Philosophy of Science
Recent papers in Philosophy of Science
Während auf Deutsch mit „Implizites Wissen“ ein einziges Werk Polanyis vollständig erschienen ist, und Polanyi daran anschließend hauptsächlich lerntheoretisch rezipiert wurde, haben seine Arbeiten in Originalsprache von Anfang an reiche... more
Estre corto documento recoge algunas ideas muy interesantes de varios estudiosos como Antonio Cruz, John Lennox, William Lane Craig y otros. Para explicar el concepto de la palabra evolución , su significado en el contexto y como la... more
Nancy Cartwright’s most recent monograph: Nature, the Artful Modeler: Lectures on Laws, Science, How Nature Arranges the World and How We Can Arrange It Better presents the state of the art in the philosophy of science literature. Here,... more
In the dispute between presentism and eternalism, the affective dimensions of the debate have been somewhat neglected. Contemporary philosophers of time have not tried to relate these ontological positions with two of the most discussed... more
Analyzing the position of two philosophers whose views are recognizably divergent, W. O. Quine and M. Dummett, we intend to support a striking point of agreement between them: the idea that our logical principles constitute our principles... more
This paper responds to continuing commentary on Velmans (2002a) “How could conscious experiences affect brains,” a target article for a special issue of JCS. I focus on the final question dealt with by the target article: how free will... more
This presentation is part of the Social Values in Medical Research track. Due to higher than national average breast cancer rates and deaths on Long Island the U.S. Congress in 1993 ordered a study of breast cancer on the island. The Long... more
We have reached the peculiar situation where the advance of mainstream science has required us to dismiss as unreal our own existence as free, creative agents, the very condition of there being science at all. Efforts to free science from... more
This paper provides an initial, multidimensional map of the complex relationships among consciousness, mind, brain and the external world in a way that follows both the contours of everyday experience and the findings of science. It then... more
This paper provides a reasoned response to a column printed in USA Today. It clarifies the nature and true purposes of both good science and good religious faith.
In this book, I examine the principles that philosopher and historian of ideas, Arthur Lovejoy, considers founders of the interpretation of the world as a great hierarchical chain of being. That is to say, the “principle of plenitude”,... more
The hacker mentality in reality is independent therefrom what one hacking. The main point is that someone need to do such an achievement wich seams even for the same professionals almost impossible or something completely different and... more
The feeling of clarity can be dangerously seductive. It is the feeling associated with understanding things. And we use that feeling, in the rough-and-tumble of daily life, as a signal that we have investigated a matter sufficiently. The... more
ΣΧΕΣΕΙΣ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ Η ΕΚΠΤΩΣΗΣ ; (Δημοσιεύθηκε στην: Συγκομιδή προς τιμήν του ομότιμου καθηγητή Ευτύχη Μπιτσάκη «Φιλοσοφία, επιστήμες και πολιτική».
Alchemy Rudolf II Prague Manuscript circulation a b s t r a c t This paper investigates John Dee's relationship with two kinds of alchemist: the authorities whose works he read, and the contemporary practitioners with whom he exchanged... more
There is overwhelming agreement amongst naturalists that a naturalistic ontology should not allow for the possibility of supernatural entities. I argue, against this prevailing consensus, that naturalists have no proper basis to oppose... more
The Soviet historian and philosopher of science Boris Hessen (English spelling also Gessen) is well known for the paper “On the Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s Principia” he gave in 1931 to the Second International Congress of the... more
Book (in French) published in 2003 at the occasion of the first exhibition staging exclusively biomedia art works at the national art center Le Lieu Unique in Nantes/France. Hauser Jens (ed.): L'Art Biotech. Nantes/Trézélan, 2003. The... more
Understanding Consciousness, second edition provides a unique survey and evaluation of consciousness studies, along with an original analysis of consciousness that combines scientific findings, philosophy and common sense. Building on... more
I hereby declare that this thesis has not been and will not be, submitted in whole or in part to another university for the award of any other degree.
Parmenides is probably the most influential of all Presocratics on the subsequent history of philosophy, yet he has been poorly served by his English translators. They persistently turn his poem into awkward and deadening prose, as if he... more
Nossa proposta é investigar como ocorrem as metamorfoses da noção de substância simples no sistema leibniziano, entre Discurso de metafísica, Sistema novo da natureza e a comunicação das substâncias e Monadologia. Trata-se da mesma... more
Quatrième de couverture: Réfléchir à la réflexion, penser la pensée et philosopher sur la philosophie, voilà ce que l’on propose de faire ici. Cette démarche est moins formelle qu’il n’y paraît, car interroger la nature et les exigences... more
Data mining of Indus Script Corpora reveal the purpose of ceramic (stoneware) bangles (22), seals, fillets as dharma saṁjñā, 'badges of responsibility'.They are Corporate badges, with deciphered Indus Script inscriptions. Socio-cultural... more
Faire reculer la mort, agir sur ces causes, en modifier les frontières, contrôler l’ensemble de ses paramètres, comprendre son processus afin de prolonger le plus longtemps possible la vie, voire dépasser les limites temporelles assignées... more
Plantinga famously argues against the evidentialist that belief in God can be properly basic. Consideration of the epistemology of cognitive faculties (like perception and memory) that produce psychologically non-inferential belief helps... more
Terrence Deacon's Incomplete Nature defies easy review. This is a long, wide-ranging, and carefully argued book. The ideas are also highly networked so it is difficult to convey them in a brief, linear order. Despite these obstacles, I... more
Early in the twentieth century, Kant’s epistemology was accused of having become irrelevant in view of the relativistic and the quantum revolutions. Relativity seemed to discard the transcendental aesthetic (the doctrine of space as... more
"In recent years new applications emerged on the Web which received the labels Web2.0 or social software. In many of these applications people are engaged in epistemic activities, such as the dissemination, organization or creation of... more
Sometimes we need to look backwards in order to look forward. Th at is to say, in order to understand the world of science today and where it may be heading tomorrow, it helps to know where it has been in the past. How did we come to our... more
This paper examines the history and philosophy of a little-known psychological experience: depersonalization. It explores it as a phenomenal experience and as a disorder. It examines nosological debates over the condition, both past and... more
Fifty years ago, Thomas Kuhn wrote a thin volume entitled The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn challenged the traditional view of science as an accumulation of objective knowledge toward an ever more ‘truthful’ understanding of... more
While the question of survival of bodily death is usually approached by focusing on the mind/body relation (and often with the idea of the soul as a special kind of substance), this paper explores the issue in the context of our... more
Depuis 1633, date à laquelle Descartes range son Monde dans un tiroir pour éviter d’avoir les mêmes ennuis que Galilée, aucun éditeur n’a jamais publié ce livre comme tel, et dans l’ordre où le souhaitait Descartes. Cependant, pour... more
Citar aqui todos os meus incentivadores seria uma tarefa enfadonha, pois foram muitos. Mas certamente alguns deles devem ser nominados, pela participação e importância decisivas que tiveram para a consecução deste trabalho. Aos meus... more
This last chapter is intended to clarify some central methodological aspects of morphodynamical abduction as regards dynamical systems and the catastrophe theory. Some problems arise in the classical computational approach to cognition in... more
Journées d'étude internationales : La biologie des philosophes allemands
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
[1] What does the word ‘physical’ mean in its most general theoretical philosophical use? It’s used in many different ways, and it’s hard to imagine that philosophers could reach agreement on a best use. [2] Should we tie the meaning of... more
This is a short poem by Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣabbān (d. 1206/1791) translated from the original Arabic into English verse. The poem is a concise, technical list of the ten essentials aspects of any science. It is intended to help students... more
The paper examines ontological presuppositions and epistemological branches of Peace and Conflict Studies. It describes the narrower use of the concepts ‗ontology‘ and ‗epistemology‘ as sub-branch and branch of philosophy respectively and... more