Pipe Flow

4,481 papers
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Pipe flow refers to the study of fluid movement within pipes, focusing on the principles of fluid dynamics, including velocity, pressure, and flow rate. It encompasses the analysis of laminar and turbulent flow regimes, friction losses, and the effects of pipe geometry and material on fluid behavior.
Gas-solid fluidized beds are common in chemical processing and energy production industries. These types of reactors frequently have banks of tubes immersed within the bed to provide heating or cooling, and it is important that the fluid... more
One of the classical problems in fluid mechanics is the determination of the flow field around a bluff body represented by a circular cylinder. This is of great interest in many engineering applications, such as hydrodynamic loading on... more
A fundamental understanding of the transition from fluid-like to gel-like behavior is critical for a range of applications including personal care, pharmaceuticals, food products, batteries, painting, biomaterials, and concrete. The pipe... more
Multiphase flow occurs in almost all producing oil and gas/condensate wells .Wellhead chokes are special equipment that widely used in the petroleum industry to control flow rate, to maintain well allowable, to protect surface equipments,... more
The fully developed laminar flow in a helical circular pipe under the influence of both curvature and torsion is studied analytically. The solutions are obtained by the double series expansion method which perturbs the exact solution... more
A large eddy simulation (LES) with an extended Smagorinsky model has been carried to investigate numerically the fully developed turbulent flow of a shear thinning fluid (n=0.75) in a stationary pipe at a simulation's Reynolds number... more
In a recent paper by C. Bogey, O. Marsden, and C. Bailly [“Large-eddy simulation of the flow and acoustic fields of a Reynolds number 105 subsonic jet with tripped exit boundary layers,” Phys. Fluids 23(3), 035104 (2011)], simulation... more
Course name: Civil Engineering Drawing 2
Course Code: CIE 112
Level: one
Year: 2024/2025
Whether physicians should ask their patients to attend for a regular review of their health status not motivated by any particular problem has been a longstanding issue in primary care. A google search for "regular health check ups"... more
Abstract-This paper presents the automatic calculation program for steady water flow, RIMIS and the physical model developed by authors for the study of water motion in a distribution network. The study was concentrated upon looped type... more
The High Institute of Engineering and Technology in New Damietta
Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering – CIE 221
Second Term 2024/2025
Chapter 1: Introduction to Hydrology
The stability of polymer melt shear flows is explored using the recently proposed eXtended Pom-Pom (XPP) model of . We show that both the planar Couette and the planar Poiseuille flow are stable for 'small' disturbances. From our... more
The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently... more
We explore a new application of the quadrant method in the context of the double-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for studying open channel flow near rough beds. Quadrant analysis is applied to spatial disturbances of time-averaged... more
This work studies the momentum and energy transport mechanisms in the corner between a free surface and a solid wall. We perform large-eddy simulations of the incompressible fully developed turbulent flow in a square duct bounded above by... more
A population balance model (the Inhomogeneous MUSIG model) has recently been developed in close cooperation between ANSYS-CFX and Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and implemented into the CFD-Code CFX [
Abstract-This paper presents the automatic calculation program for steady water flow, RIMIS and the physical model developed by authors for the study of water motion in a distribution network. The study was concentrated upon looped type... more
A 2D analytical turbulent diffusion model for particle dispersion and deposition at different heights across the pipe flow and circumferential deposition has been developed. This liquid-solid turbulent diffusion model presented in this... more
A comprehensive 3D numerical investigation of hydrodynamics of particles flowing through a horizontal pipe loop consisting of four bends has been modeled. The multiphase mixture model available in Fluent 6. 1 [6] is used in this study. In... more
Direct solutions of pipe flow problems are not possible because of the implicit form of Colebrook-White equation, which is most commonly used for determining the friction factor of commercial pipes. New empirical equations for head loss,... more
Pressure surges in pipelines are caused due to different events either planned or accidental. It is essential to determine the magnitude and frequency of pressures and forces triggered due to these transients to estimate the stresses and... more
Gas flow through corrugated pipes is known to excite strong acoustic resonances within the pipe. In an attempt to better understand the flow acoustic phenomena involved, we have investigated experimentally a short pipe (0.6m long and... more
The effect of three-dimensional staggered circular cavities on a zero-pressure gradient incompressible turbulent boundary layer was studied. Two key parameters were varied, being the ratio of the diameter, d, to the depth, h, of the... more
Dimples are tiny indentations on the surfaces of the body that enhance heat transfer and alter fluid flow characteristics on or within the body. Numerical investigations were conducted to analyse the heat transfer and flow... more
Theoretical and experimental works on microscale transport phenomena have been carried out in the past decade in the attempt to analyze possible new effects and to assess the influence of downscaling on the classical correlations which... more
Various technologies have been used, including a regular tube with the inclusion of dimples, which are widely used to enhance the thermo-hydraulic performance of engineering applications. A numerical analysis involving this work of the... more
To date, the most successful turbulence control technique is the dissolution of certain rheology-modifying additives in liquid flows, which results in a universal maximum drag reduction (MDR) asymptote. The MDR asymptote is a well-known... more
The work and life of Piotr Szymański is reviewed. He is the author of a classical paper on accelerating pipe flow, but is relatively unknown to the scientific community of today. The paper by Szymański is one of the first related to... more
In this study, vortex breakdown in swirling flows and critical swirl rate for its occurrence was experimentally and numerically investigated. In order to understand and control this interesting phenomenon, a special pipe flow test... more
The flow of liquids through dielectric tubes is shown to produce a frictional electromotive force, and an empirical relation is established between the voltage generated and the various experimental factors controlling it. The application... more
Higher Institute of Engineering and technology in new Damietta
COURSE: Fluid Mechanics - BAS 212
Chapter six: Laminar and Turbulent flow
Interactions between nearly bicritical modes in Taylor-Couette flow, which have been concerned with the framework of weakly nonlinear theory, are extended to fully nonlinear Navier-Stokes computation. For this purpose, a standard Newton... more
Submitted for the DFD17 Meeting of The American Physical Society Invariant solutions organizing pipe flow turbulence SEBASTIAN ALTMEYER, BJRN HOF, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria-Invariant unstable solutions such as... more
Students designed a rotating pipe flow apparatus for the fluids laboratory. The project was funded by the ASHRAE Senior Undergraduate Project Grant Program. This paper describes a project where a group of undergraduate engineering... more
A new configuration for the transmitting optics of a laser Doppler anemometer has been developed in order to measure the velocity at two different points at the same time. From the simultaneous measurements at two points along the mean... more
Models for the dynamic behaviour of transmission lines are essential for the understanding of wave propagation phenomena in hydraulic pipelines and hoses. If the Reynolds numbers are low enough to justify the assumption of laminar flow... more
Submitted for the DFD15 Meeting of The American Physical Society Direct Numerical Simulation of two superposed viscous fluids in a rough channel: effect of the position of the interface 1 ISNARDO ARENAS, STEFANO LEONARDI, The University... more
The entropy generation due to heat transfer and friction has been calculated for fully developed, forced convection flow in a large rectangular duct. packed with spherical particles, with constant heat fluxes applied to both the top... more
A new subgrid scale model is proposed for Large Eddy Simulations in complex geometries. This model which is based on the square of the velocity gradient tensor accounts for the effects of both the strain and the rotation rate of the... more
A simplified consistency condition for the production-to-dissipation ratio is developed to obtain an explicit algebraic Reynolds stress model. The stress expression is based on the well-known tensor representation derived from... more
This work presents the design of an experimental setup for swirling decaying flow investigations, alongside validation experiments and preliminary experimental work. The combinations of possible investigations using such an apparatus are... more
Nozzles are used in industry for several different purposes ranging from cooling, painting, and mixing to dosing or flow seeding. When multiple nozzles should be used alongside with each other at equal rates, flowrate of feeding lines... more
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of incompressible turbulent pipe flow was carried out on unstructured grids for a Reynolds number based on the friction velocity and the pipe diameter of Rcr = 360 using the spectral/hp element method... more
In the present paper we study the propagation of pressure waves in a barotropic flow through a pipe, with a possibly varying cross-sectional area. The basic model is the Saint-Venant system. We derive two multiscale models for the cases... more
The thermocapillary migration of a fluid particle in a tube, owing to an imposed axial temperature gradient, is studied theoretically for the case of steady, axisymmetric, creeping, translation in the absence of thermal convection and... more
This paper presents a study of the steady, axisymmetric, creeping translation of a fluid sphere in a tube for the case in which surfactant is adsorbed onto the fluid sphere interface. Marangoni stresses caused by the convective... more
With the ubiquitous use of computers in controlling physical systems, it requires to have a new formalism that could model both continuous flows and discrete jumps. Hybrid systems are introduced to this purpose. A hybrid system, which is... more
State-space models, and the state-space representation of data, are an important tool for econometric modeling and computation. However, when applied to observed (rather than detrended) data, many such models have a mixture of stationary... more
This paper describes how geotechnical and hydraulic engineering concepts were combined to develop a computer model that can be used to simulate the rate and extent of breaching of earth embankments characterized by transverse cracks and... more