Physical chromosome mapping

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Physical chromosome mapping is a technique used in genetics to determine the physical locations of genes and other markers on chromosomes. This process involves the use of molecular biology methods to create a detailed map that illustrates the arrangement and distance between various genetic elements within the chromosomal structure.
Previous genome-wide association studies have identified two independent variants in HNF1B as susceptibility loci for prostate cancer risk. To fine-map common genetic variation in this region, we genotyped 79 single nucleotide... more
The current study was conducted at the Botanical Garden, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, SAU, Tandojam, during the Kharif season 2023. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications.... more
Studies of genetically engineered flies and mice have revealed the role that orthologs of the human LIM homeobox LHX4 have in the control of motor-neuron-identity assignment and in pituitary development. Remarkably, these mouse strains,... more
by H. Ji
Programmed cell death is essential for the development of multicellular organisms, yet pathways of plant programmed cell death and its regulation remain elusive. Here we report that ETERNAL TAPETUM 1, a basic helix-loop-helix... more
Two unrelated mildly retarded males with inversions of the X chromosome and nonspecific mental retardation (MRX) are described. Case 1 has a pericentric inversion 46,Y,inv(X)(p11.1q13.1) and case 2 a paracentric inversion 46,Y,inv(X)... more
The completion of the genome sequences of both rice and Magnaporthe oryzae has strengthened the position of rice blast disease as a model to study plant–pathogen interactions in monocotyledons. Genetic studies of blast resistance in rice... more
Large amounts of expression data dealing with biotic stresses in rice have been produced in the past 5 years. Here, we extensively review approximately 70 publications and gather together information on more than 2,500 genes of the rice... more
We previously localized a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 6 affecting milk fat and protein concentration to a 4-cM confidence interval, centered on the microsatellite BM143. We characterized the genes and sequence variation... more
An extra variant G band in a human 9qh+ region was analysed in normally condensed and 5-azacytidine undercondensed chromosomes. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation showed that specific, classical, alphoid and beta satellite DNA was not... more
Centromeres, because of their repeat structure and lack of sequence conservation, are difficult to assemble and compare across organisms. It was recently discovered that rice centromeres often contain genes. This suggested a method for... more
We present the findings of a large linkage study of bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) that involved genomewide analysis of 52 families (448 genotyped individuals) of Spanish, Romany, and Bulgarian descent and further fine mapping of the... more
Mammalian brain sodium channel (BNaC, also known as BNC/ASIC) proteins form acid-sensitive and amiloride-blockable sodium channels that are related to putative mechanosensory channels. Certain BNaC isoforms are expressed exclusively in... more
The Del(13)Svea36H deletion was recovered from a radiation mutagenesis experiment and represents a valuable resource for investigating gene content and function at this region of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 13 and human Chr 6p21.3-23 and 6p25.... more
Toward a Reference Sequence of the Gene-Rich Part of the Highly Polyploid Sugarcane Genome (Plant and Animal Genome XXIII Conference)
Heterotaxia is an aetiologically heterogeneous condition caused by an abnormal left-right axis formation, resulting in reversed left-right polarity of one or more organ systems. In a patient with heterotaxia and a de novo reciprocal... more
This study concerns the evaluation of 19 vegetative and reproductive characters (7 qualitative and 12 quantitative) among 45 accessions belonging to wild and cultivated tetraploid Triticum L. species: T. turgidum L., T. durum Desf., T.... more
Usher syndrome type III is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by progressive sensorineural hearing loss, vestibular dysfunction, and retinitis pigmentosa. The disease gene was localized to 3q25 and recently was identified by... more
In this paper we present the analysis of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in ®ve species of the order Pleuronectiformes (Scophthalmus maximus, Scophthalmus rhombus, Platichthys ¯esus, Solea solea and Solea lascaris), a group of ®sh... more
The Japanese flounder is one of the most widely farmed economic flatfish species throughout eastern Asia including China, Korea, and Japan. Edwardsiella tarda is a major species of pathogenic bacteria that causes ascites disease and,... more
High-density genetic linkage maps of half-smooth tongue sole were developed with 1007 microsatellite markers, two SCAR markers and an F1 family containing 94. The female map was composed of 828 markers in 21 linkage groups, covering a... more
As part of the Trypanosoma cruzi Genome Initiative, we have mapped a large portion of the chromosomal bands XVI (2.3 Mb) and XVII (2.6 Mb) containing the highly repetitive and immunodominant antigenic gene families h49 and jl8.... more
The genetic sequence variation of people from the Indian subcontinent who comprise one-quarter of the world’s population, is not well described. We carried out whole genome sequencing of 168 South Asians, along with whole-exome sequencing... more
To identify the relationship between specific genes and phenotypic features of Williams syndrome. Methods: Subjects were selected based on their deletion status determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization using a panel of 24 BACs and... more
SummarySugar beet (Beta vulgaris) is an important crop plant that accounts for 30% of the world’s sugar production annually. The genus Beta is a distant relative of currently sequenced taxa within the core eudicotyledons; the genomic... more
Infantile spasms (IS) is the most severe and common form of epilepsy occurring in the first year of life. At least half of IS cases are idiopathic in origin, with others presumed to arise because of brain insult or malformation. Here, we... more
Genome-wide association studies provide insight into multigenic diseases through the identification of susceptibility genes and etiological pathways. In addition, the identification of shared variants among autoimmune disorders provides... more
The LEW.1AR1-iddm rat is an animal model of human type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. T1DM susceptibility loci could be localized on chromosome (RNO) 20 in the major histocompatibility complex... more
Double target in situ hybridization to root tip metaphase and interphase cells of Silene cintrana and Silene rothmaleri was used to allocate the position of 18S-5.8S-25S and 5S rRNA genes. In both species, the 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA probe... more
An ultra-high density genetic map containing 34,574 sequence-defined markers was developed in Lupinus angustifolius. Markers closely linked to nine genes of agronomic traits were identified. A physical map was improved to cover 560.5 Mb... more
Respiratory and fermentative pathways coexist to support growth and product formation in Pichia stipitis. This yeast grows rapidly without ethanol production under fully aerobic conditions. and it ferments glucose or xylose under... more
Many plant pathogens show interactions with host development. Pathogens may modify plant development according to their nutritional demands. Conversely, plant development influences pathogen growth. Biotrophic pathogens often delay... more
As part of an international effort to completely sequence the rice genome, we have produced a fine bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based physical map of the Oryza sativa japonicaNipponbare chromosome 4 through an integration of 114... more
A single gene for human TRAF!2 at chromosome 03q21[2 encodes a variety of mRNA species by alternative polyadenylation\ mRNA splicing and transcription initiation
A biomimetic replacement for tooth enamel is urgently needed because dental caries is the most prevalent infectious disease to affect man. Here, design specifications for an enamel replacement material inspired by Nature are deployed for... more
Treatment of highly concentrated C.I. Acid Black 210 dye solution using direct coagulation/ fl occulation-sand fi ltration (without sedimentation) and nano fi ltration has been investigated in this paper. It was found that none of the... more
Differential chromosomal markers between sympatric karyomorphs of the fi sh Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) (Characiformes: Erythrinidae)
The genome sequences of Chlamydia trachomatis mouse pneumonitis (MoPn) strain Nigg (1 069 412 nt) and Chlamydia pneumoniae strain AR39 (1 229 853 nt) were determined using a random shotgun strategy. The MoPn genome exhibited a general... more
Rice was chosen as a model organism for genome sequencing because of its economic importance, small genome size, and syntenic relationship with other cereal species. We have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome fingerprint-based... more
A Polish family was identified in which multifocal clear cell renal carcinoma segregated with a balanced constitutional chromosome translocation, t(2;3)(q33;q21), similar to the renal cell cancer-associated t(2;3)(q35;q21) reported in a... more
The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) is a genomic region containing genes with crucial roles in immune responses. MHC class I and class II genes encode antigen-presenting molecules expressed on the cell surface. To counteract the... more
Schistosoma mansoni is responsible for the neglected tropical disease schistosomiasis that affects 210 million people in 76 countries. Here we present analysis of the 363 megabase nuclear genome of the blood fluke. It encodes at least... more