Peruvian Coastal Current

13 papers
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The Peruvian Coastal Current is a cold oceanic current that flows northward along the western coast of Peru, influenced by the Humboldt Current. It plays a significant role in regional climate, marine biodiversity, and fisheries, impacting the ecological and economic dynamics of the coastal environment.
The roles o f i h e El rVi% ohenomenon. a ccssoiion o f uowellin~. and of . . ". humonfishing in limiringpopulorions o/Peiuuion guano birds (Gummy cormorant Phalacrocoran bougainviiiii, Peruuian booby Sulv varicgata, and Peiuoian brown... more
A partir de 1840 las costas del Pacífico Sur fueron testigo de un espectacular cicloproductivo orientado a la extracción de guano fósil para fertilizar las agotadas tierraseuropeas. Hoy en día este crucial período de la historia... more