Piezoelectric ceramics
Recent papers in Piezoelectric ceramics
Linearconstitutiveequationsofa thermopiezomagneticmedium involving mechanical, electrical, magnetic, and thermal e elds are presented with the aid of a thermodynamic potential. A thermopiezomagnetic medium can be formed by bonding... more
With the decrease in energy consumption of portable electronic devices, the concept of harvesting renewable energy in human surrounding arouses a renewed interest. This technical paper focusses on one such advanced method of energy... more
Flat glass is produced by the "float glass process" where molten glass is poured onto a bath of molten tin. The glass floats on the tin and levels out as it spreads along the bath. Consequently, it gives a smooth face to both sides which... more
Book Description This monograph covers the fundamentals, fabrication, testing, and modeling of ambient energy harvesters based on three main streams of energy-harvesting mechanisms: piezoelectrics, ferroelectrics, and pyroelectrics. It... more
Pulse detonation is a propulsion technology that involves detonation of fuel to produce thrust more efficiently than current engine systems. By literature survey and library research it is shown that Pulse Detonation Engine (PDE)... more
Piezoelectric actuators are popularly applied as actuators in high precision systems due to their small displacement resolution, fast response and simple construction. However, the hysteresis nonlinear behavior limits the dynamic modeling... more
The recent advent of highly durable engineering materials and the advancement of latest structural design theories have made possible the fabrication of more efficient engineering structures. However, the safety and reliability of these... more
This paper focuses on the primary development of novel numerical and analytical techniques of the modal damped vibration energy harvesters with arbitrary proof mass offset. The key equations of electromechanical finite element... more
Relaxor ferroelectricity is one of the most widely investigated but the least understood material classes in the condensed matter physics. This is largely due to the lack of experimental tools that decisively confirm the existing... more
A small-signal model that describes the energy exchange between surface micromachined beams and bulk-lead zirconium titanate (PZT) actuators attached to the silicon substrate is presented. The model includes detection of acoustic waves... more
CuO as a sintering additive was utilized to explore a low-temperature sintering of 0.92(Bi 1/2 Na 1/2 )TiO 3 -0.06BaTiO 3 -0.02(K 0.5 Na 0.5 )NbO 3 lead-free piezoceramic which has shown a promise for actuator applications due to its... more
The PZT/polyvinyl chloride (PVC) composites are prepared by hot-pressing technique using a novel nanocrystalline PVC. The d33 value observed in this work for the 0.5PZT/0.5PVC composite is close to the 0.5PZT/0.5PVDF composite reported in... more
This paper presents an electromechanical impedance (EMI) model for health monitoring of cylindrical shell structures. By investigating the interaction between the piezoceramic (PZT) transducers and a typical cylindrical shell structure,... more
A detailed systematic study of the effect of Li2CO3 addition on the structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the PZT(Zr/Ti =50/50) ceramics in the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) region was carried out. The addition of... more
Recently, a new family of piezoelectric perovskite materials based on the solid solution (1−x)BiScO3–xPbTiO3 was developed. This system was found to have a Curie temperature higher than 450°C and excellent piezoelectric properties near... more
Lead-free 0.96[Bi 1/2 (Na 0.84 K 0.16 ) 1/2 ] (1Àx) La x TiO 3 -0.04SrTiO 3 (BNKTLax-ST, with x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, and 0.05) ceramics have been synthesized using a conventional solid-state reaction method and their phase... more
This work focuses on an ultrasonic guided wave structural health monitoring (SHM) system development for aircraft wing inspection. In part I of the study, a detailed description of a real aluminum wing specimen and some preliminary wave... more
Piezo-actuated stages are composed of a piezoelectric actuator (PEA) and a positioning mechanism. Hysteresis behavior of PEAs limits the position accuracy of the piezo-actuated stages. This paper presents a hybrid control approach for... more
This paper, the second in a two-part series, presents various finite element simulations on the interaction between piezo-impedance transducer (Lead Zirconate Titanate, PZT) and structure, inclusive of the bonding layer in the application... more
This paper demonstrates a multi-source energy harvester that is able to utilize simultaneously both piezoelectric and pyroelectric effects in lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-PT) single crystal. The paper presents a study of... more
Relaxor ferroelectric single-crystal materials PMN-PT and PZN-PT are currently of interest to the scientific community due to their enhanced properties and possible role as next-generation piezoelectric transducers in applications such as... more
Potassium sodium niobate (KNN) is a potential candidate to replace lead zirconate titanate in sensor and ac-tuator applications but there are many fundamental science and materials processing issues to be understood before it can be used... more
Sodium bismuth titanates Na 1/2 Bi 1/2 TiO 3 (NBT) doped with 0-3 wt% Er 2 O 3 were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction method. The X-ray diffraction results revealed that the sintered Er-doped NBT ceramics exhibited a pure... more
The free strain during unipolar electrical activation and the blocking stress are important figures of merit for actuator applications. The lead-free (1 À x)Ba(Zr 0.2 Ti 0.8 )O 3 Àx(Ba 0.7 Ca 0.3 )TiO 3 (BZT-xBCT) system has been shown to... more
: In order to study acoustic radiation from the spherical cap transducer, a theoretical model was used by solving the wave equation in spherical coordinates using the method of separation of variables, based on the spherical harmonic... more
This paper presents a numerical and experimental investigation on active flutter suppression of a swept-back cantilevered lifting surface using piezoelectric actuation.
Articles from different areas which are closely related to the modelling of the stator of travelling wave ultrasonic motors (TWUMs) are reviewed in this work. Thus, important issues relevant to this problem are identified from the areas... more
This paper reports the development of a lead free Ba 0.8 Ca 0.2 Ti 0.8 Ge 0.2 O 3 (BCTG) ceramics elaborated by a conventional sintering process. The BCTG exhibits interesting ferroelectric and dielectric properties. The XRD analysis... more
This paper describes the implementation of LabVIEW software to control instruments and acquire data from a piezoelectric energy harvesting test station which is based on a cantilever structure. The experiment is run in the Clean Energy... more