Pest Risk Analysis
Recent papers in Pest Risk Analysis
EPPO member countries requested that a study be conducted to identify and better address the risks presented by the trade of plants for planting, which has led to numerous introductions of pests into the EPPO region in recent years.... more
Material Safety Data Sheet
The potential phytosanitary importance of all named plant-parasitic nematode species was determined by evaluating available information on species characteristics, association with economically-important crop hosts, and ability to act as... more
Few species of plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) are currently recognised as invasive but this is largely because of insufficient investigation and recognition. We compared the characteristics of PPN with those of invasive species... more
Given an understanding of factors that drive change in a firm’s external environment is an important element of strategy development, some form of environmental scan to identify factors tends to be included. This paper presents findings... more
Correlative species distribution models are becoming commonplace in the scientific literature and public outreach products, displaying locations, abundance, or suitable environmental conditions for harmful invasive species, threatened and... more
Wilt/root rot diseases are a major chickpea production constraint in Ethiopia causing yield losses by reducing the number of plants. To determine the current status of disease incidence and distribution, surveys were conducted in the... more
The European Commission requested EFSA to conduct a pest categorisation of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) a pest with hosts in 27 plant families. Favoured hosts include maize, rice and sorghum (Poaceae). Hosts also include... more
A field survey was conducted in Bangladesh for pathogen risk analysis of maize and listing of quarantine diseases in 2012 by the Department of Plant Pathology of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University under a project of QSSP, DAE.... more
Analysis of an invasive species’ niche shift between native and introduced ranges, along with potential distribution maps, can provide valuable information about its invasive potential. The tawny crazy ant, Nylanderia fulva, is a rapidly... more
For greater preparedness, pest risk assessors are required to prioritise long lists of pest species with potential to establish and cause significant impact in an endangered area. Such prioritization is often qualitative, subjective, and... more
Introduction. Emergent diseases have a significant impact on the economiсs, trade and food security of the countries. One of them is the African swine fever which has today registered in all regions of Ukraine. The level of biosecurity of... more
Correlative species distribution models are becoming commonplace in the scientific literature and public outreach products, displaying locations, abundance, or suitable environmental conditions for harmful invasive species, threatened and... more
The biosecurity risks from many plant-parasitic nematode (PPN) species are poorly known and remain a major challenge for identifying potentially invasive species. A self organising map (SOM) was used to prioritise biosecurity risks from... more
A Knowledge-Based System for the risk analysis of proposed building projects was developed for a selected client. The Fuzzy Decision Variables (FDVs) that cause differences between initial and final contract sums of building projects were... more
Given an understanding of factors that drive change in a firm's external environment is an important element of strategy development, some form of environmental scan to identify factors tends to be included. This paper presents... more
Zambia is a landlocked developing country in southern Africa. It is an importer and exporter of plants and plant products. These are potential pathways for introducing exotic plant pests that may affect agricultural production and/or... more
Standardized tools are needed to identify and prioritize the most harmful non-native species (NNS). A plethora of assessment protocols have been developed to evaluate the current and potential impacts of non-native species, but... more
Societies in Africa are highly dependent on agriculture, an activity traditionally vulnerable to unpredictable changes in climatic conditions. Any increase in temperature caused by climate change, coupled with a decline in rainfall, will... more