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The effect of continental inputs on environmental conditions and chlorophyll-a have been studied monthly in surface water samples from 5 littoral stations in central Lebanese coastal waters for a period of 3 years between September 2009... more
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      LebanonEnvironmental PollutionEutrophicationMediterranean Sea
There is high confidence that the anthropogenic increase of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) is causing modifications in the Earth's climate. Coastal waterbodies such as estuaries, bays and lagoons are among those most affected by the... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyPhytoplankton EcologyWatershed Hydrology
Some sources and biogeochemical processes of the nitrogen cycle were studied to determine the existing balance of this nutrient in the first 300 m of the water column of Alfonso Basin. The seasonal variability of microbial planktonic... more
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      Marine Microbial EcologyNitrogen CycleNitrificationDenitrification
Internal tides of near-semidiurnal frequencies were observed in October 2000 at the ADCP1 station located in oceanic waters (18° 17.478’ N, 67° 48.155’ W), about 10 nautical miles to the NNE of Mona Island with a depth of 481 m. The... more
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      Puerto RicoCaribbean SeaPhytoplankton and primary productionNonlinear Internal Waves
"From 1995 to 2000, daily integrated, water column phytoplankton primary production was estimated on a monthly basis at the CaTS (Caribbean Time-Series Station, 17°36’N, 67°00’W) using available algorithms that relate phytoplankton... more
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      Ocean Primary ProductivityPhytoplankton and primary productionOcean MixingBaroclinic Tides
Increased nutrient loading is regarded as one of the major causes of a shift from macrophyte to phytoplankton dominance in shallow lakes. This work investigates the responses of phytoplankton and epiphyton biomass, macrophytes and algal... more
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      LimnologyWetlandsPhytoplankton EcologyShallow lake ecology
Aquatic plants fulfil a wide range of ecological roles, and make a substantial contribution to the structure, function and service provision of aquatic ecosystems. Given their well-documented importance in aquatic ecosystems, research... more
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      BotanyEnvironmental ScienceEcosystems EcologyPlant Ecology
Sedimentation is a major process for removal of particulate material from the water column and important determinant accounting for the stability of aquatic ecosystems. Gross sedimentation rates (GSR) in Lake Kinneret (Israel), regularly... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyCyanobacteriaDinoflagellatesZooplankton ecology
1] Shelf seas are an important global carbon sink. In the seasonal thermocline, the subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) supports almost half of summer shelf production. Using observations from the seasonally stratified Celtic Sea (June... more
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Bio-optical measurements off Visakhapatnam Coastal Waters (VCW) East Coast of India along Bay of Bengal (BoB) were carried out over several field campaigns in 2009 and 2010. These campaigns were performed over different periods of the... more
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      Bio-opticsOcean Colour Remote SensingPhytoplankton and primary productionFunctional Groups of Phytoplankton
The northwestern coast of the Iberian Peninsula is characterized by a high primary production mainly supported by coastal upwelling, creating an extraordinary commercial interest for fisheries and aquaculture. Considering chlorophyll-a... more
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      ChlorophyllIberian PeninsulaPhytoplankton and primary production
developed further into a powerful tool for verification of remote sensing products as well as validation of ecosystem models using high-accuracy water-leaving radiance measurements.
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      OceanographyEcosystem ModellingPhytoplankton and primary productionPrimary Production
La producción primaria diaria del fitoplancton fue estimada en la estación serial del programa CaTS (Caribbean Time-Series Station, 17° 36’N, 67° 00’0) mediante incubaciones en un fotosintetrón usando radiocarbono, 14C. Generamos curvas... more
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      Puerto RicoPhytoplanktonOcean Primary ProductivityCaribbean Sea
Current study was designed to explore the antiemetic effect of the methanolic extract of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray., leaves using chick emesis model in order to validate their folk use in G.I. disorders. Emesis was induced by... more
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      PhytopathologyPhytoremediationPhytochemistryMacrophytes and heavy metal phytoremediation
Primary productivity and chlorophyll-a were used in this study to monitor the restoration process of southern Iraqi marshes (Al-Hewaizeh, central marshes, and Al-Hammar). The phytoplankton primary productivity was based on oxygen... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyWetland EcologyPhytoplankton and primary production
Particle fluxes at the Cape Verde Ocean Observa- tory (CVOO) in the eastern tropical North Atlantic for the period December 2009 until May 2011 are discussed based on bathypelagic sediment trap time-series data collected at 1290 and 3439... more
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      Time SeriesPhytoplankton EcologyPopulation DynamicsDiatoms as indicators
2013. Productividad primaria bruta y respiración planctónica en el Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano. Hidrobiológica 23 (2): 143-153.
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      Marine BiologyPhytoplankton and primary productionMarine primary productivity
The abundance and diversity of the deep-sea benthos are intimately linked to inputs of organic matter from the euphotic zone. However, it is often difficult to isolate the influence of surface productivity on benthic ecosystems from other... more
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      Pigments (Chemistry)Benthic foraminiferaDeep sea ecologyForaminifera
Many highly eutrophic waters are dominated by Cyanobacteria non-edible for zooplankton. This dominance of large phytoplankton and its exudation as well as the low biomass of small phytoplankton lead to a high ratio of exudation to edible... more
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      BacteriaPhytoplankton and primary production
Monthly hydrographic, primary production, bacterial production, and settling particulate carbon flux observations were collected between November 1995 and December 1997 at 10.5øN, 64.67øW within the Cariaco Basin, off Venezuela. Upwelling... more
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      Carbon SequestrationMultidisciplinaryTime series analysisChemical and Biological Engineering
The measurement of phytoplankton carbon (C phyto ) in the field has been a long-sought but elusive goal in oceanography. Proxy measurements of C phyto have been employed in the past, but are subject to many confounding influences that... more
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      PhytoplanktonPhytoplankton and primary production
Seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton primary production were studied using a high frequency sampling strategy in the external (ENW) and internal (INW) part of Arcachon Bay, during 2002 and. In order to better assess the... more
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      Environmental ScienceOceanographyMarine ScienceFrance
To study the ecology of calcareous dinoflagellates we examined the impact of the SW and NE monsoons on cyst formation using sediment trap material, collected at 1032 m water depth, off Somalia from June 1992 to February 1993. The results... more
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Particle fluxes at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO) in the eastern tropical North Atlantic for the period December 2009 until May 2011 are discussed based on bathypelagic sediment trap time-series data collected at 1290 and 3439 m... more
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      Earth SciencesDiatoms as indicatorsDiatomsPhytoplankton
The Southern Ocean (SO), an area highly sensitive to climate change, is currently experiencing rapid warming and freshening. Such drastic physical changes might significantly alter the SO's biological pump. For more accurate predictions... more
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      Remote SensingPhytoplankton EcologyPhenologySouthern Ocean
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      Phytoplankton EcologyMarine Phytoplankton Taxonomy and EcologyPhytoplankton and primary productionMarine Phytoplankton
Dissolved iodine speciation in surface seawater at a coastal Antarctic site has been studied over a period spanning three austral summers. The sampling site is biologically productive, with a summertime algal bloom accompanying strong... more
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      AntarcticaSouthern OceanPhytoplankton and primary productionPrimary Production
Research toward the impacts of climate change and human activities on marine ecosystems is challenged by the limitations of present-day ecosystem models to address the interrelated spatial dynamics between climate, ocean chemistry, marine... more
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      EcopathProgrammingPhytoplankton and primary productionEcospace
Eutrophication is an increasing global threat to freshwater ecosystems. East Africa's Lake Victoria has suffered from severe eutrophication in the past decades which is partly responsible for the dramatic decline in haplochromine cichlid... more
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      Earth SciencesStable isotope ecologyFreshwater BiologyPreservation
Bathypelagic particle flux signatures from a suboxic eddy ate fluxes dropped from ∼ 52 to 21.4 mg m −2 d −1 from January to February 2010, respectively, mainly due to reduced contribution of shallow-dwelling planktonic foraminifera and... more
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      Earth SciencesDiatoms as indicatorsDiatomsPhytoplankton
In estuaries, the sources of organic matter, its composition, and its functional role in the coastal ecosystem food web are all influenced by dominant estuarine processes. We investigated seasonal variations in the quantity and... more
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      Marine BiogeochemistryGeneralized Linear modelsParticulate organic matterPhytoplankton and primary production
Phytoplankton are the base of the Antarctic food web, sustain the wealth and diversity of life for which Antarctica is renowned, and play a critical role in biogeochemical cycles that mediate global climate. Over the vast expanse of the... more
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      Climate ChangePhytoplankton EcologyPhytoplanktonAntarctica
The spring phytoplankton bloom plays a key role in the dynamics of temperate and polar seas. Nevertheless, the mechanisms and processes behind these blooms remain a subject of considerable debate. We analyzed the influence of deep mixing... more
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      Time SeriesPhytoplankton EcologyPhytoplankton ecology and distributionPhytoplankton
Phytoplankton primary production (PP) was determined in a broad sector of the Térraba-Sierpe National Wetland, Costa Rica, from September to November 2008 in the rainy season and from January to March 2009 in the dry season. Six sampling... more
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    • Phytoplankton and primary production
The distribution and diversity of phytoplankton was studied in the coastal waters of south Andaman Sea during Sept 2011 to Mar 2012. A total of 227 species belonging to 67 genera were recorded in this study. Diatoms made larger... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyPhytoplanktonLimnology, Periphyton, Zooplankton, Phytoplankton, Fish, Macroinvertebrates, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Food Web DynamicsMarine Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology
Dissolved iodine speciation in surface seawater at a coastal Antarctic site has been studied over a period spanning three austral summers. The sampling site is biologically productive, with a summertime algal bloom accompanying strong... more
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We investigated 32 net primary productivity (NPP) models by assessing skills to reproduce integrated NPP in the Arctic Ocean. The models were provided with two sources each of surface chlorophyll-a concentration (chlorophyll),... more
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      Remote SensingPhytoplankton EcologyArctic OceanPhytoplankton and primary production
Phytoplankton community and its relationships with environmental factors were investigated in the surface waters from Malacca Strait (MS) to the connected South China Sea (SCS) in May of 2011. Salinity was significantly lower in MS. No... more
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      Indian OceanSpecies CompositionPhytoplankton and primary productionMalacca Straits
Theoretical pelagic primary production of phytoplankton and benthic primary production of periphyton were modelled in two small lakes of Estonia (north-east Europe). Although located only 500 m apart from each other, the water colour and... more
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      LimnologyEcological ModellingPeriphytonPhytoplankton and primary production
Eutrophication is an increasing global threat to freshwater ecosystems. East Africa's Lake Victoria has suffered from severe eutrophication in the past decades which is partly responsible for the dramatic decline in haplochromine cichlid... more
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      Stable isotope ecologyFreshwater BiologyPreservationStable Isotopes
The addition of iron to high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) oceanic waters stimulates phytoplankton, leading to greater primary production. Large-scale artificial ocean iron fertilization (OIF) has been proposed as a means of mitigating... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological OceanographyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
by C. Rodríguez-Benito, J. Pérez-Marrero, L. Maroto y O. Llinás Se ha calculado la producción primaria integrada en la capa fótica de las aguas del entorno de las Islas Canarias a través de imágenes de color del océano. El... more
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      Remote SensingPhytoplanktonCanary IslandsPhytoplankton and primary production
The fertilizing potential of atmospheric deposition on ocean production in the Mediterranean is a matter of debate. In this study, eight years (from 2000 to 2007) of weekly chlorophyll concentration data derived from SeaWiFS satellite... more
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      Sahara Satellite Remote Sensing & Image ProcessingMarine planktonPhytoplankton and primary production
The composition of particulate organic matter (OM) and photosynthetic pigments (signature of specific algal groups) in sedimentation trap were studied in a deep lake. The export of particulate OM and algal material from the upper... more
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      LimnologyPhytoplankton EcologyFreshwater BiologyFreshwater Ecology
A revised estimate of the relationship between the maximum growth rate (μmax, d−1) of Emiliania huxleyi and temperature (T, °C) was made using quantile regression and literature data from culture experiments (n = 1415). For modeling E.... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyPhytoplankton ecology and distributionPhytoplanktonCoccolithophores
There is high confidence that the anthropogenic increase of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) is causing modifications in the Earth's climate. Coastal waterbodies such as estuaries, bays and lagoons are among those most affected by... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyPhytoplankton EcologyWatershed Hydrology
Seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton primary production were studied using a high frequency sampling strategy in the external (ENW) and internal (INW) part of Arcachon Bay, during 2002 and 2003. In order to better assess the... more
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      Earth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceOceanographyMarine Science
High-latitude oceans are anticipated to be some of the first regions affected by ocean acidification. Despite this, the effect of ocean acidification on natural communities of Antarctic marine microbes is still not well understood. In... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangePhytoplankton EcologyPhytoplankton