Pipe Flow

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Pipe flow refers to the study of fluid movement within pipes, focusing on the principles of fluid dynamics, including velocity, pressure, and flow rate. It encompasses the analysis of laminar and turbulent flow regimes, friction losses, and the effects of pipe geometry and material on fluid behavior.
Measurements of the velocity and concentration in axisymmetric, turbulent, isothermal and buoyant jets have been performed with laser-Doppler velocimetry and planar and point laser-induced fluorescence to quantify the mixing enhancement... more
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The problem of steady state mass diffusion of aerosols without axial diffusion in a long cylindrical channel and for small diffusion parameter, A, is presented. Results are obtained when the laminar fluid flow is Poiseuille, plug and a... more
Orifice meter is a very common flow measuring device installed in a pipe line with minimum troubles and expenses. A coefficient of discharge (C d) is to be used to get actual discharge from theoretical discharge as different head losses... more
Numerical calculations of the 2-D steady incompressible driven cavity flow are presented. The Navier-Stokes equations in streamfunction and vorticity formulation are solved numerically using a fine uniform grid mesh of 601 × 601. The... more
A series of experiments was conducted to study the effect of twisted-tape width on the heat transfer and pressure drop with laminar flow in tubes. Data for three twisted-tape wavelengths, each with five different widths, have been... more
by John Abraham and 
1 more
A fluid-flow model which automatically determines the flow regime was used to analyze a timewise-periodic pipe flow. Numerical simulation was employed to implement the model. The range of the instantaneous Reynolds number gave rise to... more
An experimental investigation on natural convection in air in vertical convergent channels with wall uniform heat flux is presented. Wall temperatures show that by increasing the spacing the effect of the convergence angle decreases. For... more
The generation of 'synthetic turbulence' for inflow conditions in Large Eddy Simulation is investigated. The method is based on a 2D vortex method for the lateral components of the fluctuating velocity and a 1D Langevin equation for the... more
Lifetime management of underground pipelines is mandatory for safe hydrocarbon transmission and distribution systems. The use of high-density polyethylene tubes subjected to internal pressure, external loading and environmental variations... more
The geometry of some orebodies can be described simply and accurately by three orthogonal axes, U $ V $ W. The ratios between these axes can be expressed as a parameter j ¼ (U/V 2 1)/(V/W 2 1), and represented by a graph of U/V plotted... more
Laser-Doppler measurements are reported for laminar and turbulent flow through a 90° bend of circular cross-section with mean radius of curvature equal to 2.8 times the diameter. The measurements were made in cross-stream planes 0.58... more
A Lorentz force flowmeter is a device for the contactless measurement of flow rates in electrically conducting fluids. It is based on the measurement of a force on a magnet system that acts upon the flow. We formulate the theory of the... more
by Roger Temam and 
1 more
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) and optimal control theory are used in a predictive control setting to determine controls that effectively reduce the turbulent kinetic energy and drag of a turbulent flow in a plane channel at Re τ =... more
A modiÿed ÿnite element method is proposed to solve the unsteady pipe ow equations. This approach yields a six-point implicit scheme with two weighting parameters. An accuracy analysis carried out using the modiÿed equation approach... more
Le but de l'étude est de contribuer à la connaissance des écoulements des fluides viscoélastiques dans une contraction souvent étudiée mais par simulation numérique. Un dispositif a été conçu pour une étude expérimentale de l'écoulement... more
The distribution of gas and liquid among four parallel pipes was studied with and without orifice restrictions. The results show that the two phases may not be equally distributed among the pipes. It is shown that the two-phase flow... more
Experiments of air water two-phase flow pressure drop in vertical internally wavy 90°bend have been carried out. The tested bends are flexible and made of stainless steel with inner diameter of 50 mm and various curvature radiuses of 200,... more
In this research paper a methodology based on topological similarity is used to obtain starting point of iteration for solving reservoir and pipe network problems. As of now initial starting point for iteration is based on pure guess work... more
A numerical scheme based on Galerkin's finite element method was used to solve the threedimensional governing equations for steady laminar simultaneously developing flow and heat transfer in a semi-circular duct. Two different boundary... more
-Nousétudions l'écoulement dans le plan de sortie d'un jet tournantà grand nombre de Reynolds généréà l'aide d'un nid d'abeilles tournant suivi d'une tuyère convergente. Des mesures fil chaud réalisées en sortie de deux tuyères de taux de... more
LDV and wall static pressure measurements were performed to investigate the flow properties downstream of an asymmetric wide-angle diffuser controlled by perforated plates. The experimental results showed significant changes in the mean... more
We present a novel application of a contactless flow measurement system and validate its feasibility on an electrolyte pipe flow. The device relies on the technique of Lorentz force velocimetry (LFV). LFV operates without any contact to... more
In this chapter we consider reduced basis (RB) approximation and a posteriori error estimation for linear functional outputs of affinely parametrized linear parabolic partial differential equations. The essential ingredients are Galerkin... more
A numerical model that can produce pulsed Doppler signals for nonaxial, pulsatile flow is presented. The model takes into account both hemodynamic and acoustic factors that affect the Doppler signal, such that a wide range of flow... more
In the present paper, some peculiar characteristics of transient laminar flow are discussed. After presenting a review of the existing literature, attention is focused on transient energy dissipation phenomena. Specifically, results of... more
The paper describes the implementation and applicability of the Large eddy simulation (LES) technique for simulating turbulent flows. The LES approach is implemented in the in-house RANS research code Spider-3D. The Spider-LES code is... more
Nous remercions l'ensemble des étudiants Génie Mécanique en particulier ADJOUATI Sakina, SAIDANNI Missipsa, BENYAHYA AMMER, BENHEDAD Sofiane.
Suspensions of elongated rigid fibers in turbulent flows are commonly encountered in applications of engineering interest, and may exhibit complicated rheological properties depending on the spatial distribution and orientation of the... more
Oil-water two-phase flow experiments were conducted in a 15 m long, 8.28 cm diameter, inclinable steel pipe using mineral oil (density of 830 kg/m 3 and viscosity of 7.5 mPa s) and brine (density of 1060 kg/m 3 and viscosity of 0.8 mPa... more
The fully developed steady flow of a fluid through a curved tube with elliptic cross-section is studied, the cross-sectional area varying slowly with longitudinal distance. Using a perturbation scheme in terms of two small parameters... more
The problem of buoyancy driven turbulent flow in parallel-plate channels is investigated. The investigation is limited to vertical channels of uniform crosssection with different modes of heating. The details of the flow and thermal... more
Computer models have been built for the simulation of water distribution systems since the mid-1960s. However, a model needs to be calibrated before it can be used for analysis and operational study of a real system. Model calibration is... more
The variation in fresh concrete flow rate over the pipe cross section was investigated on differently coloured and highly flowable concrete mixes flowing through pipes of different materials (rubber, steel, acryl). First, uncoloured... more
The present paper an attempt to study flow of an unsteady dusty fluid through a circular pipe under the influence of impulsive pressure gradient. We have assumed that the initial fluid velocity to be some average velocity. Analytical... more
Results are presented for laminar forced convection cooling of heat generating blocks mounted on a wall in a parallel plate channel. The eect on heat transfer of insertion of a porous matrix between the blocks is considered. The¯ow in the... more
Surface roughness (texture) has an effect on fluid flow in networks which has been studied for well over a century. The exact effect roughness has on fluid flow has not been completely understood, but a working estimate has been offered... more
This paper deals with dynamic analysis of Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) flow control in natural gas pipelines. The dynamic behaviour of PIG depends on the pressure differential generated by injected gas flow behind the tail of the PIG... more
Leaky distribution systems are costly in terms of lost water, potentially adverse water quality effects, and the energy consumed in supplying the leaks. To characterize the energy effectiveness of a leaky segment in a single pipe, several... more
for heat transfer and flow friction coefficients are provided for plane parallel piates and offset strip-fin plates over the ranges used in compact heat exchangers. Closed form expressions have been used to present these correlations. The... more
The classical two layers (the inner and outer layers) from open equations of mean turbulent motion, in a fully developed pipe flow, at large Reynolds number in MMX are matched by the application of the Millikan-Kolmogorov hypothesis. In... more
By coupling a consideration of heat transfer into a region of constant shear stress with a temperature-dependent viscosity, it has been shown that viscosity correction ratios of the form introduced by Sieder and Tate [namely (pJpw)"] have... more
This paper reports on an exemplary study of the performance of commercial computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software programs when applied as engineering tool for microfluidic applications. Four commercial finite volume codes (CFD-ACE+,... more
E d i t o r : B a r r y L e i b a • l e i b a @ c o m p u t e r.o r g Applications Engineer (Ref#: SJ50)