Pigmentos Naturales
Recent papers in Pigmentos Naturales
Numerosas teorías intentan explicar el funcionamiento de los colores, pero pocas veces éstas se refieren a los orígenes del color, a su base que, generalmente, se encuentra más cercana a la biología o la química, que a otra ciencia.
Guión para el vídeo: https://youtu.be/eH_rcAKLMyo. En prácticamente todos los manuscritos medievales encontramos además tintas de al menos un color más, aunque solo sea para los títulos. Y en este vídeo vamos a ocuparnos precisamente de... more
"The megalithic tomb at Montelirio is off the scale in more ways than one. As well as being the largest example of its type known in Spain, the burial goods secreted in its subterranean chambers are unsurpassed in both quantity and... more
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Body Color and Aromatics in Maya Funerary Rites. En Painting the Skin. Pigments on Bodies and Codices in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, editado por Elodie Dupey y María Luisa Vázquez de Agredos, pp. 56-74. Arizona University Press, Tucson.
The social man creates or borrows practical procedures, and with them specific phrases. Unfortunately present literature often separates these phrases from the techniques in which the same phrases are used. This is the case of the colour... more
El fin de este trabajo es documentar algunos de los pigmentos más utilizados en la paleta cromática de Jan Van Eyck, se eligió a este artista debido a que la mayoría de sus obras se encuentran en buen estado de conservación, además de ser... more
This paper aims to offer a a broad view of trade in painters’ materials in the Spanish peninsula in the sixteenth century, from their production to their import and export. Factors such as their being documented in archival sources or... more
Background: Color change in artworks has been commented on for centuries. Fading of watercolor pigments is a notable alteration. Pigments based on carminic acid are among those particularly prone to color loss, but the mechanism and... more
The social man creates or borrows practical procedures, and with them specific phrases. Unfortunately present literature often separates these phrases from the techniques in which the same phrases are used. This is the case of the colour... more
CAROTENOIDES Constituyen un grupo de pigmentos amarillos, rojos y naranjas, distribuidos en casi todos los organismos vivos. Generalmente los carotenoides son insolubles en agua pero se disuelven fácilmente en grasas y en alcohol. Dan el... more
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2017. Using extensive and largely unpublished archival documentation, this major new work recovers the first century of artistic practice in colonial Quito, one of colonial South America's most... more
Procesos: revista ecuatoriana de historia 43 (2016): 37-64. Basado principalmente en documentación inédita, este estudio cubre una gama de materiales, así como modelos artísticos, disponibles para pintores en el mercado local desde... more
Background: Color change in artworks has been commented on for centuries. Fading of watercolor pigments is a notable alteration. Pigments based on carminic acid are among those particularly prone to color loss, but the mechanism and... more
The social man creates or borrows practical procedures, and with them specific phrases. Unfortunately present literature often separates these phrases from the techniques in which the same phrases are used. This is the case of the colour... more
Background: Color change in artworks has been commented on for centuries. Fading of watercolor pigments is a notable alteration. Pigments based on carminic acid are among those particularly prone to color loss, but the mechanism and... more
Medieval plasterwork currently faces preservation issues due to the lack of cohesion between their polychrome sections, which, if not adequately treated in time, cause the irretrievable loss of their original appearance. It is relatively... more