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      PhilippinesPhilippine StudiesPhilippine LiteratureFilipino
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      Constitutional LawEducationPhilippinesPhilippine Studies
This report provides an overview of the development and trends of educational measurement and evaluation in higher education in the Philippines. The development of the field of educational measurement and evaluation in the country is... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationEducational Measurement and EvaluationPhilippine higher educaitonmeasurement and evaluation in the Philippines
The study takes a more in-depth approach towards determining the actual role that international organizations—such as financial institutions—play in domestic-level social sectors. For this specific area of study, the authors maintain that... more
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      EducationSocial Development in developing countriesWorld BankCapacity Building
In this paper, we will problematize the proposed use of mother-tongue-based instruction in the Philippines. As a country that has, for almost a century, supported the use of English in schools, this proposal marks a drastic shift in... more
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      Language EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualism
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    • Philippine higher educaiton
This chapter aims to trace and clarify the meaning of digital literacy (DL), digital competence (DC), and pedagogical digital competence (PDC) in the global literature, as well as their relevance to the Filipino tertiary education... more
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      EducationTechnologySociology of EducationEducational Technology
A confident and effective education system focuses not only on the economic, social and cultural growth of learning groups but also on spiritual growth. Reinforcing the spiritual component of faculty helps the learner to process... more
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      Higher EducationAssessment in Higher EducationLearing and Teaching in HIgher EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
This report provides an overview of the development and trends of educational measurement and evaluation in higher education in the Philippines. The development of the field of educational measurement and evaluation in the country is... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationEducational Measurement and EvaluationMeasurement and evaluation in educationPhilippine higher educaiton
This report provides an overview of the development and trends of educational measurement and evaluation in higher education in the Philippines. The development of the field of educational measurement and evaluation in the country is... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationEducational Measurement and EvaluationMeasurement and evaluation in educationPhilippine higher educaiton
In this paper, we will problematize the proposed use of mother-tongue-based instruction in the Philippines. As a country that has, for almost a century, supported the use of English in schools, this proposal marks a drastic shift in... more
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    •   38  
      Language EducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualism
This report provides an overview of the development and trends of educational measurement and evaluation in higher education in the Philippines. The development of the field of educational measurement and evaluation in the country is... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationEducational Measurement and EvaluationMeasurement and evaluation in educationPhilippine higher educaiton
This report provides an overview of the development and trends of educational measurement and evaluation in higher education in the Philippines. The development of the field of educational measurement and evaluation in the country is... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationEducational Measurement and EvaluationMeasurement and evaluation in educationPhilippine higher educaiton
Education is one of the most important sectors in the present ‘Knowledge Era’ and only, those societies will grow which have put emphasis on ‘Education’. Here, the role of the higher education as an important sector becomes immensely... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationHigher Education
This report provides an overview of the development and trends of educational measurement and evaluation in higher education in the Philippines. The development of the field of educational measurement and evaluation in the country is... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationEducational Measurement and EvaluationMeasurement and evaluation in educationPhilippine higher educaiton
This report provides an overview of the development and trends of educational measurement and evaluation in higher education in the Philippines. The development of the field of educational measurement and evaluation in the country is... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationEducational Measurement and EvaluationMeasurement and evaluation in educationPhilippine higher educaiton
Religious experience is a dimension of human experience which deals with the interpretation of concrete events according to evaluative categories. This is rooted in the essence of religion itself whose task is to provide an explanation of... more
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      Comparative ReligionPolitical SociologyIslamic LawComparative Law
Due to its lackluster performance, there is a dire need to review the relevance of the CHED; the soaring number of unemployed college and university graduates points to the commission's ineffectiveness.
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      EducationHigher EducationCollege AccessCollege student development
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPhilippinesPhilippine StudiesPhilippine History