Recent papers in Philo
A broad discussion of allegorical representation in Pharaonic Egypt lays the groundwork here for a reassessment of Philo, as seen within Late Egyptian rhetorical traditions.
I discuss the primary aims of my book God in the Age of Science? A Critique of Religious Reason which critically assesses the most promising apologetic strategies defending the reasonable endorsement of religious creeds. These apologetic... more
Presented to the joint session of the Hebrews/Intertextuality at the 2019 SBL
Some contemporary theologically inclined epistemologists, the reformed epistemologists, have attempted to show that belief in God is rational by appealing directly to a special kind of experience. To strengthen the appeal to this... more
A key premise of the kalam cosmological argument is that the universe began to exist. However, while a number of philosophers have offered powerful criticisms of William Lane Craig's defense of the premise, J.P. Moreland has also offered... more
Michael Gill's book on The British Moralists on Human Nature and the Birth of Secular Ethics is an excellent piece of intellectual history, history of philosophy, and philosophical analysis. It tells the story of how moral philosophers of... more
Additions B and E to LXX Esther have been variously dated from the second century BCE to the first century CE. This study links the two Greek Additions, on the one hand, with Philo’s writings through the concept of the “evil-hating... more
In his 2012 book God in the Age of Science? A Critique of Religious Reason Herman Philipse argues that all known deductive versions of the cosmological argument are untenable. His strategy is to propose a few objections to two classical... more
In this chapter, I will be considering the argument from reason. The argument, as we shall see, takes a number of forms, but in all instances it attempts to show that the necessary conditions of logical and mathematical reasoning, which... more
In this paper I argue that Richard Swinburne fails to adequately support his Principle of Credulity in favor of the validity of alleged experiences of God. I then formulate an alternative, analogical argument for the validity of alleged... more
One of the principle aims of the B version of Kant's transcendental deduction is to show how it is possible that the same 'I think' can accompany all of my representations, which is a transcendental condition of the possibility of... more
and Oppy (2003), we set out to discredit sceptical theist responses to evidential arguments from evil. In particular, we argued that, if the considerations deployed by sceptical theists are sufficient to undermine noseeum inferences in... more
Bruce Russell has classified evidential arguments from evil into four types, one of which is the type-4 argument. Rather than begin with observations of evils that appear to be gratuitous, type-4 arguments simply begin with observations... more
Arthur Falk has proposed a new construal of faith according to which it is not a mere species of belief, but has essential components in action. This twist on faith promises to resurrect Pascal's Wager, making faith compatible with reason... more