“William Shakespeare is popularly supposed to have been born on 23 April 1564, or on St. George’s Day. The date may in fact have been 21 April or 22 April, but the coincidence of the national festival is at least appropriate” (Ackroyd... more
In her essay Critically Queer Judith Butler argues that drag performances cannot be regarded as a legit expression of one's subjective gender identity. On the contrary, she claims that the conscious choice of gender and acts involved in... more
La deconstrucción del thriller clásico a través de Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944) y del thriller postclásico a través de Memento (Christopher Nolan, 2000)
Peter Ackroyd's 'Hawksmoor' (1985) tells two stories in alternating chapters: one set in London between 1711 and 1715, the other in present-day London. In the first story, a murderous architect beholden to occult beliefs relates his... more
In this paper, I have discussed what intertextuality is and examples of intertextuality in Peter Ackroyd's Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem
An item for www.londonfictions.com which examines Ackroyd's warning of the dangers of not engaging with the historical continuum.
Thomas Chatterton (1752-1770) Bristol'de do mu bir ngiliz airdir. ngiliz romantik airleri Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Byron ve Keats için Chatterton önemli bir model ve semboldür. Kendisi do madan 3 ay önce ölen babası evlerinin hemen... more
This article explores the concept of violence in Peter Ackroyd's novel titled Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem. The relationship between the protagonist and the city is considered to be the source of violence in the novel. As this work... more
Peter Ackroyd in his 2008 novel The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein establishes a free-play intertextual world through adopting Mary Shelley’s canonical novel Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus (1818) as his palimpsest where he... more
This book proposes a new interdisciplinary approach to the literary representations of London by means of correlating geocriticism, spatial literary studies and memory studies in order to investigate the interplay between reality and... more
M.A. Thesis (University of Kiel, Germany)
Original title: Peter Ackroyds "Chatterton": Ein postmoderner Roman
Original title: Peter Ackroyds "Chatterton": Ein postmoderner Roman
The article presents an analysis of two neo-Victorian Londons: that of Peter Ackroyd in the novel Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem and that of Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell in the graphic novel From Hell. Particular attention has been... more
There are good reasons to call London the capital of urban fantasy. Like no other city it embodies an intertwinedness of enlightenment and modernity with notions of the occult, the mythical and the magical. The idea of an urban underworld... more
Film International 15.4 (2017): 138-40. Print.
This book contributes to the development of contemporary historical fiction studies with new analyses of neo-Georgian fiction, which, unlike neo-Victorian fiction, until now has received little critical attention. The essays included in... more
A review of B Gürenci Saglam's monograph which addresses the question of how 'knowable' is the mystical London which Ackroyd portrays in his novels. The work, which is based on Gürenci Saglam's doctoral thesis, focuses on Ackroyd's... more
A short postscript to the draft article 'London Stone: History and Myth'. Why, quite suddenly in the early 21st century, has London Stone, previously ignored by writers of fiction, taken on an important role in a number of London-based... more
The tramp, living on the city streets, is the ultimate expression of the motif of the urban walker, and embodies for Peter Ackroyd the relationship between London and its vulnerable citizens. However, the vagrant goes beyond the... more
This paper, delivered to the Literary London Society conference in 2014, considers Peter Ackroyd's representation of London as a perpetual city. It focuses on 'The House of Doctor Dee' and 'The Plato Papers', especially the depiction of... more
This paper focuses on Peter Ackroyd’s unique type of psychogeographical writing. Therefore, apart from an overall elaboration on his works about London, it addresses his historiographic metafictional novels Hawksmoor (1985) and The House... more
У статті висвітлюються особливості художнього зображення протагоніста у творах, що належать до історіографічної метапрози. У якості матеріалу дослідження обрано образ англійського ренесансного вченого й окультиста Джона Ді (1527-1608) в... more
The book offers theoretical and interpretative studies of spatiality centered on a variety of literary and cultural contexts.
This paper, delivered to the Literary London Society conference in 2011, is a reflection on the importance of immediacy, and particularly walking, for Peter Ackroyd's portrayal of London. It was reworked as 'The Trope of the Tramp' for... more
Peter Ackroyd’s anti-detective novel Hawksmoor gives life to an innovative and disquieting villain capable of stirring up sentiments of both profound disgust and undeniable fascination. Although Nicolas Dyer lived in the 17th century he... more
This paper constitutes a part of one of the subchapters of my doctoral thesis the aim of which is to examine the different attitudes to esotericism in Dan Brown's and Peter Ackroyd's selected six novels. The general chapter under which... more
This paper, delivered to the Literary London Society conference in 2012, juxtaposes ceremonial moments described by Peter Ackroyd and Nigel Williams. It considers how the ceremonies illustrate each author's presentation of cultural... more
Reseña, en español, de la biografía de William Shakespeare escrita por Peter Ackroyd (SHAKESPEARE: THE BIOGRAPHY; Londres, Chatto & Windus, 2005). __________________________________________________________________ A review, in Spanish, of... more
The aim of this study is to describe the role of historical characters in postmodern novels, with specific attention to the new genre of neo-victorian novel. Through an extensive analysis of Christopher Priest's "The Prestige" and Peter... more
In The School of the Dead (1994), Hélène Cixous investigates the kinship between writing and death by recalling Montaigne's famous perspective of philosophy, which identifies philosophizing with dying. This paper suggests a reading of... more
The book discusses the evolution of the urban chronotope in the selected novels by Peter Ackroyd, an acclaimed British author. The examined narratives illustrate the transformation from the postmodern tenets of historiographic metafiction... more
This paper, delivered to the Literary London Society conference in 2015, compares the portrayal of love and sex in Williams' 'Witchcraft' and Ackroyd's 'The House of Doctor Dee'. In different ways, both depict love as a redeeming force in... more
Abstrakt: Jakub Lipski, " WIEK PRZEBRANIA " W POWIEŚCIACH HISTORYCZNYCH PETERA ACKROYDA. PORÓWNANIA 19, 2016. T. XIX. S. 99–113. Znamienną cechą twórczości Petera Ackroyda jest wyraźne zespolenie powieściopisarstwa z popularną... more
For Peter Ackroyd, the dead are stakeholders in the community of the living, and he is at pains to stress the need for interaction between the two. Ackroyd’s revenants bring the living out of the dimension of time and into perpetuity,... more
Regardless of how we read them, the popularity of neo-Victorian novels serves as an indication of a need to look back to the past. To quote John McGowan, "we express our identities through what we produce and consume”. The proliferation... more
Reseña, en español, de la biografía de William Shakespeare escrita por Peter Ackroyd (SHAKESPEARE: THE BIOGRAPHY; Londres, Chatto & Windus, 2005). _________________________________________________________ A review, in Spanish, of Peter... more
Two new “retellings” of Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur were released in November 2011 to readers eager for the promise of King Arthur’s return. Peter Ackroyd’s The Death of King Arthur is a triumph of modernized prose and edited... more
T repression of this materiality by a complex of political and scientific strategic powers extending from the Enlightenment's Christopher Wren to the Thatcher administration of the 1980s. Peter Ackroyd's critical significance to late... more
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den neuesten Entwicklungen im Verhältnis von Literatur und Naturwissenschaft. Im ersten Teil findet eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den science wars statt. Eine besondere Rolle spielt... more