Recent papers in Phraseology
The topic of the article is the borrowing of French idioms into the English language. The article primarily deals with the influence of the French language from the phraseological point of view. One way of forming idioms in the English... more
Depuis quelques décennies, la Phraséologie est une discipline reconnue dans le domaine des études linguistiques. Après des débuts hésitants datant de la fin du XIX e siècle, elle se manifeste d'abord timidement dans des travaux de... more
The present article deals with the issue of borrowing idiomatic expressions (phraseological units, proverbs and adages) from Slavic languages into the Lithuanian language. Lithuanians and Slavs, especially Poles, Russians and... more
Рассматриваются фразеологические единицы различных славянских языков, схожие по каким-либо признакам: семантическому, структурному, компонентному. Обнаруженные параллели фразеологизмов с компонентом ‘деньги’ в русском, польском и... more
This article undertakes a descriptive analysis of the phrase Eastern Europe (or, eastern Europe ) against a background of a variety of phraseological units with the proper name Europe obtained in a corpus search of the BNCweb. At this... more
El principal objetivo del presente trabajo será proporcionar al traductor una herramienta que le ayude a cubrir sus necesidades terminológicas cuando tenga que hacer frente a una traducción técnica, en particular, de fichas técnicas de... more
a presente comunicación constituye una propuesta metodológica y didáctica sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las unidades fraseológicas (UFs) en las segundas lenguas. Las características formales y semánticas de estas... more
Il presente volume è stato stampato con il contributo dell'Università degli Studi di Szeged e della Facoltà di Lettere.
German and Lithuanian Idioms with Gastronomic Components The topic originates from L. Feuerbach's quote " Man is what he eats ". It allows the assumption that idioms with gastronomic components could reveal relevant aspects of the... more
While a wealth of resources is available for teaching research writing of traditional IMRD research papers, instructors have little to draw on when working with graduate students in mathematics. The present study offers insight into... more
Metadiscourse in phraseology: formulation discourse markers Both the Catalan and German languages have a remarkable amount of phraseological units at their disposal that account for the way in which their speakers have conceptualised and... more
The aim of this paper is to present the Spanish proverbs related to the topic of greed that can be understood as a continuation of Publilius Syrus’ sentences. For the analysis are taken into account the contributions of two Hellenistic... more
Phraseology is essentially a language relic of the past inserted in the present discourse. From this perspective, the meaning assigned to idioms has not emerged in the present, but was constructed in the past and elaborated in discourse.... more
In this work, an overview on the state of the art of phrasemes in dialectal monolingual and bilingual lexicography will be given, focusing on the Genoese and Genoese-Italian lexicography. First, Genoese will be defined and then followed... more
The problem of international relations is a burning issue of modern global society. In this article I suggest that comparative analysis of idioms with a 'heart' component and culture stereotypes of international relations given in jokes... more
Nový slovník slovinského spisovného jazyka venuje osobitnú pozornosť frazeologickým jednotkám. Náčrt konceptu nového výkladového slovníka slovinského spisovného jazyka (2015: 56) obhajuje celistvý opis každej frazémy. Frazému chápe ako... more
Este vídeo se enmarca en el proyecto de innovación docente de la Universidad de Murcia ¿Flippeas o qué? Una experiencia de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Fraseología aplicando el modelo Flipped Classroom, dirigido por Arianna Alessandro,... more
Teesid: Artikkel pakub võrdleva analüüsi sloveeni ja eesti keele sõimusõnadest kui emotsionaalselt tugeva laenguga väljenditest, viisakasse kõnepruuki mitte-kuuluvatest sõnadest, mis annavad edasi kõneleja või kiruja/sõimaja tundeid ja... more
Adopting a corpus-based methodology, this volume analyses phraseological patterns in nine European languages from a monolingual, bilingual and multilingual point of view, following a mostly Construction Grammar approach. At present,... more
The paper deals with the phenomenon of witchcraft and its reflection in the Slovak and Slovenian languages. The subject of the comparative analysis is syntagmatic and sentencelike phraseological units, whose component structures include... more
This paper introduces new language learning techniques, called here "Junks+", but which the author has more recently called "MultiForm Relational" techniques or materials. It is argued that it is much more useful to aim to cultivate in... more
sommaire SALAH MEJRI Présentation ESA ITKONEN (Université de Turku, Finlande) Pour L'analogie CHRISTINE PORTELANCE (Université du Québec/Rimouski, Canada) Sémantique du goût: quand l'analogie et le figement construisent... more
Resumen: Con el objetivo de contribuir a los estudios de la Paremiología portuguesa, este trabajo estudia algunos aspectos de la compilación de refranes y proverbios publicada por Bento Pereira en 1655 (Florilegio dos modos de fallar... more
Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit den Kollokationen in der Ägyptischen Strafprozessordnung (ÄStPO) auseinander. Ihr Text über Regulierungen zum Strafverfahrensablauf, Institutions- und Personenbezeichnungen, Zuständigkeiten und Kompetenzen der... more
Статья посвящена функционированию идиом в произведениях немецкого писателя Эриха Кестнера, представителя литературного направления «Новая вещественность». Рассмотрены основные функции фразеологизмов, установ-лен ряд закономерностей,... more
The objective of this study is to review the main contributions of Romanian linguistics to the definition of phraseology as an autonomous linguistic discipline, with the aim of specifying its object of investigation and studying the... more
Repenser le figement: enjeux et perspectives dans l’enseignement du figement. Entre apprentissage, didacticité et langues de spécialité: sous ce titre, nous visons à mettre en perspective plusieurs aspects de la didactique de la... more
The main aim of this paper is to study if the phraseology of cognitive verbs used in academic English reveals different discourse patterns in the specific fields of Linguistics, Engineering and Medicine. The objectives of this study are... more
The article defines the ‘linguistic ethnic stereotype’ category in relation to the Turkish language, discusses its 2 types, namely, language auto and heterostereotypes based on the example of fixed expressions, clichés and idiomatic... more
Although Aeronautical Meteorology language is not generally regarded as standard communication between air traffic controllers and pilots, it plays an important role in Air Traffic Control (ATC) communication since it comprises... more
Autotradução inédita do artigo escrito em francês: "À propos de la motivation phraséologique". que foi publicada em 2011 dentro do livro de Pamies, A. & Dobrovol'skij (eds.) Linguo-cultural competence and phraseological motivation.... more
The term ecotype was first introduced to the field of folkloristics by Carl Wilhelm von Sydow (1878-1952), who proposed the idea that folktales develop from base forms due to transformations triggered by specific environmental conditions... more
El análisis comparado de las traducciones al francés y al inglés de Manuscrito cuervo permite ilustrar numerosos escollos traductivos de la obra maestra aubiana. Aquí, además de las prin-cipales técnicas adoptadas por Marrast y Kirkland,... more
Das "russische phraseologische Wörterbuch" (im Folgenden RPW) ist Teil der Lehrwerkreihe "Russisch aktuell: erklärt -geübt -beherrscht", in der bereits sechs Bände erschienen sind. Letztendlich stellt es kein vollkommen neues Produkt dar,... more
Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture demonstrates the potential of corpus linguistic methods for investigating language patterns across a range of contexts. Organised in three sections, the chapters range from detailed case studies on... more
The paper offers an axiological view on a human being whose charakter is reflected in Czech and Slovak paremiology and phraseology.
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden translatologischen Studie vorgestellt. Das Ziel dieser Studie war, die Übersetzungslösungen für okkasionelle phraseologische Einheiten (PE), gefunden in der... more
У статті на матеріалі текстів засобів масової інформації проаналізовано особливості функціонування трансформованих фразеологічних одиниць. Виявлено, що у сучасному публіцистичному тексті фразеологізми різного рівня спаяності реалізовують... more