Philosophy of First Principles
Recent papers in Philosophy of First Principles
At the foundation of every scientific study must lie a clear definition of what is being studied. Such a definition of key concepts is reached through the process of conceptualization, to which there exist two main approaches: the... more
The aim of this article is to examine how first principles are developed into general theories by reviewing the roles that abduction, deduction, and induction play in the three primary steps of the scientific method: hypothesis... more
This is just a one page argument explaining why the real cannot change and what changes is not real. If you would like to receive a copy of the latest version of this document (in MS Word or PDF), please let me know at:... more
Jungians and Christians use the word evil in different and contradictory senses. The moral aim of the Jungian is the "integration of evil", whereas for the Christian it is "the overcoming of evil by good". This paper guides the reader... more
The world of today is more interconnected and dynamic than ever before. Although this fact has come with many benefits, it has also resulted in an ever-growing number of societal challenges around the globe. The lack of existing solutions... more
Design thinking is not thinking about design, but rather a re-focus on the way we think, about the world in general, and in this cybernetic process the real self can be brought into being. Gramma/topology is the social structuration of a... more
The present study overhauls Hans Kelsen’s thesis of the traditional normative pyramid, in order to accommodate the most outstanding doctrinal contributions of the last century to it. For the purpose, the Essay proceeds as follows: (i) the... more
What is first principles thinking? When did it originate? Who can use it? And why is it such a big deal? Ever since Elon Musk, founder and chief executive of a number of highly innovative companies like Tesla and SpaceX, attributed first... more
Presented at the 2017 Aquinas and the Arabs International Working Group's Fall North American Workshop at Notre Dame University.
Reproduced with kind permission from 'Theofilus' Vol. 8, n 1, 2016 The theological sensibility of Radical Orthodoxy in its quest to return to traditional sources of orthodoxy for a ‘radical’ critique of secular thought has particularly... more
Alan Darley has implored Radical Orthodoxy to become " more radically Thomistic " by recovering the law of non-contradiction that has lately been lost by Milbank, Pickstock, and Hoff in a " Cusanian tributary from the Neoplatonic river ".... more
The overall objective of this article is to explore the psychological theories of ‘thinking’ and the efficacy and efficiency of each of these theories for the purpose of innovation and creativity. We know for sure that some people,... more
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This paper intends to trace the influence of the Platonic tradition “On first principles”, considering its different versions, on the philosophy of Origen of Alexandria. Origen’s knowledge of the Platonists and his affinity with them are... more
Teori Ketumpatan Berfungsi (TKB) adalah kaedah pemodelan mekanik kuantum yang digunakan dalam bidang fizik dan kimia. Asas pada teori pemodelan ini adalah pengiraan tenaga ke atas sistem yang kompleks. Sifat suatu sistem tersebut dapat... more
Considerar que hay ideas claras y distintas e ideas confusas, o sea, transferir la evidencia y la certeza del juicio a la idea, como hace la filosofía moderna siguiendo a Escoto, lleva necesariamente a plantear el problema crítico –al... more
With the explosive growth of biology, biological data accumulate in an increasing rate. At present, it seems that theoretical biology does not have its fundamental principles that could offer biological insight. In this situation, it is... more
Dans ce chapitre, nous aimerions formuler quelques brèves remarques (qui resteront incomplètes) sur le rôle joué par la dimension esthétique chez quelques- unes des figures principales de l’idéalisme allemand dans le cadre de la question... more
This is a Post inviting to an excellent conference in Spanish on the Principle of No-Contradiction and the inconsistencies of the Relativism and the Skepticism, by Dr. Enrique Alarcón professor of metaphysics at the Department of... more
“The mathematical sciences vs. De nominum analogia” We examine Cajetan’s De nominum analogia (On the Analogy of Names) under the light of ancient mathematics to determine whether it adheres to the scientific criteria and discoveries set... more
Faculty, staff, and administrators each play a key role in university cultures, but these groups are not coequal in status or authority when compared to one another or within each subgroup, which complicates matters of collegiality and... more
The topic of the present paper is the principle of contradiction and its initial status in Aristotle’s philosophy, where it functions as one of the “common principles” of all sciences.In course of the paper I try to answer the question of... more
Presented at the 2019 International Congress for Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI. This paper was part of the Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy session.
The article researches the question of whether the definitions, used in demonstrative syllogisms of Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics as premises, are definitions of major or minor terms of the syllogism. First I show that in all cases,... more
The Metaphysical Art is a series of short works illustrating the concept of the art of metaphysics. This is the 6th contribution to the series. Metaphysical Arts (I - V) may be found in SPIRITUAL WRITINGS by Nathan Coppedge, and are well... more
O artigo compreende a discussão de três aspectos do pensamento político de Thomas Reid. Inicialmente, apresenta-se e discute-se a compreensão reidiana de ciência política. Na sequência, argumenta-se que, diferentemente dos princípios... more
The present paper investigates the question of whether Posterior Analytics’ “principles” of demonstration that Aristotle calls “hypotheses” are to be understood as existential or as predicative (veridical) propositions. I propose two... more