Herewith, from my planned biography of Alexandre Guilmant, the first version of my chapter upon Guilmant's musicological and transcribing feats. Comments, criticisms, pointing-out of any factual errors welcome.
The inauguration of the Daniel Gray organ in St Catherine's Cathedral, Utrecht, provided an opportunity to write a short article on the organ, its history and its maker. This small organ's history still keeps many of its secrets and it... more
The organ was the musical instrument that represented and suggested political power in the Byzantine Empire, although this fact may seem quite curious at first sight, the organ being concretely an instrument of imperial power, which was... more
Biography of the pipe organ maker of Kremnica city Martin Zorkovský jr., XVIII. century, Hungarian Kingdom
ISSN 1337-0618
ISSN 1337-0618
This is a translation of "Der sich selbst informirende Clavier-spieler"
by Michael Johann Friedrich Wiedeburg written in 1765. It is a keyboard primer directed at those wishing to teach themselves how to play a keyboard instrument.
by Michael Johann Friedrich Wiedeburg written in 1765. It is a keyboard primer directed at those wishing to teach themselves how to play a keyboard instrument.
The pipe organ, unlike many other instruments used in so–called classical music, is inextricably entwined with technology and contemporary improvements throughout its history. The craftsmanship of organ building is closely related to the... more
Herman van Vliet was a remarkable member of the organ musicking school induced by Feike Asma. In his rendition of Virgil Fox's organ transcription of Johann Sebastian Bach's chorale 'Komm süsser Tod', he showed remarkable attention to his... more
Composition for piano Solo
A crítica musical como objecto de estudo: algumas reflexões e pontos de referência no contexto português -Paulo Ferreira de Castro .
Ao longo dos séculos, a Igreja Católica passou por diversas mudanças de metas globais, identidades ou autocompreensões. Do mesmo modo que os sistemas vivos, o sistema religioso tomou decisões em relação aos estímulos provenientes do... more
Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os impactos do Concílio Vaticano II (1962)(1963)(1964)(1965)) sobre a criação de música litúrgica católica pelo compositor e organista José Maria Rocha Ferreira . A análise dos dados... more
a música Armorial continua...: trajetória e atualidade em breves considerações………………………….113 Rucker Bezerra de Queiroz, Samuel Cavalcanti Correia. A composição no movimento Armorial: Laconismo e Escritura de um Toré………………………………………...123... more
Resumo: Neste trabalho, buscou-se compreender como as disposições do Motu proprio "Tra le Sollecitudini" de Pio X referentes ao uso do órgão e demais instrumentos musicais foram recebidas no Brasil. Para isto, foi realizada pesquisa de... more
As partituras divulgadas deste volume com finalidades de divulgação e difusão cultural destinam-se a uso litúrgico, sendo expressamente vedada a sua comercialização. Permite-se a transcrição dos textos contidos nesta revista desde que... more
Introdução. Breve biografia e contexto. Controle normativo e as opções de Franceschini. Obras para órgão e com acompanhamento de órgão. Considerações finais. Referências. O estudioso da sociologia do trabalho Domenico de Masi (1999,... more
About wind pressure on medieval portativ, positiv and big church organs. About playing early music on new-ancient organs.
Das umfangreiche kompositorische Ouevre Günter Raphaels hat bislang kaum Beachtung gefunden. Immerhin stehen am Ende seines Lebens Sinfonien, Schauspielmusiken, Konzerte, Oratorien, Kammermusiken, Klavierkompositionen, Lieder, Motetten... more
Gotycka rzeźba Chrystusa Boleściwego (łac. Vir Dolorum) z I ćw. XV w. przez lata ustawiona wtórnie na baldachimie XVII-wiecznej ambony z kościoła pw. św. Tomasza Apostoła w Nowym Mieście Lubawskim. Gothic sculpture of the Sorrowful Christ... more
The pedal harp is a relatively young instrument. From the beginning of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, its technical and musical development coincided not only temporally but often also spatially with... more
Salvagnin plays choral preludes of my own, one of which is dedicated to him. My works have been very well received thanks to his playing. Congratulations, Humberto!
Die Riesenorgel im Wiener Stephansdom
Fugue for keyboard instrument on a subject from the Buxheimer Orgelbüch
We will reveal the concept of alternating syntagm as an important feature of cinematic narrative made possible by a certain arrangement off rames during the montage. In the first part of this article we apply the concept as suggested by... more
Un survol du Festival MusOrgue: sa philosophie, sa vision, l'importance de promouvoir la musique canadienne, et autre
Vietnam's orchestral landscape until 2018 is the subject of this short entry. Vietnam is a densely populated country along the coast of mainland Southeast Asia. It encompasses numerous musical cultures, as it is inhabited by more than 50... more
The article examines the features of the composition of J. S. Bach's organ fugue BWV 577 in the context of the musical practice of the Baroque era. Such features of the fugue are revealed as reliance on the dance genre of the gigue, the... more
An interview with an outstanding organist and professor of organon from the University in Timisoara. HIs name is Felician Rosca and for decades he had been the beating core of the organon concerts and festivals in this city. Topics of... more
Die Anwendung der Rhetorik als Basis literarischen Schaffens in der Epoche des Barocks erreichte auch die musikalische Kreation, da es Ziel des Komponisten war, die Seele und Leidenschaften des Zuhörers zu bewegen. Auf diese Weise fanden... more
Se estudia el proceso de aceptación e introducción el órgano de tubos en el culto litúrgico del rito católico latino. Se abordan también las particularidades de orden práctico que históricamente han caracterizado a su uso en este ámbito,... more
The purpose of this article is to present the life and organ work of Bruno Stein. The preparation for teaching was very important in Prussia, as it somehow traced a path of development for young people not only willing to be teachers but... more
L’orgue présenté ici est un instrument hollandais construit vers 1760, sur le modèle des cabinets d’orgue (kabinet orgels, dits également huisorgels, c’est-à-dire orgues de maison) du célèbre facteur d’orgues Christian Müller (1690–1763)... more
Some of J.S. Bach's compositions show references to the French style. Examples include the use of style brisé elements in his harpsichord works and notes inégales in the second counterpoint of the Art of Fugue. One of the best-known... more
The term neue Sachlichkeit is established in a variety of fields, including visual art, literature, film and architecture, to contextualise style tendencies in cultural expression. Neue Sachlichkeit
The concept of the organ's functionality in relation to liturgical action is a subject that, in order to be understood in its entirety, would require a systemic reading of the more or less normative references constituted by the teachings... more
The emergence of music for organ and realtime digital signal processing (dsp) has signalled major changes to the very nature and structure of music for the instrument, dramatically expanding its idiom and timbral malleability. It has also... more
This is a translation to Portuguese from a speech made in May 22, 2018 by Mr. Michael Grill (Kirchenmusik Direktor [Church music director] in Munich, Germany) during the following event at the Federal University of Paraná in Curitiba,... more
All’inizio del Ventesimo secolo, i regolamenti papali per la musica sacra stabilivano che il suono dell’organo a canne doveva conformarsi a tutte le qualità proprie della liturgia, pertanto precludevano l’uso di strumenti musicali... more
A series of studies have shown that musicians accompany themselves better than others. This is known as the self/other effect in action recognition and simulation and has been demonstrated in other action-perception tasks like recognizing... more
All the organ works on this program were written in France within the fifty years from 1880 to 1930. This time period marks what is perhaps the most glorious period of French organ music. Although there had been a strong French classical... more
My choral prelude Ein Feste Burg was played in “The Orgelbüchlein Complete” series of concerts in Hamburg, Germany [17 Juni 2023 St. Nikolai]. Meu prelúdio coral Castelo Forte/Ein Feste Burg foi tocado na série de concertos “The... more
Aether Ventus booklet. Historical organ with theremin and modular synth.