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"Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos opens the book with his latest contribution to his comprehensive project of re-theorising spatial justice with a piece titled ‘Spatial Justice in a World of Violence’. Through a close reading of the... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyVisual Studies
(de) (en)
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      PhotographyCitizen JournalismPhotojournalismImage Analysis
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryClassical Archaeology
‘Het overlijden van een oorlogsfotograaf is meer dan alleen een persoonlijke tragedie voor familie, vrienden, en collega’s. Het tast ook onze zintuigen aan’, zegt onderzoeker Wilco Versteeg. Hij werkt aan een proefschrift over hedendaagse... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesPhotographyVisual Culture
Christina Schwenkel's absorbing study explores how the "American War" is remembered and commemorated in Vietnam today―in official and unofficial histories and in everyday life. Schwenkel analyzes visual representations found in monuments... more
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      Visual StudiesMuseum StudiesVisual CultureDark Tourism
De thesis 'Oorlogsfotografie en haar foto-esthetiek: Oorlogsfoto's van Pulitzer, Picture of the Year international en World Press Photo, van 1962 tot 2014' bespreekt drie luiken van oorlogsfotografie. Ten eerste stel ik een definitie voor... more
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      JournalismPhotographyPhotography and WarWar Photography
Kao dio 8. Međunarodnog festivala fotografije „Organ vida“ 14. septembra predstavljena je izložba „Lekcije iz '91.“. Izložbu postavljenu u Galeriji Zvonimir u Zagrebu kurirala je Sandra Vitaljić, jedna od najznačajnijih fotografkinja u... more
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      PhotographyBalkan StudiesWar in BosniaPhotography and War
As I write this essay, a massive vinyl poster showing a photographed face of a little Pakistani girl who lost both parents and two young siblings in a drone attack in 2010 has been installed facing up among mud huts and farms in the... more
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      Gender StudiesVisual StudiesNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Photography Theory
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      Embodied CognitionTrauma StudiesMemory StudiesCultural Memory
Lee Miller’s photographs of the London Blitz, including the twenty-two published in Ernestine Carter’s Grim Glory: Pictures of Britain Under Fire (1941), effectively demonstrate what Susan Sontag described as “a beauty in ruins”. As a... more
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      SurrealismPhotojournalismDocumentary PhotographyPhotography and War
Chapter One focuses on melodrama and the cultural politics of dying for one’s country. The national icon at the heart of the chapter is the photograph by Joe Rosenthal, of Marines (and a figure long believed to be a Navy corpsman)... more
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      MelodramaWar FilmsWorld War IIPhotography and War
Table of Contents, Introduction and first chapter of the book War of Images - Contemporary War Photography
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      War StudiesPhotojournalismDocumentary PhotographyPhotography (Visual Studies)
The paper examines selected official photographic material commissioned by the Australian Department of Information during the short-lived campaign in Greek mainland, from March to May 1941.The dual role of these photographs was to inform... more
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    • Photography and War
This study reports the findings of a systematic visual content analysis of 356 randomly sampled images published about the Iraq War in Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News and World Report from 2003-2009. Compared to a 1995 Gulf War study,... more
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      PhotographyWar StudiesContent AnalysisMedia Framing
Full programme of the international online conference "(Re)pensar Malvinas / (re)thinking Falklands — Visiones y versiones en las culturas argentina y británica / Visions and Versions in Argentinian and British Cultures" (1982–2022). The... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPhotographyPopular MusicHuman Rights Law
This article focuses on the relations between a notion of humanism dear to some European left intellectuals and artists, and the use of photography as left propaganda in the 1920s and 1930s. Photography started to participate in the war... more
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      Visual StudiesPhotographyVisual CulturePolitical Culture
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      PhotojournalismVietnam WarPhotography and WarWar Photography
Gündelik yaşamımızda evimizin tepesine bir bombanın düşmesi ya da sokağımızda silahlı adamların birbirine ateş etmesi sık şahit olduğumuz bir durum değildir. Bu tip durumlara savaş fotoğrafları üzerinden görsel şahitlik yaparız.... more
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      PhotographyPropagandaCulturePhotography and War
According to social anthropologist Jonathan Webber, "the historical memory is selective; it does not and cannot recall everything. This is what thinking in symbols, or thinking with symbols, is about: to treat part of the history as... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCultural MemoryHolocaust StudiesPhotography and War
Susan Sontag in her 2003 book Regarding the Pain of Others suggests that images of war and destruction can be interpreted as aesthetic objects--that there is “a beauty in ruins”. A landscape of war is still a landscape. A painting... more
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      Second World WarPhotography and WarLee MillerWar Photography
This paper wishes to discuss the connections between gender relations, war violence and its media exposure by focusing the attention on the case of women soldiers in Tzahal (the Israeli Defence Force).
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      Gender StudiesPhotographyViolenceWar Studies
Die Ambivalenz von Zeigen und Verbergen, von Offenlegen und Verhüllen spielt in der Bildenden Kunst seit jeher eine zentrale Rolle. Insbesondere im Bildgegenstand des Vorhangs hat dieses Motiv eine historisch vielgestaltige Behandlung... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryPhotographyPolitical Violence and Terrorism
My paper for the Doing Photography conference at Durham University, UK, on January 9-11, 2013
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      PhotographyRoland BarthesPhotography TheoryPhotography and War
It can be argued that the nature of photography becomes drastically altered, and its identity changes according to the uses it is put to. This article will discuss the many aspects of photojournalism that shape and manipulate the current... more
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      ArtPhotographyRealism (Philosophy)Photojournalism
This article reconsiders the politics and aesthetics of aftermath photography through Gene Ray's theories of the sublime and Rosemary Laing's photograph welcome to Australia (2004), which documents the Woomera refugee detention centre, to... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAestheticsVisual Studies
Thierry Gervais, "Conveying Wars in the Press: A Question of Aesthetics," in Dispatch: War Photographs in Print, 1854–2008, ed. Thierry Gervais (Toronto, Ryerson Image Centre, 2014), 11–20.
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      HistoryArt HistoryPhotographyPhotojournalism
Thierry Gervais, “‘The Greatest of War Photographers:’ Jimmy Hare, A Photoreporter at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,” Études photographiques 26 (November 2010): 35–49.
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      HistoryArt HistoryVisual CultureWar Studies
Francisco de Goya realizó entre los años 1810 y 1820 la serie de grabados al aguafuerte conocidos como Los desastres de la guerra. Fueron publicados de forma póstuma en 1863. Entre las razones por las que no se publicaran hasta ese año,... more
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      War StudiesSpanish HistoryNapoleonic WarsSocial History
Artículo divulgativo sobre el fondo fotográfico de la Primera Guerra Mundial que conserva la Biblioteca Nacional de España, recientemente catalogado. Se trata de un conjunto fotográfico compuesto de unas 500 imágenes en papel generadas... more
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      Visual propagandaCensorshipPhotographyPropaganda
Co-authored article with Pippa Oldfield Journal of War & Culture Studies, 9 (2016), 94-114 ABSTRACT: This article offers a critique of conventional histories of war photography which have tended to have a narrow focus on the biographies... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual CultureWar StudiesHistory of photography
In the course of the 20th century, the perception of people who have been harmed by violence or who are forced to lead their lives under permanently threatening conditions has undergone a fundamental change. With the extensive loss of... more
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      PhotographyFrench StudiesHistory and MemoryTrauma Studies
Resumen: El artículo aborda el nacimiento de la fotografía de guerra en España con la Guerra de África (1859-60). El fotógrafo pionero fue Enrique Facio, del que analizamos su obra. Empleamos las crónicas de guerra de Pedro Antonio de... more
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      Photography and WarPeriodismoFotografíaFotografia
The first time that there is historical steadfastness of the presence of a photographer in a warlike conflict, as graphic correspondent is in the war of Crimea, in 1854-55. In the successive conflicts armed with importance that happen... more
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      History of photographyPhotography and WarHistory of photography-Spain
Es existiert eine Art „Kommunikation von Gewalt“ im Sinne der Bildkommunikation von und mit Krisenbildern. Dabei handelt es sich um ein bildästhetisches Erlebnis, welches in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Trauma entstehen lässt – wie kann man... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhotographyRoland BarthesIntertextuality
There is but a limited scholarship on photographic sources from the Dutch military actions during the Revolusi Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Revolution) (1945-1949), and what exists almost entirely neglects perhaps the largest... more
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      Indonesian HistoryIndonesian StudiesColonialismHistory of Violence
This essay examines the production and circulation of the mug shots of the detainees generated by the Khmer Rouge machinery at the centre of torture S-21 (Phnom Penh). When they were taken, these images played a key role in the process of... more
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      Genocide StudiesPhotography and WarHistory of Communism; Soviet; Post-Soviet; Russia; Eastern EuropePolitical Violence in Cambodia & the Khmer Rouge
Ο Οδυσσέας Φωκάς (1857-1946), καταξιωμένος ιμπρεσιονιστικών τάσεων τοπιογράφους, έφορος της Εθνικής Πινακοθήκης και επί σειρά ετών πρόεδρος του ΣΕΚ, υπήρξε μία από εκείνες τις περιπτώσεις καλλιτεχνών που χρησιμοποίησαν τη φωτογραφία ως... more
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      PaintingPhotography and WarGreek PhotographyΕλληνική Φωτογραφία
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      Prisoners of WarPhotography and WarKorean WarImpact of the Korean War
'Kingdom's Edge' is a collection of photographs by photo-journalist Richard Humphries, focusing on Thailand's troubled deep South. The collection was compiled over a ten-year period. The introduction to the collection is by Gerard... more
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      BuddhismJournalismSoutheast Asian StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
World War I saw the rise of women as war correspondents. Although the presence of female journalists in the combat zones was still unusual, women of the belligerent nations as well as of neutral countries managed to gain access to the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryModern HistoryCultural History
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesFirst World WarPhotography and War
On 8 May 1945 American war photographer, Lee Miller, sent a telegraph to the editor of Vogue magazine, Audrey Withers, along with a collection of negatives that she had taken at the concentration camps at Buchenwald and Dachau, demanding... more
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      History and MemorySurrealismPhotojournalismSocial and Collective Memory
В статье рассматриваются документальные и художественные основы военного фоторепортажа, выполнявшего в годы великой Отечественной войны пропагандистскую функцию.
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      World War IIHistory of photographyPhotography and War
“The goal was to separate image from sound”, was the response from Swiss-French film artist Jean-Luc Godard to a question from a journalist who was interviewing him at a press conference set up on the occasion of the Cannes Film Festival... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Resumen: La pareja más célebre de la fotografía de prensa, Robert Capa y Gerda Taro, también es la pareja más controvertida a la hora de atribuir los méritos profesionales correspondientes a cada uno de ellos. Los criterios utilizados por... more
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      Photography and WarGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLACordobaICP
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      ConflictTortureWar and societyPhotography and War
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      Political SciencePhotojournalismPhotography and WarGenocide
Why is it that among the photographs scorched into the pages of modern history nearly all the deadliest wars from the latter half of the twentieth century are missing? Despite the marked increase in publications on conflict photography... more
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      African StudiesVisual StudiesPhotographyHuman Rights
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      Japanese StudiesVisual StudiesPhotographyVisual Culture