Petri Net
Recent papers in Petri Net
The deployment of Worko w Management systems is a time- consuming and error-prone task. A possible solution is process min- ing, which automatically extracts worko w models from event-data logs. However, the current research in process... more
This paper presents a process of systematization and analysis of the reliability parameters of a proportional hydraulic platform that aims to study position control using hydraulic systems. Currently the positioning systems using... more
The importance of communication, information sharing and interoperability in an emergency response scenario have risen recently based on the frequency of disasters throughout the world and the wide range of severities and degrees of... more
This invited paper presents a number of correlated specifications of example railway system problems. They use a variety of partially or fully integrated formal specification. The paper thus represents a mere repository of what we... more
There exists ample literature on Petri nets and its potential in the modelling, analysis, synthesis and implementation of systems in the manufacturing applications domain (see for example [54, 15, 18]; moreover, in [65] an important... more
... PETRI NETS Vijay Gehlot Carmen Nigro Villanova University Center of Excellence in Enterprise Technology (CEET) Department of Computing Sciences 800 Lancaster Avenue Villanova, PA 19085, USA ABSTRACT Petri Nets ...
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to present a new generic Petri net (PN) model based on assembly plan for assembly sequence optimization. The model aims to allow modeling the flexible assembly system (FAS) configuration, determining... more
We have recently proposed an extension to Petri nets in order to be able to directly deal with all aspects of embedded digital systems. This extension is meant to be used as an internal model of our co-design environment. After analyzing... more
While the goal of verification is to check whether a model of the system under consideration has a desired property, supervisory control achieves correctness by adding a so-called supervisor that prevents the occurrence of incorrect... more
Policies are increasingly used to manage large-scale distributed system. They usually adopt ECA rules that can 't express system i state transitions, enable policy servers to perform jlexible actions or cooperate eflciently. In this... more
State of the art information system commonly record events in log files, also known as audit trails. Moreover, business processes often go beyond the sole recording the events and base decisions on the events observed in the past. To... more
This paper deals with the modelling of batch systems by means of high-level Petri nets. Batch systems are systems that transform a continuous raw material through continuous equipment (as heat exchanger for example) and batch equipment... more
Giving students suitable feedback information is one of the research issues in CAI. This research tries to evaluate if feedback did help in the course. For this purpose, this paper constructs an e-learning environment with feedback... more
... 1 Introduction Modem e-business applications are often based on highly distributed, multi-tiered architectures compris-ing multiple ... rea-world e-business application and showing how QPN models could be exploited for performance... more
Abstract Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) have been used in industrial environment to control several different tasks. Such devices can be programmed using one of the languages specified in the IEC 61131–3 standard, such as Ladder or... more
In flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), each job is formed of a set of operations that should be executed consecutive. Determining the sequence of operations and assigning proper machine to each operation are two important problems in... more
The fusion of mechatronics, communication, control and information technologies has allowed the introduction of new automation paradigms into the production environment. The virtualization of the production environment facilitated by the... more
Queueing Petri nets are a powerful formalism that can be exploited for modeling distributed systems and analyzing their performance and scalability. By combining the modeling power and expressiveness of queueing networks and stochastic... more
This paper focuses on the resolution of the reachability problem in Petri nets, using the mathematical programming paradigm. The proposed approach is based on an implicit traversal of the Petri net reachability graph. This is done by... more
A formal modeling technique, based on colored timed Petri net and UML static structure modeling languages is used to teach students to model their business process problem as a discrete event system, before they build a working simulation... more
This paper is devoted both to the study of observability criteria and the design of observers in the continuous Petri net setting. The concept of structural observability, regarding the possibility of estimating the marking of places,... more
Petri nets (PN) are useful for the modelling, analysis and control of hybrid dynamical systems (HDS) because PN combine in a comprehensive way discrete events and continuous behaviours. On one hand, PN are suitable for modelling the... more
Due to their complexity, nowadays it is virtually unconceivable to design and implement large digital systems without the use of computer-aided design tools. Many petri net extensions have been proposed aiming at describing hardware... more
In this paper, we present our methodology proposal for cooperative remote systems modeling. Its aim is to develop models of existing or planned cooperative systems. These models are used to specify systems or to create dynamic working... more
paper presents a formal approach to threat-driven modeling and verification of secure software using aspect-oriented Petri nets. Based on the behavior model of intended functions, we identify and build formal models of security threats,... more
The increasing number of Petri net variants naturally leads to the question whether the term "Petri net" is more than a common name for very different concepts. This contribution tries to identify aspects common to all or at least to most... more
Last time we reported on Romeo, analyses with this tool were mostly based on translations to other tools. This new version provides an integrated TCTL model-checker and has gained in expressivity with the addition of parameters. Although... more
In this paper we deal with the problem of estimating the marking of a labeled Petri net system based on the observation of transitions labels. In particular, we assume that a certain number of transitions are labeled with the empty string... more
The International Standard on Petri nets, ISO/IEC 15909, provides a formal semantics and syntax to enable model interchange and industrial dissemination. Part 2 defines a concrete interchange format as an XML-based language: PNML. This... more
The software Petri Net Toolbox, dealing with Petri nets under MATLAB, is presented. It can handle five types of Petri nets (untimed, transition-timed, place-timed, stochastic and generalized stochastic) with finite or infinite capacity.... more
ISO/IEC 15909-2 International Standard defines a universal XML-based transfer syntax for Petri nets. The main objective of this exchange format, namely Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), is to enable compatibility and interoperability... more
After a survey of some approaches for modeling hybrid systems by means of Petri nets (t-time Petri nets, colored Petri nets, hybrid Petri nets and differential predicate transition nets), this paper illustrates how these formal models can... more
It is a great challenge to effectively manage automated manufacturing systems in which automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are adopted to handle materials, because of such features as prior unknown AGV requests and changing AGV initial... more
Agile and flexible manufacturing system makes it mandatory that a control program should have a features such as agility, flexibility, and reusability in order to meet fast changing customer demands. Proper modeling and fast formation of... more
Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, i.e., a completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process. Creating a workflow design is a complicated... more
Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAM-PaM) is an enabler for domain-specific analysis and design. Traffic, a new untimed visual formalism for vehicle traffic networks, is introduced. The syntax of Traffic models is... more
This paper focuses on the use of Petri nets (PN) to model the control of signalized intersections. The application of PN to an eight-phase traffic signal controller is illustrated. Structural analysis of the control PN model is performed... more