Peter Ackroyd

88 papers
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Peter Ackroyd is a British author, biographer, and historian known for his works on English literature, culture, and history. His writings often explore the interplay between historical events and literary narratives, reflecting on the significance of place and identity in shaping human experience.
Peter Ackroyd's 'Hawksmoor' (1985) tells two stories in alternating chapters: one set in London between 1711 and 1715, the other in present-day London. In the first story, a murderous architect beholden to occult beliefs relates his... more
La deconstrucción del thriller clásico a través de Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944) y del thriller postclásico a través de Memento (Christopher Nolan, 2000)
An item for which examines Ackroyd's warning of the dangers of not engaging with the historical continuum.
The article presents an analysis of two neo-Victorian Londons: that of Peter Ackroyd in the novel Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem and that of Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell in the graphic novel From Hell. Particular attention has been... more
The tramp, living on the city streets, is the ultimate expression of the motif of the urban walker, and embodies for Peter Ackroyd the relationship between London and its vulnerable citizens. However, the vagrant goes beyond the... more
A short postscript to the draft article 'London Stone: History and Myth'. Why, quite suddenly in the early 21st century, has London Stone, previously ignored by writers of fiction, taken on an important role in a number of London-based... more
This paper, delivered to the Literary London Society conference in 2014, considers Peter Ackroyd's representation of London as a perpetual city. It focuses on 'The House of Doctor Dee' and 'The Plato Papers', especially the depiction of... more
For Peter Ackroyd, the dead are stakeholders in the community of the living, and he is at pains to stress the need for interaction between the two. Ackroyd’s revenants bring the living out of the dimension of time and into perpetuity,... more
This paper, delivered to the Literary London Society conference in 2011, is a reflection on the importance of immediacy, and particularly walking, for Peter Ackroyd's portrayal of London. It was reworked as 'The Trope of the Tramp' for... more
M.A. Thesis (University of Kiel, Germany)
Original title: Peter Ackroyds "Chatterton": Ein postmoderner Roman
A review of Petr Chalupský's study of how the London evoked in Peter Ackroyd's novels embodies Ackroyd's transcendent view of time. Chalupský espouses a reading which is sensitive to Ackroyd's individual style in order to get the clearest... more
In this paper, I have discussed what intertextuality is and examples of intertextuality in Peter Ackroyd's Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem
A review of B Gürenci Saglam's monograph which addresses the question of how 'knowable' is the mystical London which Ackroyd portrays in his novels. The work, which is based on Gürenci Saglam's doctoral thesis, focuses on Ackroyd's... more
This book contributes to the development of contemporary historical fiction studies with new analyses of neo-Georgian fiction, which, unlike neo-Victorian fiction, until now has received little critical attention. The essays included in... more
Thomas Chatterton (1752-1770) Bristol'de do mu bir ngiliz airdir. ngiliz romantik airleri Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Byron ve Keats için Chatterton önemli bir model ve semboldür. Kendisi do madan 3 ay önce ölen babası evlerinin hemen... more
This paper focuses on Peter Ackroyd’s unique type of psychogeographical writing. Therefore, apart from an overall elaboration on his works about London, it addresses his historiographic metafictional novels Hawksmoor (1985) and The House... more
This paper, delivered to the Literary London Society conference in 2012, juxtaposes ceremonial moments described by Peter Ackroyd and Nigel Williams. It considers how the ceremonies illustrate each author's presentation of cultural... more
This paper, delivered to the Literary London Society conference in 2015, compares the portrayal of love and sex in Williams' 'Witchcraft' and Ackroyd's 'The House of Doctor Dee'. In different ways, both depict love as a redeeming force in... more
In Turner, his short biography of Joseph Mallard William Turner, Peter Ackroyd tells of a visit the 19 th century British painter made to the estate of his patron and friend Walter Fawkes.