Philip II of Spain
Recent papers in Philip II of Spain
a c t a s d e l c o n g r e s o i n t e r n a c i o n a l p r o c e e d i n g s o f t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s y m p o s i u m Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, octubre de 2 01 1 Edición a cargo de stephan f. schröder Madrid, Museo... more
Publieksbeschrijving: Alva zit op een troon, gekleed in een wapenrusting en met het Gulden Vlies om. De scepter in zijn hand geeft zijn (militaire) macht aan. Aan zijn rechterhand (dus links) staat kardinaal Granvelle. Hij geeft Alva met... more
The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond, Volume 3: Displaced Persons, edited by Kevin Ingram and Juan Ignacio Pulido Serrano. Leiden: Brill, 2015. The Sixteenth Century Journal 49.2 (2018) 533–35.
SUZUKI Akira (鈴木彰), Rikkyō University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University
Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
Patrick SCHWEMMER, Sophia University
Saida KHALMIRZAEVA, Hōsei University
Commentator: HYŌDŌ Hiromi (兵藤裕己), Gakushūin University
Organizer: SUGIYAMA Kazuya (杉山和也), Aoyama Gakuin University
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
This thesis transcribes and translates the war correspondence of King Philip II from the year 1592. The original manuscripts are held at the Harold B. Lee Library in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections (Brigham Young University, Provo,... more
Studies on international relations in the field of Spanish Golden Age art, literature and thought. Monographs, doctoral theses and conference papers focusing on aspects of mutual influence, parallels and exchanges between Spain and other... more
Introduction. The visit of the Russian envoy Osip Nepeya to London in 1556-1557 is usually considered as the beginning of the official relations between Russia and England. In the light of modern views about the sixteenth-century... more
This book is a revised version of my PhD thesis on the Mediterranean politics of the Ottoman admiral Cigalazade Sinan Paşa, one of the central figures of late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries Mediterranean and Ottoman history.... more
DE TODOS es conocida la faceta como mecenas artístico y coleccionista de Felipe II desde su más temprana juventud 1 . En ella, no se podía descuidar una de las manifestaciones artísticas más destacadas durante el siglo XVI, como era la... more
This work contains a documental, critical and philological reconstruction around a document from the Spanish Archive of Simancas. It’s a Memory, written by the imperial ambassador Francisco de Vargas, that contains a payment to Titian of... more
El siguiente artículo apareció publicado en el Homenaje a Manuel Ballesteros 2. Boletín de la Academia Puertorriqueña de la [67][70] La operación anfibia y batalla de la isla Tercera en las Azores de 1583
In the 1580s, the Jesuit priest Alessandro Valignano sent four young pupils from the seminary at Arima to tour Europe, in a mission that has since been referred to as the ‘Tensho embassy’ — without a doubt a remarkable episode in the... more
a r s 66 a r s 67 | L A O B R A | Jooris van der Straeten, o Jorge de la Rúa como se le conocía en España, fue un artista flamenco que llegó a la corte de Felipe II en 1561. Pintó a varios miembros de la familia real, entre ellos, a las... more
This master's thesis tries to (re-)collect all pictures of Philip II of Spain that were drawn by many historians over the past five centuries. The outcome clearly demonstrates that there have been many myths and aspersions that... more
The purpose of this essay is to present new documentary evidence concerning the years of the painter Sofonisba Anguissola at the Spanish court. These new findings shed some light about previously unknown aspects of the relationship... more
The 19 letters presented in this appendix to the exhibition catalogue "Titian. Love, Desire, Death", translated in full for the first time and annotated (see pages: 216-20), comprise the totality of the surviving correspondence between... more
Columbus’ renowned 1492 voyage marked the beginning of Spain’s quest to reach the fabled riches of Asia by sailing west rather than east. Eighty years later, Columbus’ dream of establishing a westerly trade route to China was achieved... more
La (re)creación historiográfica de Carlos de Habsburgo tiene, en la versión “francesa” de la Leyenda Negra, un hito en la publicación de la Histoire de Dom Carlos, fils de Philippe II de César Vichard, abbé de Saint-Réal (1672). En ella,... more
Here is some work I did on the fascinating Thomas Stukeley - I was doing work on George Peele's Play The Battle of Alcazar (which is important and fascinating for a whole other set of reasons) and then this just grew (and grew!) out of... more
Paul Holberton Publishing, London
Expected 2022
Expected 2022
La monarquia de Felipe II a debate, ed. Luis Ribot. Sociedad Estatal para la Conmemoraciön de los Centenarios de Felipe II y Carlos V, Madrid, 2000 This essay explores the patronage and collections of Juana and Maria of Austria, not only... more
Felipe II (1527‑1598) was one of the first great collectors of paintings in sixteenth‑century Spain. Apart from his heritage, his taste is reflected in the acquisition and commissioning of numerous works to decorate his palaces,... more
En 2013 y 2014, con motivo del aniversario de la visita de una embajada japonesa al rey Felipe III en 1614 se habló a menudo de los “400 años de relaciones España-Japón”. ¿Existieron realmente esas relaciones? En este artículo se... more
I Presìdi di Toscana, fondati da Filippo II nel 1557, rappresentavano un luogo di grande importanza logistica e strategica per il sistema commerciale e geopolitico spagnolo. Le grandi trasformazioni intercorse nel XVII e XVIII secolo e i... more
La colección Confluencias del Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica (CEEH) está dedicada a las relaciones internacionales del arte, las letras y el pensamiento español del Siglo de Oro. Esta serie acoge un conjunto de monografías, tesis... more
The Reformation has often been seen as a force which diminished the North-South connections. Even though it certainly was a new obstacle, relations not only continued but reached unprecedented levels. When Johan III became the new King of... more
This research problematizes how the military, political and ideological conflict which took place between Ottoman and Spanish Empires in 16th century, as well as how self-images of the two international actors were socially constructed... more
Fra gli indiscussi capolavori di Tiziano si annovera il "Venere e Adone", di cui si conoscono molte variati, la più nota delle quali è la tela del Museo del Prado di Madrid, eseguita nel 1554 per il re di Spagna Filippo II. A partire... more
ROMERO DORADO, Antonio: “La Emperatriz Isabel de Portugal con el Príncipe Felipe en brazos (1529): en busca de un retrato perdido de Antonio de Holanda”, Ars Bilduma, nº 8, 2018, pp. 41-61.
In 1597 Minuccio Minucci (Archbishop of Zara) wrote a letter to the former Venetian Ambassador at the Papal Court, Paolo Paruta, describing his own project for a trade route from the Duchy of Bavaria to Venice, in order to carry to the... more
interesante la aproximación a este fenómeno que surge en la mayor parte de Europa a comienzos del siglo XVII y del que contamos con una aportación de conjunto, John H. ELLIOTT y Laurence BROCKLISS (dirs.), El mundo de los validos, Madrid,... more
In 1556 Juan Páez de Castro handed to Philip II of Spain a project he had devised after more than ten years of research in the libraries of Northern and Central Italy. Contemporary experiments in France, as well as ancient Greek and Roman... more
El nombre de esta batalla se vincula casi automáticamente con el choque de civilizaciones. En Europa se tuvo la sensación de que el invencible Imperio Otomano había sido frenado en su avance hacia el Oeste. Felipe II pudo mostrar que la... more
Published in: Early Music History 19 (2000), pp. 105-200
La relación del Greco con los ambientes cortesanos españoles podría arrancar de su estancia en Venecia entre y . Allí residieron personajes como el embajador de Felipe II don Diego Guzmán de Silva, que había sido obrero y... more