Peruvian Coastal Current

13 papers
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The Peruvian Coastal Current is a cold oceanic current that flows northward along the western coast of Peru, influenced by the Humboldt Current. It plays a significant role in regional climate, marine biodiversity, and fisheries, impacting the ecological and economic dynamics of the coastal environment.
En el marco del proceso de litoralización económica vivido durante el siglo XIX y tomando el sur andino, en este caso las zonas costeras del Perú y Bolivia, como área de estudio, en el artículo presente se trata de destacar las... more
Les écoulements atmosphériques et océaniques sont habituellement séparés en une partie lente, proche de l'équilibre géostrophique, et une partie rapide qui interagissent faiblement. Les instabilités agéostrophiques procurent néanmoins... more
In spring 2006 and 2007, northern Gulf of Alaska (GOA) shelf waters were ∼1.5°C below average throughout the ∼250 m deep shelf and the salinity-dependent winter stratification was anomalously weak due to above (below) average surface... more
Water column temperatures on the shelf in the northern Gulf of Alaska have increased more than 0.8°C and vertical density stratification has increased since 1970 near Seward, Alaska throughout the 250 m depth. This high latitude marine... more
Fungi include a vast group of eukaryotic organisms able to colonise different natural, anthropised and extreme environments, including marine areas contaminated by metals. The present study aims to give a first multidisciplinary... more
Royalists, patriots and mestizos: guano and Tarapaca's guano deposits during the Wars of Independence (Tarapaca, 1815-1820
Field observations in the Jouetsu-Ogata Coast, Niigata, Japan facing the Japan Sea in winter 1999 showed clearly that wind has a great influence on the generation of coastal currents in the coastal sea. Based on the observational... more
Fungi include a vast group of eukaryotic organisms able to colonise different natural, anthropised and extreme environments, including marine areas contaminated by metals. The present study aims to give a first multidisciplinary... more
The freshwater-influenced region of the Patos Lagoon discharge to the Southern Brazilian Shelf (SBS) is a region of complex fluid dynamics. Seasoning and synoptic variable winds and coastal current conditions create an alternating flow... more
Algún día no más te van a hacer pasar un Susto grande, los chinos. Mira que son vengativos ... y comen hasta ratones" (Guillermo Kuenenkampf del cuento "Historia Amarilla"). RESUMEN La identidad de los chinos construida por los... more
This paper presents a brief history of the island of Mona from the fields of geology and archeology to dimension space and the social actors involved, and the various activities that took effect in the second half of the XIX century to... more
, these Creoles engineered their own "cultural revolution" in the colonies. 9 Rehr's initiatives continued to bear fruit in this context. His successors perpetuated Rehr's meteorological observations. This climate record allowed the... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
En este trabajo se hace una breve historia de la isla de Mona desde los ámbitos de la geología y la arqueología para dimensionar el espacio, los actores sociales involucrados y las distintas actividades efectuadas en la segunda mitad del... more
The exploitation of guano was one of the first important economic activities in Chile and Bolivia during the 19th century. Although its development was brief and less successful than the guano industry in neighbouring Peru, it laid the... more
En este trabajo se hace una breve historia de la isla de Mona desde los ámbitos de la geología y la arqueología para dimensionar el espacio, los actores sociales involucrados y las distintas actividades efectuadas en la segunda mitad del... more
The roles o f i h e El rVi% ohenomenon. a ccssoiion o f uowellin~. and of . . ". humonfishing in limiringpopulorions o/Peiuuion guano birds (Gummy cormorant Phalacrocoran bougainviiiii, Peruuian booby Sulv varicgata, and Peiuoian brown... more
Seabirds as offshore wildlife resources have largely been unstudied by wildlife managers until recently. Brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis californicus) in South- ern California Bight (SCB) have received special at- tention in the... more
La explosiva transformación demográfica experimentada en Tarapacá desde la década de 1970, asociada inicialmente al desarrollo sectorial del comercio y los servicios derivados, y potenciada en los ochenta con el resurgimiento de la... more
A partir de 1840 las costas del Pacífico Sur fueron testigo de un espectacular cicloproductivo orientado a la extracción de guano fósil para fertilizar las agotadas tierraseuropeas. Hoy en día este crucial período de la historia... more
The roles o f i h e El rVi% ohenomenon. a ccssoiion o f uowellin~. and of . . ". humonfishing in limiringpopulorions o/Peiuuion guano birds (Gummy cormorant Phalacrocoran bougainviiiii, Peruuian booby Sulv varicgata, and Peiuoian brown... more