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This is a numerical or numerological analysis of the GLGL Wheel mandala that I conducted in 2013. It shows the major numerological patterns that exist within the Wheel. These patterns are based on the numerical values of the Hebrew... more
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      Christian KabbalahKabbalahLurianic KabbalahCabala
Mystical Songs of Bratslav Hasidim
שיר ידידות לר' יחיאל מנדל ממדוודיוקה והתפתחות השיח הרדיקלי בחסידות ברסלב
(בסוף הקובץ צילום של עמוד מכתב היד)
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
Extrait de Cabale et Cabalistes, petite anthologie ayant trait à la nature du monde divin par rapport à notre monde de matière par divers penseurs entre le IIème et le XVIIème siècle raéssemblée par Charles Mopsik publiées chez Bayard... more
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      KabbalahDiaspora and transnationalismLurianic KabbalahSefer Ha-Bahir
Le Livre d’Adam de Charles d’Hooghvorst est une compilation exceptionnelle d’articles comprenant des textes traditionnels et leurs commentaires, qui permettront au lecteur de découvrir le lien qui unit les trois grandes religions... more
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      History of ReligionStudy of ReligionsHistory of ReligionsKabbalah
גרשם שלום -- תולדות התנועה השבתאית // History of the Sabbatian Movement was the first attempt by one of the giants of scholarship on Jewish mysticism, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), to present a comprehensive picture of Sabbatianism as a... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual History
In 1887, Paul Tannery suggested that some ancient Pythagoreans defended a form of atomism against which Eleatic philosophers such as Zeno of Elea reacted. Later, Democritus and Leucippus on one hand, Plato on the other, developed... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual History
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Ленен. Божественная каббала. — СПб.: Издательство «Академия исследования культуры», 2019. — 288 с. — (Серия Code Grimoire). ISBN 978-5-94396-218-9... more
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      AngelologyAngelsChristian KabbalahKabbalah
Amidst the rich panoply of Jewish Kabbalah, Abraham Abulafia (1240-1291) resonates the most with modern, philosophically minded seekers of direct mystical experience. Abulafia was unique amongst Jewish mystics in providing precise... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyYogaChristian Mysticism
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    • Philosophie Et Kabbale
Le Titre et le Résumé en anglais et en français du livre LA MÉTAPHYSIQUE DE L’UNITÉ CHEZ LE RAMHAL de Mordékhai Chriqui. Title : Kabbalah as “metaphysics” of the Unity, as seen by Rabbi Moshe Ḥayyîm Luzzatto (Ramḥal) Summary : The... more
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      MetaphysicsKabbalahMétaphysiqueLurianic Kabbalah
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en... more
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      American LiteratureJewish American LiteratureReligionNew Religious Movements
Il Rabbino Qabbalista Isaac Luria è considerato il più grande e celebre studioso del pensiero mistico ebraico.Il principale divulgatore delle sue teorie fu Hayim Vital, . Nella lingua ebraica egli veniva chiamato e He-Ari (“Il Leone”)... more
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      KabbalahLurianic KabbalahKabbalaZohar, Kabbalah
Tomando como punto de arranque las concepciones de Leo Strauss acerca de ‘la persecución y el arte de escribir’, y extendiéndolas a una comprensión más amplia de distintas artes de lenguaje (lengua, poética, escritura), el seminario... more
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The Haskalah, or “Jewish Enlightenment,” is often considered to be a secularizing trend within modern European Judaism. Yet as recent studies have begun to show, this characterization ignores the Romantic and religious attitudes of many... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryEastern European StudiesJewish Studies
Bref aperçu de la façon dont certains des grands voient la «science» - selon les mots d'Einstein, Hume, Damasio, le Dr Paul Wong, Carl Jung, Tolstoy, Pargament, Mahoney, etc. Einstein a observé: "Essayez de pénétrer avec nos moyens... more
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      Quebecois LiteratureQuébec StudiesQuebecPhilosophie
ULTIMI CINQUE VOLUMI PUBBLICATI: VOLUME X (APRILE 2017) 1. MICHELE CURNIS, Filologia platonica del XX secolo. Tradizione indiretta. (85) 2. ALESSIO FAEDDA, Le citazioni omeriche in Platone. Effetti della tradizione orale o... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic Philosophy
This article investigates Moses de León's early kabbalistic thought through a cluster of his unsigned works in manuscript, some of which have only recently come to light, and others of which have not received any scholarly attention at... more
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      Jewish MysticismKabbalahZoharZohar, Kabbalah
Theological Debates among the Masters of Niqqud in the Works of Joseph Gikatilla's "Disciples" Avishai Bar-Asher In the early 1270s, R. Joseph b. Abraham Gikatilla wrote a number of works dedicated to the secrets of the Tiberian Hebrew... more
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      Jewish MysticismKabbalahZoharHistory of Kabbalah
The concept of infinity (ein-sof) is one of the cornerstones of Kabbalistic thought. This paper aims at examining its theoretical and theological characteristics, and to probe its presence in the works of Jorge Luis Borges. Previously... more
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      MysticismJorge Luis BorgesKabbalahInfinity
Review "This excellent study is [...] recommended for academic libraries." Daniel Scheide, Florida Atlantic University, Association of Jewish Libraries Reviews, Volume VII, No. 2... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryModern History
published without the knowledge of the author - . not proofread by the author. an updated and corrected version of the article will appear in my book - Wrestling with the Esoteric (2017) הדברים נדפסו שלא בידיעתי וללא הגהה מצידי. אין... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsHistory
UPDATED: 22JUL22. This paper explores the esoteric meaning behind the order of the letters of the Hebrew alefbet. It focuses on the astrological correspondences attached to the Hebrew letters and the reason for their disjointed sequences.... more
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      History of AstrologyChristian KabbalahKabbalahRenaissance magic and astrology
Résumé: Lʼhumanité dans son ensemble poursuit une histoire universelle. Cette histoire qui se veut lʼexpression de lʼévolution de la révélation de lʼUnité de Dieu progresse en adéquation avec les créatures et les évènements historiques.... more
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      KabbalahJudaismLurianic KabbalahPhilosophie Et Kabbale
Full program -
Conference dedicated to the figure of R. Nathan of Gaza, Shabbetai Tsevi’s prophet.  Skopje, Macedonia, 10 - 12 July 2018.
Academic Committee: Eliezer Papo, Haviva Pedaya, Jonatan Meir
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
In parallel with his prolific work on Kabbalah, Gershom Scholem delivered many public lectures. He usually chose to lecture on subjects he was researching at the time, in conjunction with his courses at the Hebrew University. These... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
השכלה ואזוטריקה בגליציה: כתביו הגנוזים של אליקים המילזאהגי
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistoryIntellectual History
This short treatise explores (using polyhex mathematics) the special relationship that exists between the kabbalistic Tree of Life diagram and the geometry of the simple hexagon. It reveals how the ten sefirot and the twentytwo pathways... more
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      Christian KabbalahKabbalahLurianic KabbalahCabala
"Journeys of the Soul: Concepts and Imageries of Paradise in Medieval Kabbalah" covers the most decisive period in the history of Jewish speculation about the Garden of Eden. The heart of the book is a thorough analysis of the... more
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      Jewish MysticismJewish ThoughtMedieval Jewish PhilosophyEschatology
L'ALBERO DELLA VITA Sappi che, prima che le emanazioni fossero emanate e le creature create, la semplice Luce Superiore colmava tutta l'esistenza. Non esisteva nessun posto libero né di aria vuota e né spazio, ma tutto era colmo di quella... more
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      KabbalahEsotericismWestern EsotericismLurianic Kabbalah
Résumé : Cet article est un préambule de la IIIe partie de notre thèse - LA KABBALE EN TANT QUE « MÉTAPHYSIQUE » DE LʼUNITÉ CHEZ RABBI MOÏSE ḤAYYÎM LUZZATTO - qui présente le tikoun comme : la réparation du monde. Le Ramhal perçoit dans... more
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      KabbalahPhilosophie Et KabbaleRamchalRamhal
Elijah Benamozegh (Livorno, 1823-1900) was a highly-respected Italian rabbi of Moroccan heritage. He was well-versed in Kabbalah, the study of Jewish mysticism and, in his works, connected Kabbalistic and philosophic sources to delineate... more
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      SpinozaKabbalah and Jewish PhilosophyPhilosophie Et KabbaleBenamozegh Ehijah
Michael Levi Rodkinson (1845–1904) was a journalist, author, and publisher whose literary projects spanned numerous countries and continents. Hero to some and scoundrel to others, Rodkinson was a polemical figure whose beliefs underwent... more
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      Fiction WritingJewish American LiteratureReligionNew Religious Movements
Quelques réflexions sur la figure exceptionnelle de Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai (Ie siècle) et Lag baomer par Mordékhai Chriqui.
Tribune Juive , Mai 2009
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      JudaismPhilosophie Et KabbaleHistory of Judaism In Antiquity
La contemplation de son histoire conduit nécessairement le peuple juif à abandonner définitivement tout espoir de trouver grâce aux yeux des nations, car cette histoire n’inspire qu’une seule et unique conclusion qui est que le seul moyen... more
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      KabbalahJudaismHistoire comparée des religionsHistoire et archéologie des religions antiques
Je cite ici librement, sans exactitude, cela vient de ce que la parole doit être méditée et intériorisée pour devenir féconde et efficace. J'interroge la possibilité d'un Jésus gnostique, et cela dès le texte canonique des Évangiles, mais... more
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      GnosticismJewish MysticismEarly ChristianityMysticism
מבוא לספרו של גרשם שלום, תולדות התנועה השבתאית, ירושלים ותל אביב תשע"ח, עמ' 43-9
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      Jewish StudiesJewish ThoughtJewish PhilosophyMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
This Galgal Wheel World Calendar Chart is a visual aid to help understand the structure of the Galgal Calendar.
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      History of AstrologyChristian KabbalahKabbalahKabbalah, Christian Kabbalah, Jewish Mysticism ר' יהודה ליב אשלג והקבלה בפולין ההרצאה תתמקד בפעילותו המוקדמת של הרב יהודה ליב אשלג בתוך ההקשר החסידי-קבלי בפולין בראשית המאה העשרים. פן זה בדמותו של אשלג לא נחקר כלל... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEastern European StudiesJewish StudiesHistory of Ideas
[fr] Ce mémoire porte sur un recueil de quatre romans dits cabalistiques, qui ont été réédités en 1788 par l’éditeur parisien Garnier, dans une partie de collection qui comprend uniquement des œuvres à caractère occulte. Cette recherche... more
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      MetafictionLittérature française du XVIIIe sièclePhilosophie Et Kabbale
« La cabbale de Jean Thenaud, un éclairage sur le chiffre de François Ier » de François Parot et Thibaud Fourrier (Tours, CESR-CESM). Ce compte rendu rapporte l'intervention et les conclusions de François Parot et de Thibaud Fourrier,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceEmblem studiesEmblems (Renaissance)
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      Spain (History)History of HalakhahPhilosophie Et KabbaleTalmud and Rabbinics
« Kabbale », signifie littéralement, réception, tradition. Elle recouvre, cependant, de nombreuses nuances : mysticisme juif, gnose, théosophie, ésotérisme juif, mais aussi cosmogonie, philosophie du divin, etc. Si la kabbale exprime... more
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      MetaphysicsKabbalahMétaphysiqueLurianic Kabbalah
Kabbalah and Judaism by Yakov Shechter
Easy reading
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish History
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismSpiritualityMonster Theory