Physician-Patient Relationship

530 papers
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The physician-patient relationship refers to the dynamic interaction between a healthcare provider and a patient, characterized by mutual trust, respect, and communication. This relationship is essential for effective diagnosis, treatment, and patient satisfaction, influencing health outcomes and adherence to medical advice.
Objective. To identify factors associated with utilization of breast clinical examination (BCE) and their relationship with institutional medical practice. Material and Methods. This is a qualitative study conducted between 1996 and 1997... more
Technicism and voiding of physicians' place as caregivers are caused by training centered on biomedical knowledge acquisition. Criticisms led medical schools to include humanity disciplines in the curriculum, but this has been shown to be... more
Background: Research has found that 48 % of patients are anxious before surgery but patient education which involves preparing them about what to expect is associated with higher satisfaction after surgery. Patient satisfaction is... more
This study reviews the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing healthcare through an analysis of physician-to-physician communication. It seeks to identify the best practices for extracting value from professional medical chats... more
Study objective: We characterize communication in an urban, academic medical center emergency department (ED) with regard to the timing and nature of the medical history survey and physical examination and discharge instructions. Methods:... more
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to critically examine the bioethical implications of advanced healthcare technologies, particularly AI, on patient experience and human identity. I will argue that the increasing reliance on AI risks... more
A primary purpose of research is to generate new knowledge. Scientific advances have progressively identified optimal ways to achieve this purpose. Included in this evolution are the notions of evidence-based medicine, decision aids,... more
In recent decades, many jurisdictions have moved toward legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide, alongside a near-universal increase in public acceptance of medical aid in dying. Here, we draw on a comprehensive quantitative review of... more
Objective: To design and validate an instrument to measure satisfaction with the care received in hospitalized patients. Material and method: A questionnaire on "healthcare during hospitalization" was designed and tested in a pilot study... more
OBJECTIVES: Effective communication is a critical component of quality health care, and to improve it we must understand its dynamics. This investigation examined the extent to which physicians' and patients' preferences for control in... more
This article explores the contradictions within the medical profession, where doctors often model unhealthy behaviors they are trained to treat, such as tattooed dermatologists, smoking cardiologists, and breast health specialists who... more
Background: The correspondence of satisfaction ratings between physicians and patients can be assessed on different dimensions. One may examine whether they differ between the two groups or focus on measures of association or agreement.... more
Objectif : L’empathie est une competence que les etudiants en medecine doivent maitriser. En les mettant au contact d’une relation medecin-malade privilegiee et empathique, le stage chez le medecin generaliste au cours du deuxieme cycle... more
As we have seen, there is a negotiation going on between the restrictive features of a script for a proper medical conversation on the one hand, and a more person-centered attempt to open up the conversation for the patient’s perspectives... more
RESUMO Objetiva-se discutir os desafios e as dificuldades que estudantes de medicina vivenciam na comunicação de más notícias e como percebem o tratamento dado a esses desafios e dificuldades na sua formação universitária. Trata-se de uma... more
Introduction: For a long time patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy were 'captive', and were considered as passive during the administration of their treatment. The development of oral treatments over the last decade has... more
Sections of this article have been adapted from Bluebond-Langner M, DeCicco A, Belasco JB. Involving children with life-shortening illnesses in decisions about participation in clinical research: a proposal for shuttle diplomacy and... more
Purpose: The increasing importance of flexibility in the general practitioner (GP) -patient consultation approach in primary care requires healthcare managers and physicians to find a balance among all the potentially important... more
Ideas sociales para primer año de Medicina
From the perspective of medical anthropology and comparative research, American oncology appears as a unique variant of international biomedical culture, particularly when contrasted with oncological practice in societies such as Japan... more
Objectives. To describe the communicative behaviour by residents at the beginning (reception and first seconds after obtaining information) and closing of the consultation and to evaluate in what way very early interruptions in the... more
Storylines of Family Medicine is a 12-part series of thematically linked mini-essays with accompanying illustrations that explore the many dimensions of family medicine, as interpreted by individual family physicians and medical educators... more
La medicina narrativa ha logrado aunar dos vertientes que parecían, desde hace un tiempo, estar desvinculadas y sin esperanza de confluencia. Por un lado, la práctica clínica potenciada por los avances científicos y tecnológicos, y por... more
Le corps de la médecine et le corps tel qu'il est vécu par le sujet lui-même répondent à deux modes d'appréhension différents, voire deux logiques parfois incompatibles. Le premier relève d'un processus constant d'objectivation, lié à la... more
The decision to prescribe neuroleptics for the treatment of psychosis involves a potentially tragic choice between, on the one hand, a probability of psychosis and a probability of side effects, such as tardive dyskinesia, on the other.... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
BackgroundAn effective patient‐physician relationship (PPR) is essential to the care of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We sought to develop and validate an IBS‐specific instrument to measure expectations of the... more
Cortés-Padilla MT, Rascón-Gasca ML. Factores psicosociales relacionados con la rehospitalización de pacientes con psicosis orgánica Salud Publica Mex 2001;43:529-536. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:... more
Se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de caracterizar la calidad de vida de 50 pacientes con diagnóstico de retinopatía diabética, atendidos en el Centro de Atención al Diabético del municipio de Guantánamo, durante el primer semestre de... more
The author, editors, and reviewers of this guide would like to acknowledge all of those who have worked to focus attention on the promise of reducing the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer, the nation's second-leading cause of... more
This letter from Mumbai includes a short biography of Dr. Vijayprasad Gopichand, a note on the need for physically handicapped physicians and medical personnel to be treated with dignity, pleads for respect to be paid to nurses by... more
En la medida que el yo no es substancia, no puede ser definido, pero sí relatado y relatar es dar sentido a lo heterogéneo, sin unificar... Quizás a la pregunta ¿quién eres? habría que responderle en la forma clásica y contar una... more
PALABRAS CLAVE Grupos Balint; Grupos de reflexión; Relación médico-paciente; Atención primaria; Competencia profesional; Modelo biopsicosocial Resumen Objetivo: Describir el desarrollo de un grupo de reflexión entre profesionales de... more
This study sought to assess the psychometric properties of the 9-item Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) in patients with resected, non-metastatic cancer and eligible for adjuvant chemotherapy. A total of 568 patients were... more
Objective: To design and validate an instrument to measure satisfaction with the care received in hospitalized patients. Material and method: A questionnaire on "healthcare during hospitalization" was designed and tested in a pilot study... more
La atención a la enfermedad se caracteriza por ser una respuesta social con prácticas complejas y heterogéneas, a través de la cual se articulan los diversos modelos médicos para resolver las necesidades y demandas de la enfermedad, del... more
Rationale and Objectives. The diagnostic mammography suite is a microcosm of challenging physician-patient communication in radiology. Little has been written about communication practices in the diagnostic mammography suite, the effect... more
This study sought to assess the psychometric properties of the 9-item Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) in patients with resected, non-metastatic cancer and eligible for adjuvant chemotherapy. A total of 568 patients were... more
This paper is a report of a systematic review conducted to analyse, evaluate and synthesize the rigour of measures used in nursing research to assess empathy, in order to identify a 'gold standard' for application in future studies.... more
En révisant et en élargissant le concept d'impasse dans la théorie relationnelle, l'auteur montre comment, à partir du modèle des maladies auto-immunes, il est possible de postuler l'émergence d'une psychosomatique moderne où l'ensemble... more
In the UK, medical ethics and law are often thought of and taught together, but while 'good medical ethics' is often reflected in law-the need to obtain a patient's adequately informed consent, for example-this is not... more
Context: Despite a mission statement and curriculum that are unique in our country in proposing to direct physicians to primary care (PC), the proportion of doctors graduating from Ben Gurion University (BGU) who choose PC is similar to... more
With the creation of DNA banks, short and long-term studies can be conducted on the DNA of many individuals using stored cells and tissues. These studies allow an analysis of the pathophysiological impact of genetics and help define... more
Since uncertainty is a major challenge in medicine and bears the risk of causing incorrect diagnoses and harmful treatment, there are many efforts to tackle it. For some time, AI technologies have been increasingly implemented in medicine... more
Prior to the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the advocacy of evidence based medicine in the late 20th century, placebo treatments were commonly used by physicians. In current clinical practice, neither a physician's... more
Objective: To design and validate an instrument to measure satisfaction with the care received in hospitalized patients. Material and method: A questionnaire on "healthcare during hospitalization" was designed and tested in a pilot study... more
sychodynamic concepts can be used to help understand and manage certain difficulties that arise within the physician-patient relationship. The concepts of transference, countertransference, and action (in the form of acting out and... more