Recent papers in Pharmacometrics
Aims: Pharmacological treatment of chronic (neuropathic) pain is often disappointing. In order to enhance our insight in the complex interaction between analgesic drug and chronic pain relief, we performed a... more
NONMEM® is the most-widely used nonlinear mixed effects modelling tool introduced into population PK/PD analysis. Even though thousands of pharmaceutical scientists utilize NONMEM® routinely for their data analysis, the various estimation... more
Context: Ivermectin (IVM) and fluazuron are present as novel combinations to control ticks. Differences in formulations account for changes to the plasma kinetics and could change exposure of target parasites to active drugs. Aims: To... more
Drug development continues to be expensive, time consuming, and ineffi cient, while pharmacotherapy is often practiced at suboptimal levels of performance (1-3). This trend has not waned despite the fact that massive amounts of drug data... more
Identifying potential adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is critically important for drug discovery and public health. Here we developed a multiple evidence fusion (MEF) method for the large-scale prediction of drug ADRs that can handle both... more
Drug development continues to be expensive, time consuming, and ineffi cient, while pharmacotherapy is often practiced at suboptimal levels of performance (1-3). This trend has not waned despite the fact that massive amounts of drug data... more
Aim: This study aims to evaluate the antiarthritic activity of chloroform and ethanolic extracts of Synedrella nodiflora. Materials and Methods: Plant was collected and then powdered; the powdered plant was then cold macerated with 70%... more
OATP1B3 is a member of the OATP (organic anion transporting polypeptides) superfamily, responsible for mediating the transport of numerous endogenous and xenobiotic substances. Although initially reported to be exclusively expressed in... more