Philosophy of Body
Recent papers in Philosophy of Body
In this chapter, I draw on Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy to explore environmental embodiment—the various lived ways, sensorily and motility-wise, that the body in its pre-reflective perceptual presence engages and synchronizes with the world... more
Embodied writing seeks to reveal the lived experience of the body by portraying in words the finely textured experience of the body and evoking sympathetic resonance in readers. Introduced into the research endeavor in an effort to... more
Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie pewnego motywu powtarzającego się w kolejnych tekstach Deleuze'a, przede wszystkim tych, napisanych wspólnie z Guattarim. Chodzi mianowicie o dwa typy zagrożeń drążących od wewnątrz każdą... more
The concept of the human being is at the core of the humanities insofar they centre on the human being and humanity. As a core discipline of the humanities, philosophy has always advanced concepts of the human being with its notions of... more
Considerable scholarly discussion has been given to the idea that we are moving toward a state of “posthumanism.” This essay examines some possible implications of a posthuman existence, specifically as it relates to that most basic of... more
This article takes up Adam Dziadek’s somatic approach to literature to explore the theme of erotic experience in two poems by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, ‘L’amour Cosaque’ and ‘Amore profane’. With the help of inputs from gender studies and... more
Ausgehend von der Kritik an rationalistischen Handlungstheorien wird Handlungs- macht in feministischen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Debatten nicht als Attribut eines rational agierenden Subjekts ausgewiesen (vgl. Coole 2005, 124ff.;;... more
La apariencia física encierra uno de los problemas filosóficos más relevantes y poco discutidos por la filosofía contemporánea. Este ensayo defiende que la apariencia física es una cuestión filosófica porque constituye un problema moral,... more
We propose to read Francis Bacon's doctrine of the idols of the mind as an investigation firmly entrenched in his mental-medicinal concerns and we argue that an important role therein is played by the imagination. Looking at the ways in... more
I argue that Nietzsche offers us a very robust, if fractured and fragmented, philosophy of the body that gives primacy to the five (or more) senses—and certain organs and body parts in particular—and to the aesthetic realm of which they... more
Contemporary philosophy has paid special attention to human corporality. In this article, our intention is to show that the essentially corporeal character of the human being is also a central point of the anthropology of Thomas Aquinas,... more
Der von Nietzsche selber zum Leitfaden der Philosophie deklarierte Leib sowie konkrete Leibphänomene, insbesondere Zeugung, Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Tod werden in diesem Beitrag als die primären Modelle benutzt, um Nietzsches... more
Major thinkers of the twentieth-century (Husserl, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Whitehead) explored the conditions for the possibility of perception, language, and thought, and Merleau-Ponty in particular addressed the physical body as a... more
In the tradition of philosophy, soul and body have long been separated, while the former is always emphasized. Thus, Nishida Kitaro mentions that “in tradition of philosophy, the problem of body is not sufficiently thought.” The... more
This essay explores the assignment and evaluation of gender in Plato's Timaeus. In contrast to claims that Plato's treatment of gender in Timaeus' cosmology is peripheral, I argue that gender is central to Timaeus' project to describe a... more
Contribución para el libro artesanal Cuerpos Limítrofes
Kikuyo editorial
Noviembre 2021
Kikuyo editorial
Noviembre 2021
In this article, I would like to explore the bases of the language from the aspect of the corporality using M ichel Henry’s Philosophy and Phenomenologyof theBody: Essaysabout MainedeBiran.In... more
Ottimamente curato da Hans Rainer Sepp, una delle voci più originali nel panorama fenomenologico contemporaneo, questo volume collettaneo, Phänomenologie und Ökologie, condivide con altri recenti lavori la rigorosa passione fenomenologica... more
Enhancement is a basic principle of modern sport. Their increase of achievement is usually attributed to the sportsmen’s natural assessment, their health, their training methods and their employment. In contrast, increase in output by... more
[To Quote: Astone, G. (2019), «L’inappropriatezza dell’anarchico. Per una lettura critica dei primi tre capitoli di Creazione e anarchia di Giorgio Agamben», Filosofia Italiana, vol. XIII, n. 2, pp. 75-103.] ABSTRACT: In this article we... more
Bu çalışmada Jean-Luc Nancy'nin cinsellik ve aşk üzerine felsefi çalışması ile Reha Erdem'in Kosmos filmi diyaloğa sokularak yabancı bedenlerin/cisimlerin cinsel, mekânsal ve zamansal sınırları ihlal etme tarzları soruşturuluyor.
As medical technology continues to progress, we are able to correct deficiencies in the body through means such as cochlear implants and prosthetic limbs. This has led some scholars to argue that we are creating technologized, cyborg... more
This research explores the carnal, experienced self as processual and becoming, situating life as zoe (as per Braidotti) in the context of the Western culture, characterized by alienation (Fromm, Foucault The study first... more
Abstract The perception of body has shifted significance from a commonsensical and everyday fact to a historicized concept within the past century. However, the extremes of the biological or social... more
En este trabajo, mi objetivo es dar cuenta de las objeciones de Michel Henry a Merleau-Ponty en lo concerniente a la cuestión del cuerpo propio y la carne. A tales efectos, comienzo por presentar la posición de Merleau-Ponty. Luego... more
Este artículo se propone mostrar el valor del cuerpo en la filosofía de Schopenhauer. En principio inicia con una problemática teórica que Schopenhauer fundamenta como la distinción entre la ilusión y el conocimiento verdadero. Luego el... more
Pricujoci clanek predstavlja interpretacijo Merleau-Pontyjeve fenomenologije telesa in zaznave v povezavi s podrocjem medcloveških odnosov in socialne interakcije, ki poteka v intersubjektivnem prostoru cloveškega sveta. Ceprav je za... more
Performing politics, practising transdisciplinarity, translating cultures: The scholarly embodiment of knowledge as a network of living ecosystems If the scholarly persona like other species “brings forth and specifies its own domain... more
Статья посвящена обозначению контуров и выявлению специфики анархистской онтологии тела из перспек-тивы либертарной концепции субъективности, противопоставляемой марксистской традиции, с одной сто-роны, и традициям правого дискурса – с... more
L’histoire de la médecine n’a engendré que très peu de figures d’une dénégation radicale des bienfaits et de l’utilité de la douleur. Jusqu’au XXe siècle, la plupart des médecins et chirurgiens, par une équation biaisée, déduisaient de... more
In ancient times, the records show, thinkers and the cultural practices have given great emphasis on mind, soul or self over against body. This, most importantly, signifies the dualism maintained by those thinkers and cultures regarding... more
It may not only be that for several centuries “humanism” has been confused with European identity, but that despite its quite ambitious and holistic pretensions it amounts to a rather selective, ethnocentric, and ultimately ethnocidal... more
In this paper I will discuss the role of self-tracking technologies in debates around the relation between a self and a body. In particular, this paper aims to address the question of how self-tracking technologies mediate the relation... more
«Com'è fatta l'esperienza? E come diventa possibile?» Attorno a queste domande ruota l'indagine della filosofia dal momento in cui Kant le ha poste nella loro radicalità. Facendo uso del pensiero di Gilles Deleuze... more
In this article, a thinking about the concept of touching has been tried. This article finds its center within the philosophical interpretation of Jean-Luc Nancy‘s towards a narration in the Bible. The main concern here will focus on the... more
See video abstract on YouTube If you cite this, please use OnlineFirst version A recent widely reported study found that some participants would... more