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Sound coming from outside the field of vision, from somewhere beyond, holds a privileged place in the Western imagination. When separated from their source, sounds seem to manifest transcendent realms, divine powers, or supernatural... more
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      MusicologyJean-Luc NancySound studiesEdmund Husserl
Exploration of issues related to music composed for diffusion over loudspeakers, beginning with a historical overview. Subsequent chapters discuss terminology for the classification of such music, theories of listening, approaches to... more
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      Electroacoustic MusicAnalysis of Electroacoustic MusicElectronic MusicListening (Music)
[PT] Um dos paradigmas mais influentes na música contemporânea é o som como material composicional em si mesmo: a expansão das sonoridades, a primazia da escuta e os processos de estruturação que fogem dos parâmetros e formas... more
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      Analysis of Electroacoustic MusicPierre SchaefferOrchestrationMusical Analysis
The main object of this paper is the composition Seven Circles completed in 1959 by Danish composer Else Marie Pade. It is the first piece of purely electronic music composed in Denmark. The paper has three primary focuses which are... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusic TechnologyMagnetic Recording
The article presents the ideas of Pierre Schaeffer (1910–1995), especially the idea of sonic object, and discusses them in the context of philosophical and literary inspirations. The argument is based on Treatise on musical objects (1966)... more
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      Listening (Music)Philosophy of music (Philosophy)Pierre SchaefferMusique Concrète
Da Cage ai Pink Floyd, da Schaeffer e i suoi eredi ai Soft Machine, da Edgar Varèse a Iannis Xenakis, dai compositori acusmatici ai DJ contemporanei, la ricerca elettroacustica ed elettronica ha vissuto e continua a vivere una felicissima... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
An analysis of the relationship between Pierre Schaeffer and the musical avant-garde of 1953, with particular reference to Pierre Boulez and to Schaeffer's shift from musique concrète to recherche musicale. The main source is Schaeffer's... more
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      Experimental MusicSerial MusicPierre SchaefferHistória da Música
Motivated by Marshall McLuhan’s suggestion that advances in technology serve to alter sense perceptions, and that it is the role of artists to be aware of such changes, the author explores intersections and contrasts among five different... more
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      MusicMusic TechnologySound studiesEar Training For Electroacoustics
A música eletroacústica trouxe para o domínio musical todos os sons possíveis de serem capturados por microfones, possibilitando uma relação com o real similar à fotografia, uma representação acústica direta do real, ou ao menos... more
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      Electroacoustic MusicPierre SchaefferMichel ChionMusique Concrète
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      RadioCinemaSound ArtPierre Schaeffer
We begin by listening. A whistle, shrill and piercing, captures our attention. A rhythmic chugging begins, a circular churning that informs us we are listening to the sound of a train. It doesn't take the ear long to make this assessment.... more
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      PhenomenologyExperimental MusicPierre SchaefferMusique Concrète
Ten papers or chapters on ORTF's Service de la Recherche. V3 Dix articles ou chapitres sur le Service de la Recherche. V3 Fims and TV-shows analysed among others : Psychodrame (Rossellini, 1956) ; Autoportrait Dubuffet (1964), Le... more
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      HistoryMedia StudiesFrench HistoryFilm Studies
Briefly surveys the 1941–58 activities of Pierre Schaeffer, who created musique concrète in Paris in the late 1940s. Also outlined is his work of 1948–53 — between the beginning of his research into noises and the writing of his manifesto... more
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      Music HistoryElectroacoustic MusicHistory of Music TheoryHistory Of Electroacoustic Music
Les Éditions Allia et les Éditions Université de Minas Gerais publient en septembre, en France et au Brésil, l’Essai sur la radio et le cinéma : esthétique et technique des arts-relais, 1941–1942, de Pierre Schaeffer (1910–1995). Écrit à... more
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      MusicologyRadio And Sound StudiesFilm Music And SoundSoundscape Studies
¿Qué es el objeto sonoro? La fenomenología del sonido en Pierre Schaeffer Por Francisco Rivas Texto presentado durante el Homenaje por los 100 años del nacimiento de Pierre Schaeffer, Museo de Arte Moderno, Rijeka, Croacia, Octubre 2010
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      Pierre SchaefferObjeto Sonoro
 Cette recherche de thèse vise à reconstruire des éléments de genèse de la composition électroacoustique de Pierre Boulez dans les années cinquante à travers l’étude d’esquisses et de manuscrits conservés au Paul Sacher Stiftung. Notre... more
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      MusicologyAntonin ArtaudElectroacoustic MusicAnalysis of Electroacoustic Music
NOTE: A more comprehensive analysis of Schaeffer's "sound object" based on this essay appears as chapter 1 of Sound Unseen. I recommend to researchers working on Pierre Schaeffer to consult that chapter. ABSTRACT: The work of Pierre... more
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      MusicPhenomenologySound studiesAcousmatic
[ITA] A discussion and a reorganisation from a semiotic viewpoint of Schaeffer's Theory of listening
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      SemioticsPierre SchaefferSemiotics of Perception and Cognition
Abstract La musica elettroacustica, nata sul finire degli anni quaranta del Novecento e diffusa in seguito all’assunzione della radio a medium comunicativo di massa, ha segnato un passaggio epocale nel modo di concepire la musica in... more
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      Music PsychologyElectroacoustic MusicSound DesignCinema
How to cite: Syroyid Syroyid, B. (2021). Traité des objets musicaux de Pierre Schaeffer: Breve guía conceptual para las correlaciones entre la señal física y el objeto musical. Sul Ponticello, Cofa del vigía, 79, pp. 1-16.... more
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      PhysicsAcousticsTheoretical PhysicsMusic
El Tratado de los Objetos Musicales de Pierre Schaeffer (1966/2008) es una obra que ha moldeado la estética del arte sonoro actual mediante un nuevo paradigma para concebir la música a través del prisma del objeto sonoro. Schaeffer fue un... more
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      MusicMusicologyListening (Music)Pierre Schaeffer
On Reiko Kudo, Gilles Deleuze, Pierre Schaeffer. Published in Pierre Schaeffer: mediArt. Edited by Jerica Zihrel. Rijeka: Museum  of Modern and Contemporary Art, 2011.
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      Gilles DeleuzePierre Schaeffer
Dans ce qui suit, nous établissons le texte d’un original inédit de Pierre Schaeffer, l’Essai sur la radio et le cinéma : esthétique et technique des arts-relais, de 1941–1942.
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      MusicologyAvant-Garde CinemaSound and ImageRadio And Sound Studies
‘Pierre Schaeffer's Typo-Morphology of Sonic Objects’ proposes to present to the English-speaking reader the two accomplished stages of Schaeffer's 1966 solfège, namely typology and morphology, as expounded in Traité des objets musicaux,... more
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      Radio And Sound StudiesSoundscape StudiesSound studiesElectroacoustic Music
This essay introduces the reader to Jean-Luc Nancy’s writing on listening, by focusing on his use of two French verbs that both mean ‘to listen’, namely entendre and écouter. By playing close attention to way that Nancy differentiates... more
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      Jean-Luc NancyPierre SchaefferSubjectivityListening
Pierre Schaeffer's notion of reduced listening, closely related to his concept of the objet sonore (sound-object), encourages analytical attention to internal sound relationships only, downplaying real-world associations. This approach to... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesAnalysis of Electroacoustic MusicListening (Music)
The discussion on uses of the concept of “musical object” highlights the difficulties of the project – put forward by Pierre Schaeffer (1966) – of basing his definition on the idea of “objet sonore”. Moreover, the idea of assimilating the... more
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      MusicMusicologyOntology of MusicMusic Cognition
This essay elucidates a connection between site, sound and memory by looking to the ways that those aural experiences are framed in works of sound art. I focus on the ambient / experimental / sound art work of Alan Lamb and Lawrence... more
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      Australian StudiesSoundscape StudiesAustraliaAustralian society
Yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısıyla birlikte Batı klasik müzik geleneğinden gelen avangart müzisyenler kompozisyon anlamında müzik dünyasına yeni tanımlamalar getirmişlerdir. Bu tanımlamaların bir sonucu olarak müzik geleneğinden... more
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      Sound ArtPierre SchaefferJohn CageEdgard Varese
Robin Maconie  et -ce qui est un peu plus surprenant -de Michael Nyman  , dans les années soixante-dix, Pierre Schaeffer était encore présenté comme le perdant, sur les plans technique et intellectuel, de l'affrontement entre musique... more
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      Radio And Sound StudiesSonic ArtSound studiesPhonography
Giorgio Battistelli negli anni’70 è un giovane compositore che studia e frequenta i grandi maestri che hanno rivoluzionato la concezione musicale del dopo guerra e soprattutto degli anni’50 come Berio e Stockhausen ma che non avevano a... more
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      Antonin ArtaudPierre SchaefferKarlheinz StockhausenLuciano Berio
Electroacoustic music, legend has it, was born in 1956 when, in Stockhausen’s Gesang der Jünglinge, the materials of musique concrète and those of elektronische Musik blended. Musique concrète and elektronische Musik, however, amounted... more
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      Experimental Media ArtsAnalysis of Electroacoustic MusicHistory Of Electroacoustic MusicExperimental Music
A música permeia a vida das pessoas das mais diversas culturas. Sua prática, independentemente do fim a que sirva, perpassa diversas civilizações. Sua recepção, por conseguinte, também. Desde a invenção da rádio, o acesso a repertórios... more
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      Theodor AdornoListening (Music)Pierre SchaefferEducação Musical
I suoni e le immagini sembrano appartenere a due forme dell’esperienza profondamente distinte. Due registri sensoriali antitetici cui corrispondono due fenomeni accostabili, ma mai completamente unibili. Eppure si ricorre spesso... more
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      MusicPhilosophy Of LanguagePerceptionSound and Image
This paper will explore how narratives of listening have been incorporated into sound studies' analyses over the last three decades. By narratives of listening I mean narratives borrowed from literary works whose focus lies primarily on... more
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      LiteratureSound studiesVictorian LiteratureFranz Kafka
A comparison of Schaeffer’s "Cinq Études de Bruits", and his ideas at the time of its release, with his works of the late 1950s and after, in the context of the history of electroacoustic music through that period.
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      MusicElectroacoustic MusicPierre SchaefferMusique Concrète
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      MusicologyJohann Wolfgang von GoetheCultural MusicologyElectroacoustic Music
Elucidar o papel da técnica da Escuta Reduzida no Solfejo do Objeto Sonoro (SOS) de 1966 de Pierre Schaeffer por métodos: (1) diacrônico, construindo sua gênese como exposta numa seleção de textos escritos, publicados ou citados por... more
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      Pierre SchaefferTeoria da MúsicaMúsicaMúsica Experimental
The article presents a phenomenological investigation of body and music, with particular emphasis on electronic music. The investigation builds on theoretical framework developed in phenomenological investigations in art by Edmund... more
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      MusicAestheticsPhenomenologyElectronic Music
Sound Unseen: Acousmatic Sound in Theory and Practice, by Brian Kane, Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press, 2014, 336 pp., £44.99 (hardback), ISBN 9780199347841 / 2016, 336 pp., £18.99 (paperback), ISBN: 9780190632212 The Order of... more
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      Sound studiesGilles DeleuzeGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariAcousmatic
Refaço, através da exposição diacrônica de excertos sobre a percepção aural escritos por Pierre Schaeffer entre 1938 e 1969, a trajetória que me leva da música eletroacústica ao estudo musical do funk carioca. Ela implica uma pedagogia... more
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      Pierre Schaeffer(etno)musicologiaEscutaSonologia
Tese de doutorado, publicada originalmente pela Educ (PUCSP), 1998 (esgotado). Leitura do conceito de diferença de Gilles Deleuze e sua pertinência à escuta musical. O livro traz analises de obras de Messiaen, Brian Ferneyhough; uma... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeContemporary MusicGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariRepetition (Music Theory)
The word ‘acousmatic’ has a strange and complicated history. Recent Schaefferian accounts have replicated Franc ̧ ois Bayle’s sketch of the ‘histoire du mot’ from his Musique acousmatique – in particular, the assumed synonymy between... more
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      MusicSound studiesAcousmaticPierre Schaeffer
Esta pesquisa coloca em discussão a escuta e seu objeto – o som – no intuito de afirmar um caráter de construção para ambos. Voltando-me para a escuta musical, o foco é nos escritos de Pierre Schaeffer, compositor, teórico da música,... more
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      Pierre SchaefferListeningEscutaEletroacoustic Music
A reassessment of musique concrète, comprising historical contextualization, critical synopsis, and interpretation of Schaeffer's trajectory, from the Études de bruits (1948) to Traité des objets musicaux (1966). Henry's Variations pour... more
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      Electroacoustic MusicAudio And Radio ArtsExperimental MusicSerial Music
Aiming at examining Schaefferian phenomenology from the viewpoint of phenomenology proper, and in particular, critically observing how successfully Schaeffer understood the workings of key phenomenology concepts and applied them to his... more
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      PhenomenologyAcousmaticPierre SchaefferEpoché
An analysis of the relationship between Pierre Schaeffer and the musical avantgarde of 1953, with particular reference to Pierre Boulez and to Schaeffer’s shift from musique concrète to recherche musicale. The main source is Schaeffer’s... more
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      Music HistoryMusic AestheticsElectroacoustic MusicHistory of Music Theory
Pierre Schaeffer – engenheiro, músico, escritor, inventor da música concreta – publicou em 1966 seu Traité des objets musicaux, resultado de uma pesquisa de pelo menos 15 anos realizada por seu grupo de pesquisas (GRM – Groupe de... more
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      Pierre SchaefferEscuta
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      Diplomatic HistoryCultural StudiesMusic and PoliticsDiplomatic Studies
A reassessment of musique concrète, comprising historical contextualization, critical synopsis, and interpretation of Pierre Schaeffer's trajectory, from the Études de bruits (1948) to Traité des objets musicaux (1966). Pierre Henry's... more
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      Music HistoryElectroacoustic MusicExperimental Music20th century Avant-Garde