgery for pituitary adenoma 6... more
The monoclonal origin of gonadotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas has been well demonstrated but only few molecular abnormalities have so far been recognized in these tumors. For many years, several authors have suggested a role for GnRH... more
The 6-h plasma profiles of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), and GH were studied in 17 dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH) before and after hypophysectomy. The aim... more
Obtaining new insights by discovering novel neuropeptides and neurosteroids regulating pituitary and brain functions is essential for the progress of neuroendocrinology. At the beginning of 1970s, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) was... more
We recently identified a novel hypothalamic dodecapeptide inhibiting gonadotropin release in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). This novel peptide was therefore named gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH). The GnIH precursor encoded... more
The presence and localization of endogenous lipocortin-1 (LC-1, a protein which has been proposed to mediate the anti-inflammatoi'y actions of the giucocorticoids) was studied by immunohistochemical techniques in rat brain and pituitary.... more
Pituitary abscess is extremely rare and often misdiagnosed as pituitary tumor pre-operatively. We document a case of a 64-year-old lady presented to the outpatient department with complaints of headache and blurring vision of right eye... more
The effects of PHI-27, a peptide of the glucagon-secretion family , on luteinizing hormone (LH) release and on LH-releasing hormone (LH-RH)-or estradiol-induced LH release were examined in a sequential double chamber perifusion system by... more
This new multi-compartment model for secretion, distri- bution, binding, and metabolism of cortisol is capable of simulating the rapid fluctuations in plasma cortisol concentration observed in normal people during the early morning hours.... more
This new multi-compartment model for secretion, distri- bution, binding, and metabolism of cortisol is capable of simulating the rapid fluctuations in plasma cortisol concentration observed in normal people during the early morning hours.... more
Background: The adequate replacement dose of estrogens during infancy and childhood is still not known in girls. Aromatase deficiency offers an excellent model to study how much estrogens are needed during infancy, childhood and... more
Vascular injury is an unusual and serious complication of transsphenoidal surgery. We aimed to define the role of angiography and endovascular treatment in patients with vascular injuries occurring during transsphenoidal surgery. During... more
Metastatic tumors to the pituitary gland are an unusual complication typically seen in elderly patients with diffuse malignant disease. Breast and lung are the commonest sites of the primary tumor. Prognosis of patients with breast cancer... more
Sheehan syndrome or postpartum hypopituitarism is a condition characterized by necrosis of the pituitary gland leading to hormones deficiency. Severe postpartum haemorrhage is the most common cause for the development of Sheehan syndrome.... more
ituitary apoplexy is a complex clinical entity that is typically characterized by the acute onset of headache, visual disturbance, and subsequent hormonal dysfunction secondary to disruption of the hypothalamicpituitary axis. The... more