Physical Computing
Recent papers in Physical Computing
The aim of the present article is to analyze the relation of physical computing with the computational thinking dimensions and the transdisciplinary approach of STEM epistemology in inquiry-based learning environments, when the... more
The aim of the present article is to analyze the relation of physical computing with the computational thinking dimensions and the transdisciplinary approach of STEM epistemology in inquiry-based learning environments, when the... more
"It is the contention of this paper that posthuman creativity is already taking place, rather than solely existing in the domain of a biomechanical cyberpunk dream. Manifesting work in both cyberspace and meatspace, the posthuman in this... more
The PhD dissertation Cyberpunk and New Media Art: Digital Art and Performance aims to examine the literary and visual legacy of the Cyberpunk movement and to explore its ideas, concepts and methodologies in the context of New Media... more
From its invention at the end of nineteenth century, cinema has been a composite art form, engaging with a multitude of art and design disciplines (costume, props, sets, credits, etc) often employed to fit or enhance a story. The aura... more
Robotics toolkits and physical computing devices have been used in educational settings for many decades. Based on a techno-historical analysis of the development of 30 years of development of these devices, this monograph examines their... more
This paper presents The Quiet Walk, an interactive mobile artwork for sonic explorations of urban space. The goal of TQW is to find the “quietest place”. An interface on the mobile device directs the user to avoid noisy areas of the city,... more
While existing analytical frameworks (Chion 1994, Coulter 2009) provide basic classification tools for experimental audiovisual works, they fall short in elaborating the variety of compositional possibilities falling within the notion of... more
The paper describes an approach to the control of electromechanical devices for musical purposes (mainly, DC motors and solenoids) using audio signals. The proposed approach can be named ``audio physical computing'', i.e. physical... more
In the last decade, Single-Board Computers (SBCs) have been employed more frequently in engineering and computer science both to technical and educational levels. Several factors such as the versatility, the low-cost, and the possibility... more
A critical commentary that presents and contextualizes a film and video making practice spanning three decades. It locates a contemporary visual music practice within current and emerging critical and theoretical contexts and tracks back... more
CHROMOSCALE presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between different numerical bases... more
The sonification of brainwaves produced by analog electrical and acoustical sounds in Music for Solo Performer by Alvin Lucier, was both an attempt to bypass the acculturated frame of sound ("I think that acoustical phenomena are... more
Esta obra está sujeta a la licencia Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported de Creative Commons. Para ver una copia de esta licencia, visite" """The automatization of... more
The art of electric guitar playing has remained almost unchanged for as long as the instrument has been available, as we know it today (Beauchamp 1937). With only a few notable, rare and eccentric exceptions, such as artist Jimi Hendrix... more
The ‘smart city’ is an oft-cited techno-urban imaginary promoted by businesses and governments alike. It thinks big, and is chiefly imagined in terms of large-scale information communications systems that hinge on the collection of... more
Garnet Hertz describes the concept, design and build process of his OutRun project, a driving arcade game that actually drives.
Combining practices of craft and interaction design opens up new opportunities for both domains but structuring such cross-domain collaboration poses challenges. How to set up a crafter-designer collaboration to utilize the different... more
—The aim of the present article is to analyze the relation of physical computing with the computational thinking dimensions and the transdisciplinary approach of STEM epistemology in inquiry-based learning environments, when the... more
This paper presents The Quiet Walk, an interactive mobile artwork for sonic explorations of urban space. The goal of TQW is to find the "quietest place". An interface on the mobile device directs the user to avoid noisy areas of the city,... more
Microcontroller-based toolkits and physical computing devices have been used in educational settings for many years for robotics, environmental sensing, scientific experimentation, and interactive art. Based on a historical analysis of... more
ABSTRACT This project investigates the potential for designing playful cognitive enrichment activities for captive elephants. We explore the usefulness of applying conceptual frameworks from HCI and game design to the problem of... more
Robotics toolkits and physical computing devices have been used in educational settings for many decades. Based on a techno-historical analysis of the development of 30 years of development of these devices, this monograph examines their... more
The work presented in this paper investigates the potential of tangible interaction to setup algorithmic rules for creating computational models. The research proposes a workflow that allows designers to create complex geometric patterns... more
I explore the conceptual foundations of Alan Turing's analysis of computability, which still dominates thinking about computability today. I argue that Turing's account represents a last vestige of a famous but unsuccessful program in... more
This project investigates the potential for designing playful cognitive enrichment activities for captive elephants. We explore the usefulness of applying conceptual frameworks from HCI and game design to the problem of developing... more
The article summarizes the elaboration of a theoretical and projective body of work developed by the author through design studios VII and VII of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s Design School, as well as from work done at... more
Bajo el título Material en (in): formación uno de tres articulos: el texto «Arquitectura en (in) formación. Sobre la naturaleza de la información en la arquitectura digital» es la reproducción (y traducción al español) de extractos del... more
The purpose of this paper is to argue against the claim that morphological computation is substantially different from other kinds of physical computation. I show that some (but not all) purported cases of morphological computation do not... more
ABSTRACT Digital media are central in almost every aspect of daily life, most notably in how we communicate, understand political issues, reflect (co-)produce, consume, and share knowledge. Perhaps nowhere is this digital influence... more
“Critical making” is an umbrella term for various distinctive practices that link traditional scholarship in the humanities and social sciences to forms of material engagement in order to explore new ways of studying the relationship... more
In this paper, I show how semantic factors constrain the understanding of the computational phenomena to be explained so that they help build better mechanistic models. In particular, understanding what cognitive systems may refer to is... more
The article describes the design, production and usage of the ‘Rumentarium’, a computer-based sound generating system involving physical objects as sound sources. The Rumentarium is a set of handmade resonators, acoustically excited by DC... more
Latest hardware improvements on transceivers supporting Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) make it feasible to con- nect small battery powered devices hundred of meters or even km away. In this paper, we propose a physical computing... more
Multiple realizability (MR) is traditionally conceived of as the feature of computational systems, and has been used to argue for irreducibility of higher-level theories. I will show that there are several ways a computational system may... more
The improvement of STEM education through new pedagogies and technologies has been the chief concern of policy-makers and educators for the past decades. Common threads among the proposed solutions have been to promote inquiry, discovery,... more