Phenomenology of Temporality
Recent papers in Phenomenology of Temporality
This article presents a brief report of a first-person investigation through drawing, discussing how serially developed drawing can be understood to express the becoming of 'now' – the present moment in time. By employing a... more
The essence of technology pervades our existence in a way we still barely surmise'.
Here are the preliminary materials and first two chapters from my most recent book: Grief Worlds: A Study of Emotional Experience. All chapters of the final published manuscript are freely available via MIT Press Direct:... more
Spanish American countries exhibited during the nineteenth century many of the features Koselleck associated with the Sattelzeit, the transitioning period into our contemporaneity. However, the region's history was marked by social... more
“Arquivar a própria vida é se pôr no espelho, é contrapor à imagem social a imagem íntima de si próprio, e nesse sentido o arquivamento do eu é uma prática de construção de si mesmo e de resistência” (ARTIÈRES, 1998, p. 11). Com esta... more
This essay aims to examine the essence of drunkenness in its temporal and spatial dimensions. Despite the interest shown by phenomenological literature in the study of psychopathological consequences of acute and chronic drunkenness, the... more
Where does the self stop and the rest of the world begin? Clark and Chalmers already paved the way for an application of the extended mind theory to the problem of selfhood and identity, when in their seminal paper they asked ‘What,... more
Najważniejsze rozważania Husserla, poświęcone próbie odpowiedzi na pytanie "czym jest czas?", zebrano w tomiku Wykłady z fenomenologii wewnętrznej świadomości czasu. Już sam tytuł tego dzieła sugeruje, z jakim typem badań będziemy mieli... more
Causa e effetto invertiti, entropia e sintropia, ordine e disordine, origine e scopo. Agli occhi della scienza il Tempo rimane ancora un enigma. Dall’America alla Russia passando per l’Europa, i misteri più affascinanti della quarta... more
The paper analyzes the correlation of time and creation in St. Augustine. Building upon researches of recent decades, it subdivides the issue into three topics, which facilitates the treatment of memory as a philosophical and theological... more
Review published in APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy of a book exploring the roles of temporality and racialization in the development of femininity, using Simon de Beauvoir and critical phenomenology.
The nature of temporal experience is typically explained in one of a small number of ways, most are versions of either retentionalism or extensionalism. After describing these, I make a distinction between two kinds of temporal character... more
This thesis investigates the relation between promiscuous pleasure and queer temporalities in the work of Guillaume Dustan, analyzing three affective relations to time: melancholia, ecstasy, and hope. I use the AIDS-crisis as the focal... more
La critica condivisa da Paci e Sini alla concezione scientifico-matematica di spazio e tempo che sorregge la concezione tradizionale di storia e la concezione razionalistica dell’architettura si sostanzia dell’appello al mondo della vita,... more
Recensione a Hartmut Rosa, Accelerazione e alienazione. Per una teoria critica del tempo nella tarda modernità, Politica&Società, 2016, n. 1, pp. 131-136. Book review: Hartmut Rosa, Accelerazione e alienazione. Per una teoria critica del... more
Prezentowany poniżej tekst jest wersją roboczą artykułu opublikowanego w tomie "Historia filozofii. Meandry kultury" pod redakcją M. Karasa, Wydawnictwo Nomos, Kraków 2014. Poniższy tekst nie stanowi wersji referencyjnej artykułu.... more
Ma conscience me dit-elle ce que je vais faire ?
Nothing is more obvious than the fact that we are able to experience, via perception, events in the world such a ball deflecting from the cross- bar of a goal. But what is the temporal relation between these two things, the event, and our... more
The digial spaces created through shift in online contact among physically distant contexts have been the focus of many studies in recent years. At this point, it seems that the mobility perception has been dramatically changed because... more
In recent years, the West has increasingly experienced the sense that the political aspects of its social life have undergone a profound alteration. There is a sense of blockage, of non-responsiveness, a feeling that the political class... more
For centuries, Christian theology has understood the Eucharist in terms of metaphysics or in protest against it. Today an opening has been made to imagine the sacrament through the method of phenomenology, bringing about new theological... more
The physical sciences have always had a significant impact on philosophical thinking about time; I argue that the experiential aspects of time are also very relevant in this regard. An examination of Zeno’s arrow paradox reveals the need... more
In the paper, the eschatological perspective of Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians is considered. As the problems are considered the following aspects: firstly, the question of the resurrection (4: 13-18), where the theological... more
This study discloses existential temporality as the core to understand the lived experience of sexually abused girls with broken family relationship. Through a phenomenological analysis of 8 participants' interview data, the result... more
Alla ricerca del concetto di temporalità. Heidegger lettore di Kant. Presso: Filosofia e nuovi sentieri, ISSN 2282-5711.
Data: 04/12/2016
Data: 04/12/2016
In the article the description of secondary memory in Husserl's phenomenology is given. The difference between the reproductive memory and the primary memory is shown. The author analyses the meaning of secondary memory for the process... more
Prophecy becomes interpreted as a revelation from a deity to a prophet. The nature of Martin Heidegger's work deals with Being and one major component in his book Being and Time is about the freedom that Dasein holds. From this freedom,... more
Short abstracts in English and German of my doctoral dissertation exploring the time of waiting to discuss the relationship between power and temporality in aesthetics through the performative practices of Jack Smith, Lorraine O’Grady and... more
The author wants to show that homesickness is not brought about by the intrinsic appeal of one’s home-ground. Rather wistfulness for bereavement makes home a precious good. From this it becomes understandable why returning home arouses... more
Résumé L’objectif de cette revue de la littérature est de créer un pont entre philosophie et neuroscience de l’éducation. Comprendre le phénomène conatif dans son ensemble ainsi que son implication dans les processus cognitifs et... more
took his position in the Methodenstreit of his day largely in a polemic against what he regarded as invalid methodologies of psychological reductionism, social organizism, evolutionism, and both idealist and materialist teleologies.... more
In this chapter, I will focus on Ricoeur views on the intersection between the implicit poetic discourse in which the living metaphor emerges and the explicit philosophical discourse in which it is conceptually clarified. In this... more
Cogitation described as calculation, the living being described as a machine, cognitive functions considered as algorithmic sequences and the 'mechanization' of the subjective were the theoretical elements that late heideggerian... more
Cover: Arrival. Die Hölle ist die Abwesenheit Gottes von Ted Chiang Quelle: Golkonda Den US-amerikanischen Autor Ted Chiang umgibt seit Jahren ein Mythos des Genialen. Sein Werk umfasst seit 1991 gerade einmal fünfzehn Erzählungen, die... more
Umbrüche paradigmatischer Zeitperspektiven in Künsten und Wissenschaften Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Verwendung von Perspektiven in »Denkstilen«. 1 Jedoch geht es weniger um räumliche denn vielmehr um temporale Blickwinkel, sprich:... more
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students... more
This chapter studies the relationship between dark humor, addiction, and abjection. As a case study, it examines a stand-up routine by comic Craig Ferguson in which the comedian touches on such varied topics as peeing his pants,... more
Einleitung Saturn und Melancholie -seit der Antike wurde die Depression als eine Erkrankung angesehen, die unter der Herrschaft des Chronos oder Saturn stand und somit auch eine Störung der Zeitlichkeit war . Dies stimmt überein mit dem... more
Thesis Proposal, School of Interior Design, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India, 2015