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Présence de l'œuvre, présence à l'œuvre
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      Art HistoryPhenomenologyPresenceExistence
Texte paru dans le numéro double de la revue Critique, "Vivre dans un monde abîmé" dirigé par Marielle Macé et Romain Noël. Description de l’œuvre de Pierre Huyghe "After ALife Ahead" (2017) et ouverture sur un champ de l'art... more
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      Contemporary ArtSpeculative RealismExtinctionPierre Huyghe
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      Time StudiesSculptureTemporalityPierre Huyghe
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      Joseph BeuysPhilippe DescolaAnthropocenePierre Huyghe
Pierre Huyghe redefines the boundaries of contemporary art. As a traveler between the heterogenous zones of culture and its history, he is always searching for new formal languages. His work draws the viewer into a world in which fiction... more
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      Contemporary ArtVideo ArtFilm ExhibitionExhibitions
This issue of Antennae is part of a project informed by the exhibition 'Making Nature: How We See Animals' held at Wellcome Collection in London and, like the previous, is co-edited with Honor Beddard, who curated it. This installment,... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesContemporary ArtPosthumanism
In this paper, I consider Bruno Latour in the context of contemporary art. The central claim is Latour works like an artist. But, it is not argued that terms from Latour’s theory can be used to better understand contemporary art. Instead,... more
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      Contemporary ArtActor Network TheoryBruno LatourRelational aesthetics
Over the past two decades, French artist Pierre Huyghe has produced an extraordinary body of work in constant dialogue with temporality. Investigating the possibility of a hypothetical mode of timekeeping - “parallel presents” - Huyghe... more
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      Art HistoryInstallation ArtContemporary ArtHistory and Memory
Les textes de Michel Henry ont un retentissement tout particulier dans l'histoire de la phénoménologie puisque son oeuvre « en recèle une possibilité encore à peine aperçue », comme le souligne Jean-Luc Marion dans son Avant-Propos. Cette... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPhenomenologyAutopoiesis
Among the most interesting artists of the emerging post-internet generation, Ed Atkins (Oxford, b.1982)refers to both the history of cinema and electronic media in his lm production. His high-definition video animations are conceived as... more
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      New MediaAnimationPerformance StudiesContemporary Art
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      Antonio NegriExperience EconomyAffect (Cultural Theory)Pierre Huyghe
Mediengebrauch ist heute nicht mehr an einzelne Künste gebunden, sondern an Kunstaktivitäten. Dieser Entgrenzung versuchte man auf theoretischer wie kunstpraktischer Ebene entgegenzusteuern, indem einzelne Medien und Dispositive zu neuen... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtVideo Art
This short essay is part of the catalogue of the exhibition "Opéra Monde. La quête d'un art total" at Centre Pompidou-Metz (2019-2020). It proposes an overview of the operatic group show "Il Tempo del Postino" (2007), curated by Hans... more
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      Contemporary ArtManchesterMatthew BarneyÓlafur Elíasson
Interview about Pierre Huyghe's project 'A Forest of Lines' at the Sydney Opera House for the Biennale of Sydney, 2008
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtMelancholyDesire
"The French contemporary artist Pierre Huyghe enjoys international acclaim, witness the many one-person and group exhibitions in which his work has been featured, and the prizes he has been awarded. His workplace in New York City, where... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeRoland BarthesDeleuzeMichel Foucault
Pierre Huyghe redefines the boundaries of contemporary art. As a traveler between the heterogenous zones of culture and its history, he is always searching for new formal languages. His work draws the viewer into a world in which fiction... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtVideo ArtExhibitions
Based on György Kepes’s call for ecological consciousness in the arts (1972) and taking Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) as a departing point, this paper examines the continuous growth of interconnectedness between art and ecological... more
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      Real-time SystemsSculptureArt and ActivismGyorgy Kepes
Description et analyse de la série d'aquariums intitulés Zoodram, dans le cadre d'un mémoire de recherche sur le vivant mis-en-scène dans l'œuvre de l'artiste contemporain français Pierre Huyghe.
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryPerforming ArtsAnimals in Art
Mémoire de Master en Histoire de l’Art Université de Strasbourg - septembre 2021 Cette recherche est spéciste. Elle ne s'intéresse qu’à la manière dont une espèce, la nôtre, conçoit et présente celles qui l'entourent, sans elle-même... more
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      Contemporary ArtAnimal StudiesEcologyHistory of Art
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      Pier Paolo PasoliniFrancis AlÿsJosé Carlos MartinatPablo Sigg
I argue that the question of what works of art do is inextricably bound up with an ontological question of what it is that is doing the doing. In others words, the question of what is being done by the artwork cannot be answered without... more
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      Art HistorySystems ThinkingPostmodernismModernism (Art History)
Pour une intensité variable du maintenant
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      PhilosophiePhilosophie Française ContemporaineTempsPierre Huyghe
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      Pier Paolo PasoliniFrancis AlÿsJosé Carlos MartinatPablo Sigg
The Third Memory: Realms of Fiction in The Art of Pierre Huyghe - This paper focuses on The Third Memory, a re-enactment of Dog Day Afternoon (Lumet, 1975) by French artist Pierre Huyghe. By starting with the theoretical perspective... more
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      Re-EnactmentsRelational aestheticsPierre HuygheIntermediality, transmediality
Der Artikel konfrontiert die Kölner Retrospektive des französischen Künstlers Pierre Huyghe (Museum Ludwig, 2014) mit dem "Versuch einer Kosmologie" des angloamerikanischen Mathematikers und Philosophen Alfred North Whitehead. Diese an... more
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      PerformativityAlfred North WhiteheadProcess PhilosophyPerformance and performativity
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      Art HistoryArchitectureFilm StudiesContemporary Art
This practice-based PhD takes the form of a web-based archive of sounds and music from a parafictional seaside town in North East England called Seaton Snook, and an accompanying commentary. The archive features a wide range of individual... more
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      MusicComposition (Music)Digital ArchivesMetafiction
Dans l'œuvre de Pierre Huyghe, la présence animale, sans remettre en question la présence humaine, peut aider à définir ce qui fait «l'humain de l'homme». C'est notamment l'une des ambitions de son film Untitled (Human Mask) (2014)... more
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      EthologyEcopoeticsModern and Contemporary ArtPierre Huyghe
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtGuy DebordCinema Studies
Part of a special section in this issue of OCTOBER on the theory of "relational aesthetics" advanced by Nicolas Bourriaud, then director of the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. I examine the theory in relation to the work of Pierre Huyghe. The... more
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      Art and societyPierre HuyghePhilippe Parreno
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      Walter BenjaminDonna HarawayNatural History DioramasHistory of Exhibitions
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      Walter BenjaminDonna HarawayNatural History DioramasHistory of Exhibitions
Ina Blom's 2007 book On the Style Site: Art, Sociality, and Media Culture is the most sustained and sophisticated attempt so far to analyse, from the perspective of post-autonomist debates concerning biopolitics and immaterial labour, the... more
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      MarxismInstallation ArtContemporary ArtSpectacle
Mmmmm… Manifest beschwört der philippinische Künstler David Medalla den seit der Antike herumgeisternden Traum der Verlebendigung einer Statue. Pygmalion, so der Name des berühmten Protago nisten, verliebte sich bekanntlich in das von ihm... more
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      Real-time SystemsAesthetics Of NatureCatherine MalabouTemporality (Time Studies)
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      Systems TheorySculptureJack BurnhamPierre Huyghe
In 1927, the British aeronautical engineer J.W. Dunne published a treatise in which he suggested that dreams were comprised not only of images of the past, but also incorporated memories of the future. In developing this radical theory of... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPhilosophy of TimeObject Oriented Ontology
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      Contemporary ArtAesthetics Of NatureSculpturePierre Huyghe
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      Contemporary ArtPierre Huyghe
Pratiche della post-esposizione nell'Età dell'Asimmetria, per un'estetica dell'eerie Non voglio esporre qualcosa a qualcuno, ma piuttosto il contrario: qualcuno a qualcosa.
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPosthumanismCritical Posthumanism
En créant un espace de mise en présence, et de rencontre avec le vivant et les relations qui le constituent, des artistes comme Pierre Huyghe ou Tomás Saraceno questionnent la division ontologique entre le spectateur et l'oeuvre qui... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryAnimal Behavior
Cosmic Depths So Close. Why Contemporary Art Metabolizes the Anthropocene, in: Gabriele Mackert, Paul Petritsch (Ed.): „Humans make Nature. Landscapes of the Anthropocene“, University of Applied Art, Vienna Walter de Gruyter,... more
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      Contemporary ArtAnthropocenePierre Huyghe
Essay by Amelia Barikin and Victoria Lynn for Pierre Huyghe solo exhibition at TarraWarra Museum of Art, Australia, 2015
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtScience FictionPhilosophy of Time
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      PhilosophyContemporary ArtAesthetics Of NatureSculpture
L’attention critique s’est cristallisee à Paris, cet automne, autour des expositions de deux des enfants chéris de la scène française et de l’esthetique relationnelle, Pierre Huyghe et Philippe Parreno. Une concomitance de date qui a... more
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      Relational aestheticsExhibitionsPierre HuyghePhilippe Parreno
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtScience FictionTime Travel
Este artículo analiza un conjunto de manifestaciones artísticas contemporáneas que se caracterizan por su voluntad de aprehender la naturaleza viva, desbordando, con ello, las lógicas tradicionales de la... more
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      Contemporary ArtGilles DeleuzeBioartJacques Derrida
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      Real-time SystemsSculptureArt And EcologyTime Based Art
From conceptual art to asemic writing: the methodological approach of proceeding by definition.
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      Languages and LinguisticsContemporary PoetryConceptual ArtPostmodern Literature