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As stated in the Preface (IX-XII), this volume is a selection of fifteen papers presented at three meetings (2004, 2005, and 2006) held by the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics and which have been regrouped by the editors into... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsPidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole Languages
The twenty-three years (1934-1957) between the end of the US Occupation and the start of the Duvalier era were a dynamic period of introspection and change in Haitian society. The relatively high degree of freedom of expression, the... more
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      Cultural HistoryEducationLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguistics
ABSTRACT In this paper, we study for the first time the unpublished multilingual poetry written by Sanandrean linguist Oakley Forbes. We also explore his role in the translation of Juan Ramírez Dawkins’ poems. In these two unknown aspects... more
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      MulticulturalismTranslation StudiesMultilingualismCaribbean Literature
Volume 1 - study. Libro en tres tomos sobre los villancicos de negro. Gran parte de los textos de poesías (vol. 3) y de las transcripciones (vol. 2) han sido tomados de otros autores/compiladores, He intentado conseguir todos los permisos... more
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      MusicologyRace and RacismPidgin and Creole LanguagesSpanish Literature of the Golden Age
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      LanguagesAnthropologySociology of LanguageSouthern Studies (U.S. South)
Esperantists create a varied group of both speakers and supporters. The sociolinguistic categories often overlap and thus the movement consists of diverse examples: non-movement speakers, supporters not speaking Esperanto and finally... more
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      Language revitalizationSociolinguisticsMinority LanguagesPidgin and Creole Languages
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    • Pidgin and Creole Languages
With Haitian Creole, Albert Valdman breaks new ground in yet another outstanding publication. His many single-authored and multiple-authored books and dictionaries form one of the more influential forces in Haitian Creole and Louisiana... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsCaribbean StudiesCreole languages and educationPidgin and Creole Languages
This paper uses corpus data, primarily that from the NaijaSynCor project, but also those harvested from the Nairaland Forum, to study the composition, semantics and syntax of lightverb constructions (LVCs) in Naija, an English-lexifier... more
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      SemanticsSyntaxPidgin and Creole LanguagesNigerian Pidgin
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      Historical LinguisticsPacific Island StudiesSociolinguisticsPidgin and Creole Languages
Paper presented at the International Conference ‘Language contact in India: Historical, typological and sociolinguistic perspectives’, Deccan College, Pune, India, February 4th, 2016
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      South Asian StudiesSouth AsiaPidgin and Creole LanguagesFrench
La Guyane est la seule région au monde où se côtoient des langues créoles à base française et des langues créoles à base anglaise. Parmi les créoles à base lexicale française présents en Guyane, on compte le créole guyanais, divers... more
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      Pidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole LanguagesGuyane françaiseFrench Guiana
The present article scrutinises the linguistic research on word-formation processes in Tok Pisin the major pidgin language in Papua New Guinea. In the first part of this work, a few important facts about the very language Tok Pisin are... more
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      Pidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole Languages
The aim of this chapter is to provide a survey of the external ecology and of the internal organisation of the French-related creoles of the Indian Ocean. It provides an account of the development of Indian Ocean Creoles (IOC) and... more
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    • Pidgin and Creole Languages
Unserdeutsch, in der englischsprachigen Fachliteratur auch unter dem Namen Rabaul Creole German bekannt, ist die einzige deutsch relexifizierte Kreolsprache der Welt. Es ist um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert unter mixed-race... more
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      Germanic linguisticsGerman diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Pidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole Languages
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      PhilologyHistoryHistorical LinguisticsPolynesia
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      Contact LinguisticsItalian StudiesColonialismPidgin and Creole Languages
Since its second issue in November 1969, Kivung (rebranded as Language & Linguistics in Melanesia - LLM in 1981) has come to be a repository for writing about the languages of Melanesia and a reflection of the many interests of members of... more
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      BibliographyPidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole LanguagesPapua New Guinea
Ce texte propose un compte rendu de "Comparative Creole Syntax. Parallel Outlines of 18 Creole Grammar" ), édité par John Holm et Peter L. Patrick,chez Battlebridge, en 2007. L'ouvrage offre des descriptions grammaticales de dix-huit... more
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      SyntaxPidgin and Creole Languages
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      Pidgins & CreolesAmazoniaAmazonian LanguagesSouth American indigenous languages
This paper looks at perceptions of heritage language in two minority communities in Malaysia: the Aceh community at Kampung Aceh in Kedah; and the Portuguese-Eurasian community at the Portuguese Settlement in Malacca. The heritage... more
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      Pidgin and Creole LanguagesAcehnese Language
This paper investigates changes in the dialect of a group of northern Japanese immigrants from the Tôhoku dialect speaking areas who migrated to Hawai‘i. The speakers moved to Hawai‘i as sugar plantation workers between 1899 and 1923 and... more
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      SociolinguisticsJapaneseLinguisticsPidgin and Creole Languages
Paper presented at 31st Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Boston University, March 3, 2000
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      LexicographyPidgin and Creole LanguagesGuyane françaiseSuriname
This paper looks at perceptions of heritage language in two minority communities in Malaysia: the Aceh community at Kampung Aceh in Kedah; and the Portuguese-Eurasian community at the Portuguese Settlement in Malacca. The heritage... more
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      PortugueseEndangered LanguagesPidgin and Creole LanguagesHeritage language studies
Western Europe and what was the USSR (Limage), and Malaysia (Davey). The third section has six papers focusing on the official language campaign in California (Diamond, Nunberg, Woolard, Dyste) and Florida (Castro, Haun, and Roca). This... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAnthropologyLinguistic AnthropologyLinguistics
Pichi, an Afro-Caribbean English-lexifier Creole spoken on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea, features four types of reiteration. Amongst them, reduplication and repetition can be distinguished on formal and semantic grounds.... more
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      African StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsAfricanaCaribbean Studies
Chi ma nkongo (‘I am of the Congos’) is a two-volume treatise on the Lumbalu, the ritual performances carried out at funerals in Palenque, Colombia, a place of special interest to creolists for its Spanish-based creole language... more
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      Pidgin and Creole LanguagesFunerary PracticesPalenquero Creolesubstrate transfer
This paper focuses on a group of geographically-disparate, but related English-based creoles - Bislama (Vanuatu), Solomons Pijin (Solomon Islands), Tok Pisin (PNG) and Kriol (Australia) - spoken in Australia and Melanesia. These languages... more
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      Oceanic languagesPidgin and Creole LanguagesLanguage contactAustralian Aboriginal Languages
Ce papier analyse l'alternance codique en créole mauricien, langue matrice, comme l'émergence d'un registre formel dans une langue dont les usages sociaux se diversifient.Ce papier montre comment l'emprunt et l'alternance codique... more
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      SociolinguisticsPidgin and Creole Languages
La notion de norme et de référence à la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s’intéresse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des règles rigoureuses, que l’observation permet de déterminer. Il... more
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      LanguagesCultural StudiesMulticulturalismSecond Language Acquisition
(Forthcoming) This paper analyses the importance of Pirate English in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries through lenses of contemporary linguistic theories and retrospective research provided by studies in Creole cultures of... more
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      HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsLatin American and Caribbean HistorySociolinguistics
This paper investigates whether the production of social media content itself can resemiotize languages that have been marginalized in a more positive light. To that end, and based on our ongoing interest in analyzing the sociolinguistics... more
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      SemioticsSociolinguisticsSocial MediaWorld Englishes
Paper presented at the Society for Pidgin and Creole Languages Conference, Washington D.C., January 9, 2016.
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      Pidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole LanguagesCaribbean French Creole
Although the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has been making a concerted effort to include 'new' varieties of English, it is not possible to really do justice to the lexicographic description of the linguistic varieties spoken in the many... more
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      Pidgins & CreolesLexicographyCreole languages and educationPidgin and Creole Languages
L'emprise de la langue française minoritaire dans l'enseignement ha"itien est un des problemes fondamentaux — sinon le probleme fondamental — d'Haiti. Quels sont, en effet, les tenants et les aboutissants de la politique linguistique... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLearning and TeachingPolitical HistoryFrench language
The present paper analyzes the earliest known text in Jamaican Creole (Devonish 2011). The authenticity of the textual evidence is fist ascertained in light of the caveats formulated by Hancock (1977) and Rickford (1986), and of the... more
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      Pidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole LanguagesJamaican CreoleCreole linguistics
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      Creole languages and educationPidgin and Creole LanguagesCreolisticsCreole linguistics
This dissertation explores Subject Pronoun Expression (SPE) in Cabo-Verdean Creole (CVC), a Portuguese-based language spoken in the Republic of Cabo Verde. The CVC subject domain has at least three types of nominative anaphora: a subject... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeMorphosyntaxCognitive Linguistics
The African presence in the Indian Ocean has been grossly underestimated in terms of numbers and impact. Not just does it involve a displacement of people from the African continent eastwards, towards Asia, but it has had a significant... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsEthnography
The universality of language does not equally connote cultural homogeneity. Be that as it may, we cannot stay unreceptive when a language is close to total disintegration. The Cavite-based Philippine Creole Spanish, more prevalently... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyPidgin and Creole LanguagesChabacanoPhilippine Spanish Creole
Between 1860 and 1920, a creole language, Tayo, emerged as the community language of Saint-Louis a former Marist mission in southern New Caledonia. This article briefly introduces the demographic history of Saint-Louis and the arrival of... more
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      French HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsFrench Studies
Most postcolonial societies make use of the language(s) of the former colonial power(s) and, additionally, of one or several local or Creole languages. This article analyses the complex linguistic relationships within postcolonial... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLanguage and IdeologyPidgins & CreolesPost-Colonialism
Kot nou vire tourne nou tand li. Serial Verb Constructions at the Interface between Grammar and Culture: Case-Study Kreol Seselwa (Seychelles Creole) Dany Adone, Melanie A. Brück, Astrid Gabel This paper investigates the form and... more
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      EthnolinguisticsPidgin and Creole LanguagesEthnosyntaxSerial Verb Constructions
The standard understanding of Irish is that there are three principal dialects, all rural, and all spoken on Ireland's coastal periphery. The presence of Irish-language radio stations in Dublin and Belfast, however, as well as... more
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      Irish StudiesSecond Language AcquisitionDialectologyPidgins & Creoles
T oday, most people from Hawai'i speak Pidgin, Hawai'i English, or both. This paper presents a brief discussion of the history of both the creole (called Pidgin or Hawaiʻi Creole) and the variety of English spoken in Hawai'i referred to... more
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      Pidgin and Creole LanguagesLanguage contactHawaii
Neste texto, apresentamos um panorama do fa d'ambô, uma língua crioula de base lexical portuguesa falada na ilha de Ano Bom, na guiné equatorial. embora a colonização portuguesa na ilha de Ano Bom tenha sido irregular, o fa d'ambô é uma... more
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      Pidgin and Creole LanguagesEquatorial GuineaGulf of Guinea
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    • Pidgin and Creole Languages
Onde não chegaram os portugueses com as suas caravelas? Desde Ceuta, em Marrocos, conquistada em 1415, ao Japão, alcançado por acaso em 1542 (por três mercadores de peles, Francisco Zeimoto, António da Mota e António Peixoto, que faziam... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPortuguese
This thesis deals with the verbal markers of tense, mood and aspect (TMA) in Cape Verdean Creole (CVC), focussing on the influence of context and time adverbials in determining the markers' meaning. It is based on a corpus recorded in... more
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      ArtCreolizationCreole languages and educationPidgin and Creole Languages
It’s been 17 years since Michel DeGraff ’s seminal 2005 paper ‘Linguists’ most dangerous myth: The fallacy of Creole Exceptionalism’ appeared in Language in Society. DeGraff called out the field of Linguistics for continuing the... more
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      Pidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole LanguagesDecolonisation