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Snowflakes and silicate mushes are two examples of the terrestrial regimes that may be characterized as partially solidified systems. Change of phase in clouds and magma chambers as well as in the earth's mantle and core introduces a... more
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      MineralogyMaterials SciencePetrologyCrystal Growth
Experiments were performed from 1•0 to 8•5 GPa in a peralkaline INTRODUCTION system K 2 O-Na 2 O-CaO-MgO-Al 2 O 3-SiO 2-H 2 O (KNCMASH) K-rich amphiboles are exotic members of the amphibole to investigate the stability and composition of... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologyMantle metasomatism
U-series isotopes can provide unique insights into the physical processes of magma evolution by constraining the time scales over which they operate. This, however, requires rock suites that provide a clear and complete record of the... more
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Copyright 2009, Society of Petroleum Engineers This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2009 SPE/EAGE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 19–21 October 2009. This paper was selected for... more
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Time-lapse seismics is the methodology of choice for remotely monitoring changes in oil/gas reservoir depletion, reservoir stimulation or CO 2 sequestration, due to good sensitivity and resolving power at depths up to several kilometres.... more
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Oriented lamellar inclusions of pyroxene and rutile in mantle garnet often serve as evidence for majoritic and titaniferous precursor garnets, respectively. We investigated ten new such microstructure-bearing samples from six orogenic... more
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amounts of a characteristic suite of rocks ranging from a melanocratic Proterozoic massif anorthosites are usually associated facies highly enriched in Fe, Ti and P (FTP rocks) to mafic and with variable amounts of a characteristic suite... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologyExperimental Petrology
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The study of production techniques, typology and distribution of over 1000 Iron Age and Roman rotary handmills from Switzerland is related to the rescue excavation of the millstone quarry of Châbles-Les Saux in the Canton of Fribourg.... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPetrologyArchaeological Method & TheoryRoman Archaeology
A Viking Lander 1 image was modeled as mixtures of reflectance spectra of palagonite dust, gray andesitelike rock, and a coarse rocklike soil. The rocks are covered to varying degrees by dust but otherwise appear unweathered. Rocklike... more
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      PetrologyImage AnalysisMultidisciplinaryPlanetology
Steiner finnes overalt, de er lett tilgjengelige for alle, og de fleste barn fyller lommene sine med dem. Derfor er stein et tema for barnehagene. Utfordringen er at få av de voksne har grunnleggende kunnskap om stein. Dette ønsket vi å... more
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      Structural GeologyPetrologyDidacticsFossils
The Sept Iles layered intrusion (Quebec, Canada; 564 Ma) is a large plutonic body with a diameter of 80 km and a thickness of 6 km made up from its base to top of a layered series with troctolite and gabbro, and an upper border series... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologyMagma Chamber
Porosity is one of the most important characteristics for modeling reservoir. In recent years, some new methods for estimation have been introduced, which are more applicable and accurate than old methods. Fuzzy logic has shown reliable... more
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      PetrologyPetrophysicsPetroleumPetroleum geology
In situ mineral (garnet, zircon) trace element and garnet^rock REE distribution data obtained on leucogranulites from the Bohemian Massif are consistent with an origin of these now strongly deformed rocks as migmatitic leucogranites... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologyHigh Pressure
cumulate group ranges from clinopyroxene-rich mica peridotites (including abundant mica wehrlites) to mica clinopyroxenites. Most contain >30% phlogopite. Their mineral compositions are similar to those of phenocrysts in the host... more
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mekanisme pengandapan batuan piroklastik aliran
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      GeophysicsPetrologyBatuan Piroklastik
In this paper we approach the study of a ceramic recipe based on the addition of crushed spathic calcite as temper. We first briefly discuss the anthropological significance underlying the identification of technological paste recipes, as... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Petrology
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      GeologyPetrologyMedieval ArchaeologyChurch Archaeology
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesGeologyGeochemistry
Volcanoes are an important source of gases and aerosols in the atmosphere. Significant quantities of trace elements are emitted as vapor species [Nriagu, 1989; Symonds et al., 1987] and are strongly enriched in the gas relative to the... more
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Computerized evaluation of Vibroseis similarity test data is the logical consequence of the increasing quality requirements for signal reproducibility and for synchronization of vibrators. The differences in start time and phase as well... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitecturePetrologyConstruction Technology
The probability of the occurrence of porphyry copper ore associated with subduction zone of the Neo-Tethys ocean and volcanic arc of Iran (Urumieh-Dokhtar) justifies the necessity of exploration and prospection of this type of ore in... more
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      Environmental ScienceSoil SciencePetrologyMetamorphic Petrology
The book "Mineralogy and Petrology" is an attempt to association of knowledge of Crystallography and Mineralogy with those of Petrology, in a treating "sui generis" crystal-mineral-rock. The book it is meant to students and specialists in... more
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Seu conteúdo foi revisado pelo Comitê Técnico do IV SimBGf, mas não necessariamente representa a opinião da SBGf ou de seus associados. É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial deste material para propósitos comerciais sem prévia... more
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Seminar Report on Quartz Mineral and the Vein Quartz Deposits of Sri Lanaka.
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      Mining EngineeringGemologyGeologyMineralogy
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      PetrologyIgneous petrologyRocksIgneous Rocks
We report new major element, trace element, isotope ratio, and geochronological data on the Galfipagos Archipelago. Magmas erupted from the large western volcanos are generally moderately fractionated tholeiites of uniform composition;... more
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The siliceous sinter deposits of El Tatio geothermal field in northern Chile have been examined petrographically and mineralogically. These sinters consist of amorphous silica (opal-A) deposited around hot springs and geysers from... more
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      PetrologySedimentary Petrology
Decades of field and microscope studies and more recent quantitative geochemical analyses have resulted in a vast, and sometimes overwhelming, array of nomenclature and terminology associated with igneous rocks. Under the auspices of the... more
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      GeologyPetrologyIgneous petrologyNomenclature
A practical guide
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      GeologyGeochemistryPetrologyMetamorphic Petrology
Las rocas ígneas son aquellas formadas a partir de un producto fundido procedente del interior de la tierra. En petrología se emplean dos términos para hacer alusión a una roca fundida: Magma, el cual corresponde a un término general que... more
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      GeologyPetrologyPetrologia ÍGnea
Pressure is one of the most important parameters to be quantified in geological problems. However, in metamorphic systems the pressure is usually calculated with two different approaches. One pressure calculation is based on petrological... more
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      GeologyThermodynamicsStructural GeologyPetrology
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      MineralogyPetrologyOre Geology
GeoScienceWorld Quick search. Advanced search. GSW Home; Search: Advanced search; Geographic search; Search charts, figures, and tables. Browse: By geography; By journal; By publisher; By subject; By time. My Tools: Email alerts; My... more
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      MineralogyPetrologyMultidisciplinarySeismic Waves
This work proposes a 2.5D modeling for a section crossing a segment of the Transbrasiliano Lineament in the southern part of Parnaiba Basin, NE Brazil-based on joint inversion of magnetic and gravimetric data. This study points out that... more
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Batuan sedimen atau sedimentary rocks adalah batuan yang terbentuk dari campuran material batuan yang telah ada sebelumnya kemudian mengalami proses sedimentasi yang meliputi pelapukan, pengangkutan dan pengendapan. Batuan sedimen atau... more
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      PetrologySedimentary PetrologyTeknik PertambanganTeknik Geologi
Metamorfismo: Proceso que implica cambios en la mineralogía y/o microestructura de una roca en estado sólido. El cambio es esencialmente debido a una adaptación de la roca a condiciones físicas que difieren de aquellas bajo las que la... more
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      PetrologyPetrology and GeochemistryPetrologia Metamórfica
Batuan beku dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan mineral penyusunnya. Sebagaimana diketahui, mineral penyusun batuan beku terdiri atas 3 jenis mineral, mineral utama (primer), mineral sekunder dan mineral asosiasi (tambahan). Mineral utama... more
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      PetrologyTeknik PertambanganTeknik GeologiPetrologi
Irreducible water saturation value is an indication of total volume of oil and water producible from a reservoir. It also influences the production rate from that reservoir. Irreducible water saturation (sometimes called critical water... more
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      PetrologyPetrophysicsPetroleumPetrology and Geochemistry
Modul Praktikum Petrologi 2015 Laboratorium Petrologi Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta 2015 1 BAB I BATUAN BEKU Batuan beku adalah batuan yang terjadi dari pembekuan larutan silikat cair liat , pijar, bersifat mudah... more
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    • Petrology
A detailed geological mapping of Kurafe Hausawa and environs, part of Keffi sheet 208 NW was carried out on a scale of 1: 12,500. It is part of the Nigerian Basement Complex, situated within latitude 8°50'40"N and 8°47'50"N and... more
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    • Petrology
Sintesis evolusi tektonik Cekungan Jawa Timur dengan acuan utama Satyana dkk (2003) dan Matthew & Bransden (1994) dengan konsep yang disederhanakan.
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Pada suatu mineral, biasanya tersusun oleh kristal yang sama susunan kimianya namun berbeda dalam struktur kristalnya, kemampuan mineral ini dinamakan polimorfisme. Polimorfisme terjadi akibat struktur kristal dipengaruhi oleh suhu dan... more
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      PetrologyTeknik PertambanganPetrologi
Ditujukan untuk memenuhi Tugas Petrologi (2016)
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