Resumo: O feijão é uma das principais fontes de nutrientes na alimentação brasileira. Na região Sul é produzido em pequena escala. Dentre os limitantes do cultivo, a incidência de pragas gera a necessidade de medidas de controle.... more
Effet de la Proportion de Fibre de Coco Ajoutée au sol sur la Croissance des Plants D'acacia Mangium
au sol sur la Croissance des Plants D'acacia Mangium 397 comme substrat principal ou mélangée à tous types de supports. Possédant une excellente propriété d'aération et de rétention d'eau, la fibre de coco favorise une croissance rapide... more
An experiment was conducted at National Horticulture Research Centre (NHRC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal from March to July of 2019 and 2020 to identify suitable bean genotypes for spring season planting. The experiment was laid out in... more
forma y estructura del sistema radical en las plantas. Las variaciones en la misma están condicionadas por factores ambientales, así como hormonales. Los brasinoesteroides y sus análogos promueven el desarrollo del sistema radical, aunque... more
Desde la década de los 1960, arqueólogos han reconocido que Ambos Nogales sirvió como una ‘zona de contacto’ prehispánicos entre Trincheras y Hohokam. En esta frontera, alfareros locales produjeron cerámica que combinan técnicas de ambas... more
Face à la multiplication des sites et sols contaminés, il est nécessaire d'apporter une solution technique pour évaluer le potentiel géno-toxique des sols. En effet, il n'existe actuellement aucun test normalisé au niveau... more
La investigación tuvo por objeto describir el proceso productivo del cultivo de frijol en la comunidad de Tlatzala, Guerrero y la diversidad de la especie mediante las características morfológicas del grano, contenido de proteína y la... more
Les legumineuses (pois, haricots, soja, arachide, trefles, luzerne...) sont une famille de plantes regroupant environ 20.000 especes, lesquelles constituent une source de proteines essentielle pour l'alimentation humaine et animale.... more
Instant corn flour obtained by ohmic heating (OHICF) was used to prepare masa and tortillas. In this study, the effect of average particle size, moisture, and the final temperature on the physicochemical properties of masa and tortillas... more
This chapter analyzes the bean-breeding programs developed by CIAT in Central America between 1970 and 1990. The region is an ideal laboratory for studying plant breeding in beans during the Green Revolution. On the one hand, Central... more
Yard long bean is one of the important vegetable crop rich in proteins and fibers, grown for fresh vegetable market majorly in south India and which plays a vital role in supplementing the income of small and marginal farmers of Mysuru... more
A protein fraction exhibiting lectin activity was identified in the extract of local Roman bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) sprouts. The galactose-specific lectins demonstrated the highest activity. The galactose-specific lectin (BS-Gal) was... more
Las enzimas polifenoloxidasas (PPO) fueron extraídas del gel de sábila (Aloe barbadensis Mill), por la adición de polivinil pirrolidona (PVPP). Su posterior caracterización y la determinación de su actividad en el extracto crudo se... more
Change in the current energetic model Fotografía: central termoeléctrica martin del corral "Termozipa" Resumen En este artículo se presenta un análisis de la situación energética actual, con el objeto de participar activamente en el... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
African Locust Bean (Parkia biglobosa) seeds were fermented with the aid of a starter culture - Bacillus subtilis to a vegetable protein based food condiment known as ‘Iru’ at various temperatures between 40 °С and 70 °С. Fermentation was... more
Esta tesis para optar por el título de Maestría la dedico a: Mi madre Vilma Vallejos (Q.E.P.D), por todo lo que hizo por mis hermanos y por mí, para que saliéramos adelante. Mi esposa Elizabeth Morales por estar siempre a mi lado... more
Le pois fourrager (Pisum Sativum L.) est une légumineuse annuelle intéressante car sa plante possède une haute valeur nutritionnelle utilisée en alimentation des ruminants en grain ou en fourrage. Dans le système de culture, le pois... more
Summary. The performance of two common bean genotypes Djadida and Tema tested under NaCl stress showed sensitivity to moderate salt concentrations. It appears that salinity produced an imbalance in water relations and affected growth... more
Uso do Trichoderma na cultura do arroz Introdução O arroz é um dos alimentos mais importantes do mundo, visto que é a principal fonte alimentar para a metade da população mundial e responsável por 25% a 80% do fornecimento das calorias... more
Kinetics of methane clathrate formation can be significantly accelerated by ingredients in tea infusions with a capacity of up to 172 v/v.
mx. * Recibido: febrero de 2014 Aceptado: marzo de 2014 species are likely to be lost over the years, therefore there is a need to continue the collections in Nuevo León, and other states in the region.
The taxonomic position of Phaseolus vulgaris rhizobial strains with available sequenced genomes was examined. Phylogenetic analyses with concatenated conserved genomic fragments accounting for over half of each genome showed that... more
Respiratory burst oxidase homologs (RBOHs) constitute a multigene family in plants. These reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating enzymes participate in diverse biological processes. We previously demonstrated that PvRbohB plays an... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
For the legumes cultivation, the presence of specific Rhizobium in the soil is very necessary in fact a minimum number of bacteria is essential to obtain a good nodulation. The formula used for the count of Rhizobia in soil is the most... more
Introduction: Study was taken with an objective to investigate the inhibitory effect of Phaseolus lunatus seeds extract on three enzymes (α-amylase, maltase and glucoamylase) which are involved in diabetes. The disadvantages related with... more
Los datos arqueobotánicos contribuyen aún poco a las reconstrucciones de la subsistencia y los paisajes agrarios aztecas. En este artículo analizamos un conjunto de macrorrestos carbonizados de plantas recuperado en la capital posclásica... more
As cultivares de feijoeiro, além da adaptação ao local de cultivo, devem apresentar alto potencial produtivo e atender as exigências dos consumidores quanto aos atributos qualitativos. O objetivo com este trabalho foi avaliar os... more
Variability Study in Sesame ( Sesamum indicum (L) ) Cultivars based on Agro-Morphological Characters
A total of 49 sesame cultivars were assessed for genetic variability based on some agro morphological characters at Ndounga research station in 2010. Five qualitative and ten quantitative characters were collected in this study. Results... more
« C'est le chemin du cactus qui mène à la gloire et non le chemin de jasmin » Fayza et Salima Dédicaces Mes très chers parents : Puisse ce modeste travail constituer une légère compensation pour tous les nobles sacrifices pour assurer mon... more
As constantes oscilações na economia nacional e mundial, decorrente de um mercado globalizado, faz com que se busque formas alternativas para reduzir os custos dos negócios. Não distante desta realidade faz necessário uma redução dos... more
The effect of temperature on the nutritional values of fermented African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) seed were studied. Temperatures ranging between 40 to 70⁰C were used for the fermentation. Biochemical and physiological analysis were... more
Low crop yields are observed in the soils of South Kivu and lead to food insecurity and malnutrition. An experiment was conducted on a ferralsol to determine the optimal dose in both local and improved common bean cultivars (M'Sole and... more
Introduction: Study was taken with an objective to investigate the inhibitory effect of Phaseolus lunatus seeds extract on three enzymes (α-amylase, maltase and glucoamylase) which are involved in diabetes. The disadvantages related with... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Réponse des plantes de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivées sous stress salin a une application exogène de calcium et de potassium
Revue Analytique des Maladies Fongiques Affectant la Production du Haricot Vert (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Le haricot vert (Phaseolus vulgaris), largement consommé au Bénin et en Afrique de l’Ouest offre des avantages nutritionnels significatifs en tant que source potentielle de protéines, de calories, de vitamines et de minéraux, suscitant un... more
L'histologie du système racinaire n'a pas montré de différences significatives entre les plantules des lots stressés et le témoin.
Beans are one of the main vegetable protein sources for human consumption. Breeders always seek a diversity of bean genotypes to establish and select the best genotypes that promote the greatest genetic gain for the crop. This study aimed... more
11619-Influência de sucessões culturais sobre populações microbianas do solo e densidade de inóculo de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. tracheiphilum em feijão-caupi Influence of cultural succession on soil microbial populations and inoculum... more
Water stress has adverse impacts on crop growth, yield and quality parameters thus, considered among serious constraints to agriculture production. Under depleting natural resources, environmental fluctuation and increased risk of... more
The present study is designed to determine the types of secondary metabolites in three selected seed powders by fast, reliable, and non-destructive Near Infra Red spectroscopic analytical technique. NIRS analysis of Macrotyloma uniflorum... more
Por su alto valor nutricional, el frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) es la especie más importante para el consumo humano entre las leguminosas de grano comestibles. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar 11 líneas RAZ de frijol... more