Philosophy and Literature
Most downloaded papers in Philosophy and Literature
In this article, I outline a logic of design of a system as a specific kind of conceptual logic of the design of the model of a system, that is, the blueprint that provides information about the system to be created. In section two, I... more
There are many ways of understanding the nature of philosophical questions. One may consider their morphology, semantics, relevance, or scope. This article introduces a different approach, based on the kind of informational resources... more
Contemporary science seems to be caught in a strange predicament. On the one hand, it holds a firm and reasonable commitment to a healthy naturalistic methodology, according to which explanations of natural phenomena should never overstep... more
This is a comparison of Agathon’s role in Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae and Plato’s Symposium. Firstly, I examine the Platonic version, and the unique, idiosyncratic part Plato gives Agathon to play, as a host to all, and a hostage to... more
Abstract: The article examines Polish translations of the Derridian term différance. Polish philosophical discourse uses the following renditions of différance: róż (ni (c) oś) ć by Bogdan Banasiak, różNICa by Tadeusz Sławek,... more
Not only in his infamous speeches as NSDAP-approved Führer-Rektor of Freiburg University, Heidegger advocated what can seem like an 'activist' understanding of human existence. To exist, according to this approach, means to be called upon... more
Diese Masterarbeit befasst sich hauptsächlich mit der Analyse des Kapitels "Die Lust und die Notwendigkeit" aus G.W.F Hegels "Phänomenologie des Geistes". Das Kapitel wurde insbesondere im Hinblick auf das "Faust"-"Zitat" beleuchtet:... more
The biographical novel has supplanted the classical historical novel. What has caused this is a shift in our contemporary theories of consciousness, which radically impact the way we understand and do history. Traditional historical... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the limits of moral permissibility in both Dostoevsky and Nietzsche. To this aim, the author will consider a comparison often made in the studies dedicated to Dostoevsky and Nietzsche, namely that... more
J. L. Austin's claim that language ‘used not seriously’ is ‘parasitic’ upon ‘normal use’ has proved a puzzle to literary scholars, who have often taken this to mean that they are not allowed to apply the insights of speech-act theory to... more
The aim of this paper is to show that " traditional " and " resolute " interpretations have not freed the Tractatus from the apparent paradoxical self-defeat. I argue that these readings only give it new clothing. Hacker's " traditional "... more
This chapter reviews the two primary ways in which moral issues pertaining to literature are discussed in Anglophone philosophy of art. The first half of this essay looks at the morally relevant influences that literature is thought to... more
Ludwig Wittgenstein’s remarks on William Shakespeare, though small in number, have raised a considerable amount of interest and bewilderment among scholars. The few observations, all of which are contained in posthumously published... more
A discussion of the question "What did Wittgenstein write, and how did he write it?" in three parts. (1) Internalism and externalism about style and method. (2) Identifying texts and works. (3) Identifying voices in the text.
Textos y Contra-Textos en "E1 jardín de senderos que se bifurcan"
In this paper I explore the complex relation to philosophy of the Russian formalists by discussing their radical attempt to redefine the categories of literature and philosophy in the Russian cultural sphere. My thesis is that instead of... more
This paper examines Borges’ view of time—the most important metaphysical problem in his opinion. Regarding it as indecipherable and indefinable like all the major metaphysical questions, it is governed in his works by Heraclitus’ metaphor... more
In 1992, Cormac McCarthy gave a rare interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel, translated into English here for the first time.
Paladino Patrizia 3^A Paladino Patrizia 3^A SCHEDA LIBRO Autore: Umberto Galimberti, nato a Monza nel 1942, è stato dal 1976 professore incaricato di Antropologia Culturale e dal 1983 professore associato di Filosofia della Storia. Dal... more
Yo soy, al igual que Wagner, un hijo de este tiempo, quiero decir, un décadent: sólo que yo he comprendido esto y me he defendido.
It should come as a surprise that the notion of style is elusive: after all, style is often taken to pertain to the surface (rather than the substance) of a (literary) work of art. The elements of style should, thus, lie open before our... more
Desde sus mismos orígenes, la narrativa policial acepta ser leída como símbolo o alegoría filosófica (en general, preferimos el término “alegoría filosófica”, porque, a diferencia del término “símbolo”, sugiere una cierta trabazón... more
This paper, which the author delivered as his inaugural lecture as the Chair of Philosophy at Maynooth University, explores the relationship between philosophy, poetry, and religion. Through a line-by-line interpretation of Leonard... more
"With contributions from:
Wendelin Schmidt Dengler
Fred Wilson
Rudolf Haller
John Gibson
Newton Garver
Barry Smith
Mark Blum
Randall Dipert
Jill Scott
Mark Grzeskowiak
Franz Josef Czernin"
Wendelin Schmidt Dengler
Fred Wilson
Rudolf Haller
John Gibson
Newton Garver
Barry Smith
Mark Blum
Randall Dipert
Jill Scott
Mark Grzeskowiak
Franz Josef Czernin"
The article focuses on Leopardi’s renowned poem "La ginestra, o il fiore del deserto" (1836) and on the scholars who have firstly explored the ‘political’ ideas proposed by this text: C. Luporini in his "Leopardi progressivo" and W. Binni... more
O padrão ortográfico e o sistema de citações e referências bibliográficas são prerrogativas de cada autor. Da mesma forma, o conteúdo de cada capítulo é de inteira e exclusiva responsabilidade de seu respectivo autor.
Working from newly available texts in Heidegger’s Complete Works, Krzysztof Ziarek presents Heidegger at his most radical and demonstrates how the thinker’s daring use of language is an integral part of his philosophical expression.... more
Readers of Nietzsche became more and more aware of the fact that proper understandings of his philosophy must take his variety of literary forms into account. Some argue that he does not propose philosophical positions but rather explores... more
Herein I argue that we can learn from literary texts, but not in the same manner by which we learn from philosophical texts. I consider whether literary texts are successful in imparting empirical knowledge, knowledge of what it is like... more
In the last years of his life, the American poet Wallace Stevens expressed interest in the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. Stevens was led to Heidegger by his prior interest in Friedrich Hölderlin, the poet who preoccu- pied... more
Der Artikel stellt verschiedene Verbindungen zwischen Wittgenstein und der Literatur bzw. der Philosophie der Literatur dar und gibt im zweiten Teil eine Einleitung zu den Artikeln des Sammelbandes "Wittgenstein und die Literatur" (hrsg.... more
Resumo O artigo visa investigar o fundamento e a pertinência das proximidades apontadas entre a poesia de Alberto Caeiro e o budismo Zen por vários intérpretes pessoanos, particularmente a respeito da questão de śūnyatā, a " vacuidade "... more
I published a review of Davies's The Artful Species in the Italian journal Aisthesis. Davies wrote a response. The editor invited me to write a rejoinder to Davies's response. I did, but when Davies declined to answer my rejoinder, the... more
In her readings of the Greek tragedies, Luce Irigaray demonstrates that the power relations between women and men permeate tragedy to its core. According to Irigaray, the source of the ancient tragedy —Antigone’s death is a clear... more
Almost all readings of E.M. Forster’s Howards End note the famous epigraph – “Only connect…” – but it is not at all obvious how we are supposed to understand it. Connect what, exactly? Here, I propose a new interpretation: that to connect... more
"The article seeks to study Beckett’s (in)famous abstractionism in the light of his engagement with the discursive borderline of philosophy and literature with recourse to Alain Badiou’s texts on Beckett and his meditations on the... more