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We claim here that collocation constitutes an essential process in the construction of scientific ideas. While corpus analysis in lexicography has established the importance of idiom in the language as a whole (Sinclair 1991), less... more
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      English for Specific PurposesCorpus LinguisticsPhraseology
John Sinclair’s Idiom Principle famously posited that most texts are largely composed of multi-word expressions that ‘constitute single choices’ in the mental lexicon. At the time that assertion was made, little actual psycholinguistic... more
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      VocabularyVocabulary AcquisitionPhraseologyFormulaic Language
In English, the international language of communication (Tono 2014), complex nominals (CNs) are frequently used to convey specialized concepts (Sager et al. 1980; Nakov 2013). These phraseological units have a nominal head that is... more
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PKHD1, the gene mutated in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)/Congenital hepatic fibrosis (CHF), is an exceptionally large and complicated gene that consists of 86 exons and has a number of alternatively spliced... more
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      Translation StudiesSpanishLexicographyMolecular Genetics
Phraseological competence, although traditionally left somewhat in the background in research on translation quality assessment, refers to a high level of knowledge of a language, and is therefore worthy of greater attention. Some studies... more
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      Museum StudiesPhraseologyTranslation Quality AssessmentTranslation quality assessment & evaluation
This article adopts a cognitive linguistic approach to idioms as motivated lexical units. The focus is on lexicographic applications of the notion of motivation; specifically, on the usefulness of imagery in the form of pictorial... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsApplied Linguistics
Link to this article: How to cite this article: Lynne Flowerdew (2015). Corpus-based research and pedagogy in EAP: From lexis to genre.
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      PhraseologyLexical BundlesLexisLexical Approach
A crosslinguistic approach to the phraseology of the emotions in Spanish and English Ruth Breeze | University of Navarra (Spain) Manuel Casado-Velarde | University of Navarra (Spain) Cross-linguistic studies of phraseology enable us to... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorVaguenessPhraseologyEmotions
This article investigates the validity of the suggestion that internet television can facilitate EFL learners’ acquisition of formulaic sequences (FSs). A quantitative study was conducted to examine the extent to which FS use on internet... more
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      New MediaSecond Language AcquisitionDigital MediaEnglish language
The main objective of this paper is to examine schematic idioms from a cross-linguistic perspective. First, this type of lexical-syntactic structure is discussed in the light of Phraseology (1) and Construction Grammar (2), as well as in... more
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      ProverbsGerman LanguageEnglishConstruction Grammar
A set of phraseological units that convey disagreement in Spanish, English and Norwegian teenage language are observed from three perspectives in this paper: the phraseological, the pragmatic-discursive and the contrastive perspective.... more
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      PhraseologyDisagreementTeenage talk
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The present study investigates whether two types of word combinations (free combinations, collocations) differ in terms of processing by testing Howarth’s Continuum Model (1996, 1998) based on word combination typologies from a... more
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      PhraseologyCollocationSemantic TransparencyLexical Representation and Processing
This paper presents an analysis of the production of multi-word units present in English argumentative texts written by non-native speakers of the language. The aim of this study is to examine the potential influence of the mother tongue... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsPhraseologyWritten Discourse Analysis
Based on a monolingual comparable corpus made up of judgments delivered by the Spanish Supreme Court and by the Court of Justice of the European Union, this paper presents a case study on complex prepositions considered as a specific... more
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      SpanishJudgment and decision makingCorpus LinguisticsSpanish Linguistics
This paper proposes to rethink the study of oral performativity in the context of modern cognitive science. To that end, we list a number of so-far unrecognized parallels between the Parry-Lord theory of composition in performance and... more
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      HomerOral TraditionsCognitive LinguisticsConstruction Grammar
This book explores phraseology and language use, and offers the reader new perspectives on the stylistic use of phraseological units in discourse. The author challenges some of the prevailing assumptions about phraseological units in use.
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      Discourse AnalysisStylisticsPhraseology
Dans l’étude qui va suivre, on propose une nouvelle analyse morphologique du nom indo-européen de l’hôte (i.e. *ghós-ti-). La doctrine commune, qui a passé en dogme, se contente d’en rapprocher la racine i.-e. *ghes- « manger » (véd.... more
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      EtymologyIndo-European StudiesIndo-Iranian LinguisticsPhraseology
A recurrent topic in collocational research is the idiosyncratic distribution of intensifiers with nearly equivalent meanings. So far, this phenomenon has been mostly investigated from the perspective of the control exerted by the lexical... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsPhraseology
While a wealth of resources is available for teaching research writing of traditional IMRD research papers, instructors have little to draw on when working with graduate students in mathematics. The present study offers insight into... more
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesGraduate EducationMathematics Education
This exploratory study makes use of Jarvis's (2000) methodological framework to investigate transfer effects on French EFL learners' use of lexical bundles. The study focuses on 3-word recurrent sequences that include a lexical verb in... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsPhraseologyCrosslinguistic Influence
RÉSUMÉ—Le lat pūbēs, -is f. « poils pubiens » et « classe des jeunes gens pubères » relève du vieux fond du vocabulaire latin. Il fonctionne nettement comme un collectif. Son accointance avec le vocabulaire de l’agriculture (au sens de «... more
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      Historical MorphologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesPhraseologyLatin etymology
This interdisciplinary study presents the cutting-edge state of theoretical and applied research in the fascinating field of phraseology. The author elaborates key terminology and theoretical concepts of phraseology, while challenging... more
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      StylisticsCognitive LinguisticsPhraseology
Artykuł traktuje o reprodukowalności mitycznego wątku „cyrografu Adama” w polskiej kulturze tradycyjnej oraz we frazematyce gwarowej i potocznej. Przyjęcie koncepcji „narracyjności języka” w opisie małego fragmentu rzeczywistości, jakim... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropological LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsPhraseology
According to the cognitive linguistics approach to phraseology, the majority of idioms are not linguistic but conceptual in nature. Moreover, they have to be seen mainly as a cultural product and, consequently, they are a splendid device... more
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      Gender StudiesConceptual MetaphorPhraseologyTimeline
GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, Joseph (2021): “FRAESCAT: propuesta de un diccionario electrónico de fraseología bilingüe español-catalán”, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, vol. 137, n.º 2, pp. 514-541.
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      Catalan LanguageLexicographyPhraseologyLexicografía española
This paper analyses 19 routine formulae from Peninsular Spanish that share the same syntactic pattern (Vete a + noun phrase or Vete a + verb phrase) and are described by dictionaries as expressions of “rejection” towards the interlocutor.... more
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      PragmaticsSpanish LinguisticsNSM semanticsPhraseology
Los términos compuestos son una de las principales dificultades en la traducción de los textos especializados. Dado que estos términos no siempre figuran en los recursos terminológicos o lo hacen de forma poco exhaustiva, los traductores... more
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      TerminologyCorpus LinguisticsPhraseologySpecialized translation
Los estudios e investigaciones que se recogen en esta revista están sujetos a una licencia de reconocimiento de Creative Commons. Esta licencia permite compartir (copiar y redistribuir el material en cualquier medio o formato) y adaptar... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMetricsPhraseologyParemiology
Some expressions are fixed in their use as phraseological units with procedural content. In the utterance they develop functions related to the relationship with the context and the participants in the interaction. In this work, some of... more
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      PragmaticsSpanish GrammarPhraseology
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    • Phraseology
We present SEJF, a lexical resource of Polish nominal, adjectival and adverbial multiword expressions. It consists of an intensional module with about 4,700 multiword lemmas assigned to 160 inflection graphs, and an extensional module... more
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      Information TechnologyApplied LinguisticsLinguisticsLexicography
Cet article propose d'étudier la nature du lien entre les cadres épistémologiques de la phraséologie et de la grammaticalisation qui, bien que s'ignorant encore largement à l'heure actuelle, présentent un grand nombre de caractéristiques... more
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      Discourse MarkersGrammaticalizationConstruction GrammarPhraseology
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      PhraseologyDidáctica de la fraseologíaFraseologíaPhraseology. Language Pedagogy
Peter Handke's Wunschloses Unglück examines the stereotypical speech patterns that help socialize individuals into stifling roles, but the narrator is gradually forced to recognize his inability to distance himself from this linguistic... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureGender StudiesLiterature
The Phraséologie française élémentaire ou Nouveaux exercices de gram-maire by Hippolyte-Auguste Dupont (1833) is, to our knowledge, the only work to use the word phraseology as a synonym for "Grammar of the French language". It represents... more
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      PhraseologyPhraseology. Language PedagogyFrench phraseodidactics This paper deals with variation of Croatian similes which follow the pattern adjective + kao (‘as’) + noun (e.g. crven kao rak lit. red as a crab ‘having red skin or... more
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    • Phraseology
La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre... more
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      French languageFrench linguisticsPhraseologyPrepositions
This paper presents a systemic view of collocation in order to explore how scientists optimally select and present information in abstracts. In a previous large scale study of 150 research articles (Gledhill 1995), collocational analysis... more
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      English for Specific PurposesCorpus LinguisticsPhraseologyCollocation
This paper sets forth the argument for revisiting fixed phrases in the light of the knowledge that their fixedness is not necessarily something to be taken for granted. It focuses on the location and analysis of variant forms in general... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsMetaphorPhraseologyIdioms
The article deals with Ancient Greek aphorisms and gnomes representing the notion of woman, with a particular focus on the proverbs with misogynistic meaning. As a result of our analysis, it was found out that out of four thousand Ancient... more
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      ProverbsLanguage and CulturePhraseologyLanguage and Cognition
This paper analyzes selected examples of idioms containing the component head in Croatian and Hungarian. Despite the fact that Hungarian and Croatian are not cognate languages , due to the universal experiences and to the fact that they... more
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      HungarianCroatianContrastive AnalysisPhraseology
The morphosyntactic treatment of multi-word units is particularly challenging in morphologically rich languages. We present a comparative study of two formalisms meant for lexicalized description of MWUs in Polish. We show their... more
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      Computer ScienceApplied LinguisticsMorphologyPhraseology
This metalexicographic study examines the relationship between the proverbial material in The English-Irish Dictionary (1732) of Begley and McCurtin, Abel Boyer’s The Royal Dictionary (First edition 1699, second edition 1729), and... more
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      Irish StudiesFrench LiteratureLexicologyCeltic Studies
Diatopic language variation in many editions of the Dictionary of the Spanish Language (Diccionario de la lengua española) has been a recurring issue in Spanish language lexicography. Most texts on this topic have dealt exclusively with... more
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      LexicologyMexican StudiesLexicographyLexicography and Corpus Studies
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      Language Variation and ChangeGermanic linguisticsGerman LanguageCorpus Linguistics
Instructions on how to avoid hazards are an important aspect of warnings. Because message brevity is beneficial for effectiveness, the wording ought to be useful in motivating compliance. Participants (N=132) evaluated 37 single and... more
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      Instructional DesignTerminologyReading ComprehensionWarnings
The purpose of this analysis is to present the manner of translating the titles of holy books from Hebrew, Greek, and Arabic by Polish and Lithuanian Tartars and by Polish translators of the Bible and the Quran. It also attempts to define... more
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    • Phraseology