Plexos de Intersticialidad: entrevistas con Abdel Hernández San juan, es un libro de entrevistas a Abdel Hernández San Juan realizadas por Alberto Méndez Suarez
The Museum Methonims: The Textual Exégesis of Visual Culture Between Semiotic Theory and posmodern Anthropology. By Abdel Hernández San Juan is a book of linguistic theory and semiotic theory focussed in the theory of the text which... more
Rumbos, Explorations in cultural anthropology. By Abdel Hernández San Juan and Alberto Méndez Suarez
Rumbos: Explorations in cultural Anthropology. By Abdel Hernández San Juan and Alberto Méndez Suárez, is a metatheoretical book in epistemology, philosophy of science, and research methodology theory in between phenomenological sociology... more
Rumbos: Exploraciones en Antropología Cultural. Por Abdel Hernández San Juan y Alberto Méndez, es un libro de ensayos teóricos y metateóricos sobre temas científicos de epistemología, filosofía del conocimiento, y metodología de las... more
An Author book of Abdel Hernández San Juan which theorize and discuss the level of the ground at the Science of Semiotic exploring new avenues between philosophy, logic, semiotic theory, microsociology of phenomenological developments and... more
Los enigmas del Ground: introducción a la sociología semiológica es un libro autoral de Abdel Hernández San Juan donde el autor teoriza y discute un retorno de la teoría semiótica a filosofía y la lógica, explora, propone y desarrolla una... more
When in the summer of 2022, Abdel Hernandez shared with me a digitized copy in a Word document of one of his last four most important books, I was absolutely convinced, even without having read a single line of the text, that I was faced... more
Cuando en el verano de 2022, Abdel Hernández me compartió una copia digitalizada en documento Word de uno de sus últimos cuatro más importantes libros, estaba absolutamente convencido, aún sin haber leído una sola línea del texto, que me... more
A two-way immigration flow has been established between Brazil and Japan, and many Japanese-Brazilian families have their memories shaped by these transnational movements. By collecting life stories from first, second, third,... more
This is a 2016 draft of an essay that was to be published in 2018 in Kaye V Cook ed Faith in a Pluralist Age Cascade Books. The book was the publication of a symposium that considered the essay of Peter L Berger (1929-2017) the title of... more
La obra es fruto de la colaboración entre ambos, y del amplio diálogo que llevan estableciendo estos últimos años: Spätmoderne in der Krise: Was leistet die Gesellschafts theorie? (Berlín: Suhrkamp, 2021). Ni la traducción inglesa (Late... more
This article of reflection on knowledge arises from the academic experience acquired in the subjects of Research I and II, taught in the Sociology programme at the Universidad Popular del Cesar. This work synthesises and analyses the... more
Chung-Chi Yu's book is divided into 14 Chapters, centred on the thoughts of the authors whose names appear in the title (the last one, Bernhard Waldenfels, still an active German philosopher), but with several references to other authors... more
The concept of lived experience plays a significant role in the social sciences in general and in philosophy in particular. The idea of lived experience as a social reality has been philosophized and given prime importance in the... more
The impact of transnational influences in the making of postwar sociology in the United States is often acknowledged. However, phenomenology is rarely counted among these influences in spite of its apparently oversized impact on... more
He has also edited and co-edited a number of volumes and published more than seventy articles in various philosophy journals and anthologies in English, German, French, Spanish, Polish and Lithuanian.
Introduction: Death anxiety is one of the ultimate anxieties of humankind, which is caused by consciousness of mortality and inevitability of death. Considering the fact that knowledge of death and experience of death anxiety arise from... more
ESTUDO TEÓRICO RESUMO O cuidado de enfermagem pode ser considerado uma ação social que tem como cenário o mundo cotidiano, onde são estabelecidas relações intersubje vas que devem ser valorizadas pelo enfermeiro nos diversos contextos em... more
El padecimiento es un fenómeno que puede abordarse desde diversos enfoques. Uno de los más destacados es la fenomenología, la cual pretende acercarse a partir del conocimiento de la experiencia interpersonal. Sin embargo, Husserl,... more
In the present paper, I analyze the complex relationship of tension between Critical Theory and phenomenology from a sociological-theoretical perspective. I start from two theses. The first one is that one of the primary reasons for the... more
The aim of this work is to demonstrate that Alfred Schütz's contribution to the social sciences is understandable only within the framework of his troubled relationship with Husserl's phenomenology. We will see how Schütz tries to take... more
ink about the care becomes a philosophical re ection, contemplation of a movement of care initiatives that fortify the knowledge that constitute the knowledge in the disciplines of health. is experience report makes approximations of... more
ink about the care becomes a philosophical re ection, contemplation of a movement of care initiatives that fortify the knowledge that constitute the knowledge in the disciplines of health. is experience report makes approximations of... more
Intersticios: Revista Sociológica de Pensamiento Crítico- pág. 73
Zusammenfassung: Ausgehend von einer Kritik an der herkömmlichen Identitätsforschung, dass der Körperbezug, und insbesondere der Leibbezug, eine vernachlässigte Basisgröße der Identität darstellt, entwickelt GUGUTZER einen theoretischen... more
Zusammenfassung: Ausgehend von einer Kritik an der herkömmlichen Identitätsforschung, dass der Körperbezug, und insbesondere der Leibbezug, eine vernachlässigte Basisgröße der Identität darstellt, entwickelt GUGUTZER einen theoretischen... more
This book offers a theoretical investigation into the general problem of reality as a multiplicity of 'finite provinces of meaning,' as developed in the work of Alfred Schutz. A critical introduction to Schutz's sociology of multiple... more
List of acronyms Introduction: realities just 'real enough' PART I Chapter 1: Methodological preliminaries
Husserl as a sociologist. The sociological turn of Husserl and the application of a phenomenological perspective in the social sciences. The article presents new aspects of the Husserlian phenomenology now evident in present day... more
En este trabajo presentamos algunas reflexiones sobre la interacción de niños preescolares (entre 3 y 5 años) con objetos productores de sonido. Implementamos el enfoque fenomenológico de Alfred Schutz, quien bajo la influencia de Edmund... more
Gerda Walther’s approach to sociality is unique in that it equally employs psychological and phenomenological concepts to conceive of collective experiences, thereby addressing manifold forms of togetherness. My intention is twofold.... more
La intersubjetividad y la tradición interpretativa en psicología social
The article provides critical analysis of phenomenological approach application in the European and American psychology. The authors describe typical misapprehensions concerning phenomenological approach and clarify its essence and goals... more
RESUMO Objetivo: compreender a violencia de genero na perspectiva de mulheres inseridas no cotidiano de uma comunidade urbana. Metodo: estudo de abordagem qualitativa, ancorado na Fenomenologia Social. Os atores sociais foram mulheres... more
La presente edición se ha servido fundamentalmente de los manuscritos autógrafos y originales de Edith Stein que se hallan en el archivo de las Carmelitas Descalzas de Colonia y de las primeras ediciones llevadas a cabo por ella misma... more
The constant evolution of technology in terms of inexpensive and embedded wireless interfaces and powerful chipsets has leads to the massive usage and development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This potentially affects all aspects of... more
espanolEl analisis de las desigualdades sociales ha sido frecuentemente presentado en la investigacion sociologica en terminos de la distribucion de bienes y de oportunidades sociales, culturales o politicas, esto es, en terminos de las... more
Alfred Schutz with his phenomenology introduced the concept of multiple reality. For Schutz, the reality in this world is not only in the reality of social life, but also includes fantasy reality, dream reality, etc. Therefore, the aim of... more