Phase Transitions
Recent papers in Phase Transitions
The huge advance of high-pressure techniques came with the design of the diamond anvil cell (DAC) achieving multidisciplinary character. DAC makes possible to investigate the changes in the electronic properties induced by local or... more
Remnant strain has been measured as a function of temperature in ͑Ba 0.8 Sr 0.2 ͒TiO 3 ͑BST͒ ceramic by mechanical poling in three point bending configuration. BST ceramic exhibits recoverable macroscopic strain with shape memory effect... more
History shows that up to 1870’s, the thermodynamic cycles, particularly Carnot’s cycle, were the most important heuristic instruments as much to formulate the general laws of physics as well to deduce the experimental laws. From this... more
Effect of the synthesis conditions of Pechini technique on crystallinity and purity of Na 3 Ce(PO 4) 2 compound was investigated. Nano-sized cerium-sodium phosphate obtained when EDTA was used as an additional chelating agent for Ln 3+.... more
Polyethers based on bis(2-chloroethyl) ether and various bisphenols were obtained using a phase transfer catalysis technique in a liquid /liquid system. 4, bisphenol A, sulfide were used. Only the polymers with azobenzene and biphenyl... more
This paper is concerned with the topological modifications induced by heating in microporous materials and with the rules obeyed by them. Two main characteristics are always present in these reconstructive processes: (1) they occur owing... more
The formation of solid solutions of the type [Ba(HOC2H4OH)4][Ti1−x Gex (OC2H4O)3] as Ba(Ti1−x /Gex )O3 precursors and the phase evolution during thermal decomposition of [Ba(HOC2H4OH)4][Ti0.9Ge0.1(OC2H4O)3] (1) are described herein. The... more
A simple monatomic system in two dimensions with a double-well interaction potential is investigated in a wide range of temperature by molecular dynamics simulation. The system is melted and equilibrated well above the melting... more
Ni-rich TiNi shape memory alloys were subjected to the effect of equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) processes at 773 K by Bc path. The effects of ECAE processes on microstructures evolution and phase transformation behaviors were... more
Microgels consisting of poly-N,N-diethylacrylamide (PDEAAM) and copolymer microgels consisting of N,N-diethylacrylamide-co-N-isopropylacrylamide (PDEAAM-co-PNIPAM) have been synthesized via free radical polymerizations. The volume phase... more
The study of the thermodynamical stability of Fe 80 Ni 20 nanoparticles in the framework of embedded-atom method and moleculardynamics simulations shows evidence of large surface contributions to the free energy for particles with... more
A thermochemical and thermophysical study has been carried out for crystalline barbital [5,5 0-diethylbarbituric acid]. The thermochemical study was made by static bomb combustion calorimetry, from which the standard (p ¼ 0:1 MPa) molar... more
Electronic structure and refractive indices of SbSI crystal in paraelectric and ferroelectric phases were investigated by full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method with density functional theory. The temperature dependence of... more
The present study deals with preparation and swelling properties of micrometer-sized poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) hydrogel particles. Aqueous precipitation polymerization of NIPAM with N,N 0 -methylenebisacrylamide (MBAAm) was... more
The opticaf absorption edge of CuInTer. CuGaS, and CuGaSe, single crystafs was measured as a function of hydrostatic pressure up to 2OCPa. In all cases the energy gap increases with pressure. From the data the pressure dependence of the... more
Aims. We present positions and velocities for 796 planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Fornax Brightest Cluster Galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A). The planetary nebulae and existing kinematics are used to explore the rotation of this merger remnant... more
The goal of this work is to compile the basic components for the construction of an electromagnetic field theory of consciousness that meets the standards of a fundamental theory. An essential cornerstone of the conceptual framework is... more
Modeling of wax precipitation from hydrocarbon mixtures requires extended compositional data for the heavy fractions; as a result, the number of components in the mixture is usually large and phase equilibrium calculations are... more
Les interactions entre molécules des diverses phases impliquées dans les phénomènes de mouillage engendrent des interactions entre interfaces, qui influencent de façon profonde l'existence et la nature des transitions de mouillage. Cet... more
Solidi®cation (supercooled nematic-to-solid or supercooled smectic-A-to-solid), melting (solid-to-nematic or solid-tosmectic-A), smectic-A-to-nematic, and clearing (nematic-to-isotropic or smectic-A-to-isotropic) transition temperatures W... more
The structural phase transitions of the calcium titanate perovskite CaTiO 3 were investigated by the Rietveld analysis of hightemperature neutron and X-ray powder diffraction data in the temperature range of 296-1720 K. The present work... more
We predict that large-scale artificial intelligence systems and cognitive models will undergo sudden phase transitions from disjointed parts into coherent structures as their topological connectivity increases beyond a critical value.... more
We clarify several subtle points in the CPN-1 model in 2 + 1 dimensions. It is shown that as a consequence of local gauge invariance the nA particles, belonging to fundamental representation of SU(N) do not appear in the spectrum (in any... more
We study self-organization of collective motion as a thermodynamic phenomenon in the context of the first law of thermodynamics. It is expected that the coherent ordered motion typically self-organises in the presence of changes in the... more
An enthalpy formulation based fixed grid methodology is developed for the numerical solution of convection-diffusion controlled mushy region phase-change problems. The basic feature of the proposed method lies in the representation of the... more
The heat capacities at constant pressure of urea, N-methylurea, IV-ethylurea, N-(n)propylurea and N-(n)butylurea were measured by differential scanning calorimetry over the range 20& 360 K, in gas-flow conditions. A He + Ne mixture and N,... more
"Patterns in War Dynamics. WARning 2020". In this study, complexity and network science are applied to the dynamics and development of the (International) System. This study shows that the System periodically becomes critical and produces... more
William Shakespeare has developed the plot of his play Macbeth through the effective use of transitions<br> to the major characters. Among them, the character that is most prone to regular transitions in life is the<br>... more
This is an extension of the project I did where I computationally realised a 3D cubic lattice based on Ising model. In this project the focus is not just looking at the structure of various properties of the lattice at and around its... more
The application of the Arrhenius equation for the prediction of oxidative reaction rate in frozen foods is often precluded because of deviations from linearity. The latter are mainly caused by the occurrence of phase transitions of... more
The study On the Thermodynamics of War and Social Evolution, shows that patterns can be identified in the war dynamics of the System, and that a relationship exists between these war dynamics and social evolution. The research suggests... more
Conformal field theories arise near a phase transition when there are no scale involved. One usually talks about thermal phase transitions but a lot of the recent interest in condensed matter physics has been around quantum phase... more
We discuss canonical transformations in Quantum Field Theory in the framework of the functional-integral approach. In contrast with ordinary Quantum Mechanics, canonical transformations in Quantum Field Theory are mathematically more... more
We study a model of cell segregation in a population composed of two cell types. Starting from a model initially proposed in [3], we aim to understand the impact of a cell division process on the system’s segregation abilities. The... more
This are some notes on Statistical mechanics. The topics are -Recap of thermodynamics -Thermodynamic of phase transitions... more
Trabajo de diploma otorgado por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata para la Licenciatura en Física.
Introduction of interlath reverted austenite is an effective method to design ductile lath martensitic steels. The challenge in this concept is that all reverted austenite films have similar mechanical stability, hence, they all undergo... more
An enthalpy formulation based fixed grid methodology is developed for the numerical solution of convection-diffusion controlled mushy region phase-change problems. The basic feature of the proposed method lies in the representation of the... more
Mémoire d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches d'Emanuel Bertrand. HDR soutenue le 1er octobre 2007 (Université Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie).
During the last two decades our scienti c group has developed new nonlinear methods of analysis applied to various physical systems. In this review study we present our scienti c contribution to nonlinear science, including also some... more
Summary: This chapter presents a descriptive and illustrative account of phase behavior in the seven naturally occurring petroleum fluids and ties all the known eleven phase-transition concepts in a unified narrative. The figures and... more