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Esta obra aplica a la fraseología un punto de vista que podemos situar dentro de la corriente neohumboldtiana llamada en Rusia "linguo-culturología", y se centra en este caso en la motivación, tanto etimológica como psicolingüística, que... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyProverbsConceptual MetaphorTerminology
The aim of this book is to explore the language of science writing. The method is to describe scientific research articles on the basis of a computer-held text archive (a corpus). While many features of language have been identified in... more
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      English for Specific PurposesCorpus LinguisticsPhraseologyCollocation
La selección de terminología para la elaboración de un glosario especializado se encuentra en la etapa de extracción o vaciado terminológicos de la documentación ante cuatro problemas cruciales. El primer problema lo constituyen los... more
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No es ninguna novedad que, para conocer una cultura, uno debe conocer la lengua en que ésta se expresa. Tampoco es nada nuevo decir que, para conocer una lengua hay que conocer la cultura que está "detrás" de la misma 1 . Pero no es menos... more
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      LexicologyPragmaticsSemanticsLinguistic Anthropology
Semantic preference and semantic prosody are subtle aspects of meaning that are best revealed by the analysis of electronic text corpora. They are especially strong in the case of phraseological units (both within such units and with... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsPhraseology
"Corpus linguistics has contributed to lexicography in a number of ways (cf. Hanks, 2009). However, it is probably in the lexicographical treatment of phraseology that corpus linguistics has had the most revolutionizing effect. Evidence... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLexicographyPhraseologyPedagogical Lexicography
Link to this article: How to cite this article: Lynne Flowerdew (2015). Corpus-based research and pedagogy in EAP: From lexis to genre.
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      PhraseologyLexical BundlesLexisLexical Approach
Proverbs are found in all world languages and although they may vary in terms of their subject matter and function, it is generally accepted that the majority adhere to certain grammatical formations regardless of language, and that... more
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      FolkloreLanguages and LinguisticsProverbsStylistics
English is a language particularly rich in idioms. It has about 25,000 idioms. Without them the English language would lose much of its variety and humor both in speech and writing.
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhraseology
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      LexicologyCorpus LinguisticsMetaphorPhraseology
a presente comunicación constituye una propuesta metodológica y didáctica sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las unidades fraseológicas (UFs) en las segundas lenguas. Las características formales y semánticas de estas... more
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      Cognitive SemanticsMetaphorPhraseologySpanish as a Second Language
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      Language TestingVocabulary AcquisitionPhraseologyFormulaic Language
Este volumen, que contiene 33 contribuciones de investigadores internacionales dedicadas a la paremiología, viene a ser complementario del libro que Pamies y Dobrovol'skij dedicaron por las mismas fechas a las locuciones (Linguo-cultural... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyProverbsPhraseologyParemiology
The second volume of the IDP series contains papers by phraseologists from five continents: Europe, Australia, North America, South America and Asia, which were written within the framework of the project Intercontinental Dialogue on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and Linguistics
There is little dispute that formulaic sequences form an important part of the lexicon, but to date there has been no principled way to prioritize the inclusion of such items in pedagogic materials, such as ESL/EFL textbooks or tests of... more
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      VocabularyReadingCorpus LinguisticsVocabulary Acquisition
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      PhraseologyFraseologiaLessicografia italianaLessicografia
El presente capítulo aborda los desarrollos recientes de la fraseología computacional, la cual engloba tanto el procesamiento de expresiones multiverbales como la aplicación de técnicas de PLN para el análisis de unidades fraseológicas... more
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    • Phraseology
In the past decades the lexicographic research was increasingly focused on the role of new tools such as corpus-based methods in the practical and theoretical work. Sulikowska compares in this paper the description and definition of a... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLexicographyPhraseology
""One of the key areas of international paremiological scholarship in modern times has been the analysis of proverbial markers and the concept of ‘proverbiality’ (Arora, 1984). Many scholars have directed their attention to questions of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIrish StudiesFolkloreLanguages and Linguistics
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    • Phraseology
Resumen: Este artículo parte de los tres pasos que establece Glorias Corpas para la traducción de unidades fraseológicas: identificación de la unidad, interpretación de la misma y búsqueda y establecimiento de correspondencias en dos... more
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      Translation and InterpretationPhraseologyParemiologyTranslation and Interpreting
Aunque los criterios definitorios del concepto de unidad fraseológica empiezan a alcanzar cierto consenso, sigue habiendo aspectos polémicos. Los tres criterios fundamentales (multilexicalidad, fijación e idiomaticidad) están... more
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Manual que se inscribe no eido da fraseoloxía e paremioloxía aplicada ao ensino e aprendizaxe do galego. Achega unha proposta de unidades fraseolóxicas organizadas tematicamente e acompañadas de caricaturas de Evaristo Corujo Martínez... more
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      Galician StudiesPhraseologyParemiologyGalician language
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The chapter investigates the behavior of multi-word patterns in legal translation. Its objective is to explore the patterning of translator-mediated multilingual legislation with a view to gaining a better understanding of how the... more
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      European StudiesTranslation StudiesEuropean LawCorpus Linguistics
This paper proposes to rethink the study of oral performativity in the context of modern cognitive science. To that end, we list a number of so-far unrecognized parallels between the Parry-Lord theory of composition in performance and... more
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      HomerOral TraditionsCognitive LinguisticsConstruction Grammar
Parents and students often seem to believe that knowing a foreign language may enable the latter to be more successful in the future. Teaching and learning of any language requires both considerable effort as well as proper instruction.... more
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This research project is based on the assumption that audiovisual translation (AVT ) performs a social and cultural function over its viewers, thus still justifying studies that focus on linguistic issues. This is particularly striking... more
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      PhraseologySubtitlingAudiovisual TranslationDocumentary Films
The most characteristic type of phraseological units in legal English are binomial pairs, which are a sequence of two words belonging to the same grammatical category and joined by a copulative or disjunctive coordinating conjunction. In... more
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      Corpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesTranslation between English and SpanishPhraseologyLegal translation studies
Związki frazeologiczne terminów, czyli przede wszystkim ich kolokacje czasownikowe, rzeczownikowe i przymiotnikowe, mają znaczny wpływ na to, czy tłumaczenie będzie wywoływać u odbiorcy-specjalisty poczucie obcości lub swojskości i czy... more
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLegal and Economic TranslationPhraseology
PHRASÉOTEXT – Le Français Idiomatique est une méthode de phraséodidactique pour le français langue étrangère (FLE), issue d’un projet de recherche piloté par l’Université de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle en collaboration avec cinq autres... more
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      PhraseologyPhraseodidacticsDidactique du FLE
L'un des principaux défis de la recherche dans le domaine de la phraséologie est de découvrir comment les combinaisons phraséologiques peuvent être intégrées dans les règles grammaticales qu'elles semblent contredire. Cet article explique... more
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      ProverbsLEXICOLOGIEConstruction GrammarPhraseology
The third volume of the “Intercontinental Dialogue on Phraseology” series is a continuation of the project, which was inspired by the symposium "Phraseology 2009" organised by Professor Katsumasa Yagi at Kwansei Gakuin University in... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesCultural StudiesEthnolinguistics
This paper analyzes some semantic mechanisms underlying figurative lexicalized expressions in the sub-corpus of zoonymic phraseology in several languages. It focuses on the cultural motivation of idioms, in contrast with the inverse... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyMetaphorPhraseologyParemiology
The result of a “joint venture”, the reflections formulated in this contribution –which takes as the starting point the past and present research in the field of the historiography of Spanish/Hispanic lin- guistics (and of linguistics in... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhraseologyHistoriography of LinguisticsGrammaticography
Dans l’étude qui va suivre, on propose une nouvelle analyse morphologique du nom indo-européen de l’hôte (i.e. *ghós-ti-). La doctrine commune, qui a passé en dogme, se contente d’en rapprocher la racine i.-e. *ghes- « manger » (véd.... more
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      EtymologyIndo-European StudiesIndo-Iranian LinguisticsPhraseology
The aim of this paper is double: on the one hand, to highlight the quantitative and qualitative importance of the support verb constructions (such as gratias ago, proelium facio or consilum capio) in Latin syntax and semantics; on the... more
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      Latin Language and LiteratureLatinPhraseologyArgument Structure
In Jedem Tierchen sein Pläsierchen werden deutsche, französische und italienische Tierphraseme auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen untersucht. Zunächst werden die aus verschiedensten Quellen gesammelten Phraseme nach formalen und lexikalischen... more
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    • Phraseology
Le dossier présenté en vue de l’habilitation à diriger des recherches, intitulé Pour une approche linguistique intégrative des discours spécialisés, a fait la synthèse entre les trois thématiques autour desquelles s’articulent mes... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemanticsTerminologySyntax
"This study is a frequency-driven analysis of the frequency, structure and functions of lexical bundles with verbs in Philippine and British scientific English. It follows Biber et al.’s (1999) definition of lexical bundles as sequences... more
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      English for Academic PurposesCorpus LinguisticsWorld EnglishesPhraseology
Целью исследования является изучение и анализ символики фразеологизмов с концептом « небо », как одного из источников культурно-национальной интерпретации фразеологизмов в двух романских языках – во французском и итальянском - и в... more
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      Comparative Cultural StudiesPhraseologyTranslation
The aim of this essay is, on the one hand, to examine the formal and semantic features of what lexicography has commonly defined as ‘contour’, and on the other, to discuss its localization in lexical entries. The present research stems... more
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Lin, P. M. S. (2009). Recent developments in research on phraseology in foreign language teaching and learning. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 14(2), 255-269.

Please email me for an electronic copy of the paper
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTeaching of Foreign LanguagesPhraseologyFormulaic Language
The research devoted to special languages as well as the activities carried out in specialized translation classes tend to focus primarily on one-word or multi-word terminological units. However, a very important part in the making of... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesPhraseologyEnglish Translation
La idea de este trabajo surgió a partir de la inquietud que muchos de nosotros, profesores de ELE, tenemos en ciertos niveles a la hora de presentar a nuestros estudiantes unidades fraseológicas del español. Todos estamos de acuerdo en... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpanish as a Foreign LanguagePhraseologyTeaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
Los refranes son unidades complejas en las que se entrecruzan diversos factores para transmitir una enseñanza que forma parte del acervo cultural de un pueblo. En los textos literarios, los refranes, además, pueden contribuir a la... more
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      Translation StudiesProverbsTranslation and InterpretationPhraseology
Kollokationen sowie weitere typische Fügungen der Wissenschaftssprache (etw. steht im Gegensatz zu etw.; es stellt sich die Frage nach etw.) gelten in der schriftlichen Produktion als eine enorme Fehlerquelle. Dies trifft insbesondere auf... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsApplied LinguisticsLinguistics
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      ProverbsConceptual MetaphorTerminologyMetaphor
Abstract: Culturemes can be described as extra-linguistic cultural symbols, which behave like metaphorical models, motivating figurative expressions in language (lexical or phraseological). The development of this concept in theoretical... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorMetaphorPhraseologyMétaphore