Pinch Technology

32 papers
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Pinch Technology is a systematic approach for optimizing energy consumption in industrial processes by analyzing and minimizing energy waste. It involves the graphical representation of energy flows, identifying opportunities for heat recovery, and designing efficient heat exchanger networks to enhance overall process efficiency.
Methanol is an important industrial chemical, and its synthesis and purification units are among the most widely used processes in the field of energy. The two-column separation unit of methanol has been analyzed from the thermodynamic... more
Distillation is an important and widely applied separation method. One of its major application areas is crude oil refining. We investigate and compare two different refinery technologies: (i) conventional, atmospheric and vacuum,... more
The olefin plant cold-end is aimed at separating cracked gas into ethylene, propylene and other heavier byproducts using low-temperature gas separation processes. This process is energy-intensive and hence retrofitting for energy saving... more
Han pasado los años, desde aquel octubre de 1978, en que por vez primera conocí su maestría en la docencia de la Botánica, como a él le gustaba "en el campo", observando las plantas con toda la ilusión que la naturaleza puede ofrecer. Ese... more
Pinch technology is a methodology used in the optimization and dimensioning of heat exchanger networks, initially developed by Hohnmann and Linnhoff during the oil crisis in the mid 70's and 80's. With greater energy efficiency and... more
RESUMEN: Se aportan datos sobre la distribución y ecología de Lythrum portula (L.) D.A. Webb y Fumana baetica Güemes en la provincia de Cuenca, dos plantas que constituyen novedad para la flora de dicho territorio. En el caso de F.... more
Current economic uncertainties and tighter environmental regulations has led industries to consider energy conservation projects more seriously. In this paper, the option of varying the process stream temperature has been suggested as a... more
The olefin plant is all about separating cracked gas into ethylene, propylene and other heavier byproducts using low-temperature gas separation processes. This process is energy-intensive and hence retrofitting for energy saving would be... more
Se presenta un listado de plantas vasculares, recolectadas en el sur de la ciudad de Valladolid, con interes corologico. De entre las diecisiete plantas aportadas, destacan las siguientes por representar primeras citas para la provincia... more
Se presenta un listado de dieciseis plantas vasculares recolectadas en la comarca de los Montes de Torozos, en la provincia de Valladolid (Espana). De entre ellas es preciso destacar las nuevas citas provinciales de Anthyllis vulneraria... more
New floristic records for Valladolid province. V Palabras clave. Corología, flora vascular, España, Valladolid. Key words. Chorology, vascular flora, Spain, Valladolid.
A lo largo de los últimos años se ha venido realizando un intenso trabajo de prospección de la flora vascular zamorana que ha tenido como resultado la publicación de diversas notas florísticas (
Se aportan datos corológicos de 22 plantas vasculares presentes en los Montes de Torozos, en la provincia de Valladolid (España). La mayor parte de los taxones se citan por primera vez para la comarca. SUMMARY: Chorological data of 22... more
The integration of multiple resources conservation networks is necessary to attain the ever-stringent sustainable goals. This work takes initiatives to develop a heat integrated water network via a proposed Pgraph-based sequential... more
The Pinch Design Method was developed considering one-phase streams, with constant specific heats (Cp) throughout streams' temperature ranges. Its first stage, the determination of utilities targets and pinch point (PP), is ruled by the... more
Se presentan y comentan 42 taxones de interés corológico para la provincia de Valladolid (España). Todos están escasamente citados en la provincia y 11 de ellos son novedad provincial: Callitriche brutia, Crypsis aculeata, Festuca... more
Fossil fuels have been heavily exploited since the Industrial Revolution. The resulting carbon emissions are widely regarded as being the main cause of global warming and climate change. Key mitigation technologies for reducing carbon... more
The advent of Pinch Analysis as a tool for the design of optimal heat, mass and water recovery network has been one of the most significant advances in the area of process synthesis over the last ten years. This paper presents the key... more
Ventilation systems are known as intensive energy used building engineering system. Heat exchangers are the main equipments used for energy transformation in building engineering systems as well as in ventilation sys-tems. The... more
Kilang penapisan minyak sawit lazimnya melibatkan proses penggunaan tenaga yang tinggi. Peningkatan kecekapan tenaga adalah amat penting bagi memastikan keuntungan tercapai. Kertas kerja ini menggunakan teknik analisis jepit bagi... more
In this paper, the optimum design, operation and control philosophy were studied to minimize the process losses in a condensate fractionation plant. Pinch analysis was done for optimum energy usage in the plant. Energy losses once... more
The Pinch technology, seeks an energy integration, which aims to harness the thermal process potential, seeking thus minimal power consumption and number of heat transfer utilities. This work is related to the study of Technology Pinch,... more
Ventilation systems are known as intensive energy used building engineering system. Heat exchangers are the main equipments used for energy transformation in building engineering systems as well as in ventilation sys-tems. The... more
RESUMEN: Se estudia la diversidad de macromicetos presentes en los diversos ecosistemas de las riberas del río Tormes: bosques de ribera, praderas y pinares, en el tramo Salamanca-Huerta. Se presenta el listado de especies con las... more
A heat exchanger network (HEN) for the process of methanol synthesis has been studied by pinch design analysis. Great economic and energy savings were realized by the pinch analysis in comparison to the existing plant. Also, it was found... more
RESUMEN: Se aportan datos sobre la distribución y ecología de Lythrum portula (L.) D.A. Webb y Fumana baetica Güemes en la provincia de Cuenca, dos plantas que constituyen novedad para la flora de dicho territorio. En el caso de F.... more
Energy integration relies on matching process hot streams with process cold streams, and utilities are only introduced to balance the deficit in energy consumption. A systematic but simple Pinch Analysis (PA)-based retrofit approach is... more
The objective of this research is to retrofit the Olefin Mixture (OM) direct sequence and to analyze the sensitivity with respect to the feed composition. In order to perform the study and analysis, a methodology for retrofitting the... more
The Pinch Design Method was developed considering one-phase streams, with constant specific heats (Cp) throughout streams’ temperature ranges. Its first stage, the determination of utilities targets and pinch point (PP), is ruled by the... more
This paper covers the fundamentals of pinch technology and its application in practice. The paper presents an overview of the approach to the practical use of the technology and illustrates the approach with a case study.
This Special Volume of the Journal of Cleaner Production focuses on the "Sustainability Engineering for the Future". It highlights the roles of present and future engineers and provides guidelines and insights on how sustainability can be... more
Excessive energy demand in the unit under study leads to high operating cost and suboptimal design. This is because the unit was design using traditional design energy (TDE) methods prior to the advent of pinch technology. Thus, making it... more
The industrial application of detailed heat integration to a Di Ethyl Thiophosphoryl Chloride (DETC) plant has been addressed using Pinch design method. The calculated minimum energy targets are found to be very close to utility loads... more
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t Modified technique for design Heat Exchanger Networks. New approach for solving problems in Pinch technology. Heat Exchanger Network design based on separate designs of subnetworks for... more
This paper presents a novel Cost Derivative Method (CDM) for finding the optimal area allocation for a defined Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) structure and stream data, without any stream splits to achieve minimum total cost. Using the... more
This paper presents the retrofit of the two-flow heat-exchange system with utility paths in order to optimize the heat recuperation capacity under the technical limitation conditions. Analytical dependences of heat load of the existing... more
Pinch technology is applied on various process flow diagrams from process industries using different strategies or techniques. These techniques include both graphical procedure (Thermal Pinch diagram) as well as algebraic procedure... more
Energy saving is an important issue in process industries due to the increasing cost of energy and associated environmental pollution. Retrofitting of existing Heat Exchanger Networks (HENs) is a key solution to maintain their energy... more
A heat exchanger network (HEN) for the process of methanol synthesis has been studied by pinch design analysis. Great economic and energy savings were realized by the pinch analysis in comparison to the existing plant. Also, it was found... more
Excessive energy demand in the unit under study leads to high operating cost and suboptimal design. This is because the unit was design using traditional design energy (TDE) methods prior to the advent of pinch technology. Thus, making it... more
This paper presents the study of the optimal synthesis of energy efficient distillation columns (EEDCs) sequenceby using the driving force method. In order to perform the study and analysis, the EEDCs sequence methodologyhas been... more
Distillation is the primary separation process widely used in the industrial chemical process. Although it has many advantages, the main drawback is its large energy requirement, which may significantly influence the overall plant... more
Distillation is the primary separation process widely used in the industrial chemical processing. Although it has many advantages, the main drawback is its large energy requirement, which can significantly influence the overall plant... more
Excessive energy demand in the unit under study leads to high operating cost and suboptimal design. This is because the unit was design using traditional design energy (TDE) methods prior to the advent of pinch technology. Thus, making it... more
This note addresses the problem of identifying the pinch defining streams and the pinch point during grassroots heat exchanger network (HEN) design for problems in which the composite curves are discontinuous. We show that there can exist... more
Waste heat streams are often neglected due to their comparatively low temperatures. However, they can still be utilised by retrofitting existing heat exchanger networks (HEN). Traditionally Pinch Analysis has been used to set heat... more