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BNCT atau Boron Neutron Capture Therapy adalah salau satu jenis metode pengobatan kanker yang memanfaatkan radiasi neutron. Metode terapi BNCT sudah dilakukan di beberapa negara, seperti Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Finlandia, dan Taiwan.... more
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      Medical Radiation PhysicsCancer radiotherapyPhysics of Radiotherapy
This was analytical study carried out to calculate the amount of radiation dose received by critical organ inside and outside radiation field in external beam radiation therapy of breast cancer to evaluate unnecessary radiation hazard... more
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      Radiation OncologyPatient SafetyCancerBreast Cancer
Abstract - Bolus is a material applied to the surface of a patient for purposes such as compensating irregular patient contour, negating skin sparing, extra attenuating and etc. Unfortunately, because of high cost of super Flab (standard... more
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    • Physics of Radiotherapy
This was analytical study carried out to calculate the amount of radiation dose received by critical organ inside and outside radiation field in external beam radiation therapy of breast cancer to evaluate unnecessary radiation hazard... more
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      Radiation OncologyPatient SafetyCancerScience
Background: In radia􀆟on therapy, peripheral dose or the dose outside the radiotherapy field, is important when anatomical structures with very low dose tolerances are involved. One of these cri􀆟cal organs in pelvic irradia􀆟on is tes􀆟s.... more
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    • Physics of Radiotherapy
Bolus is a material applied to the surface of a patient for purposes such as compensating irregular patient contour, negating skin sparing, extra attenuating and etc. Unfortunately, because of high cost of super Flab (standard bolus... more
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      RadioprotectionPhysics of Radiotherapy
Bolus is a material applied to the surface of a patient for purposes such as compensating irregular patient contour, negating skin sparing, extra attenuating and etc. Unfortunately, because of high cost of super Flab (standard bolus... more
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      RadioprotectionPhysics of Radiotherapy