The physical roots, interpretation, controversies, and precise meaning of the Landauer principle are surveyed. The Landauer principle is a physical principle defining the lower theoretical limit of energy consumption necessary for... more
The physical roots, interpretation, controversies and precise meaning of the Landauer Principle are surveyed. Landauer's principle is a physical principle pertaining to the lower theoretical limit of energy consumption of computation. It... more
This talk addressed the following questions in the public debate at HoTPI: (i) energy dissipation limits of switches, memories and control; (ii) whether reversible computers are possible, or does their concept violate thermodynamics;... more
The frequent misunderstanding of information entropy is pointed out. It is shown that, contrary to fortuitous situations and common beliefs, there is no general interrelation between the information entropy and the thermodynamical... more
We prove that statistical information theoretic quantities, such as information entropy, cannot generally be interrelated with the lower limit of energy dissipation during information erasure. We also point out that, in deterministic and... more
Stochastic resonator systems with input and/or output 1/f noise have been studied. Disordered magnets/dielectrics serve as examples for the case of output 1/f noise with white noise (thermal excitation) at the input of the resonators. Due... more
In a recent article, Nature Communications 7 (2016) 12068, the authors claimed that they demonstrated sub-kBT energy dissipation at elementary logic operations. However, the argumentation is invalid because it neglects the dominant source... more
Stochastic resonator systems with input and/or output 1If noise have been studied. Disordered magnets/dielectrics serve as examples for the case of output 1If noise with white noise (thermal excitation) at the input of the resonators.
Stochastic resonator systems with input and/or output 1If noise have been studied. Disordered magnets/dielectrics serve as examples for the case of output 1If noise with white noise (thermal excitation) at the input of the resonators.
Stochastic resonator systems with input and/or output 1If noise have been studied. Disordered magnets/dielectrics serve as examples for the case of output 1If noise with white noise (thermal excitation) at the input of the resonators.
This talk addressed the following questions in the public debate at HoTPI: (i) energy dissipation limits of switches, memories and control; (ii) whether reversible computers are possible, or does their concept violate thermodynamics;... more
In 1961, Rolf Landauer argued that the erasure of information is a dissipative process 1 . A minimal quantity of heat, proportional to the thermal energy and called the Landauer bound, is necessarily produced when a classical bit of... more
Stochastic resonator systems with input and/or output 1/f noise have been studied. Disordered magnets/dielectrics serve as examples for the case of output 1/f noise with white noise (thermal excitation) at the input of the resonators. Due... more
Stochastic resonator systems with input and/or output 1/f noise have been studied. Disordered magnets/dielectrics serve as examples for the case of output 1/f noise with white noise (thermal excitation) at the input of the resonators. Due... more
Stochastic resonator systems with input and/or output 1/f noise have been studied. Disordered magnets/dielectrics serve as examples for the case of output 1/f noise with white noise (thermal excitation) at the input of the resonators. Due... more