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Questa tesi si propone di analizzare empiricamente l’effetto persuasivo di una delle principali tecnologie web del mondo moderno: il social network Facebook. L’elaborato si compone di quattro parti: nella prima parte vengono presentati... more
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      Web TechnologiesFacebookPersuasionFallacies
Research has shown that most developing nations like Nigeria are increasingly confronting numerous environmental problems such as greenhouse gases, oil spills, and toxic waste management. However, the real problem has to do with... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementPersonalizationPersuasive DesignPersuasive Technology
Many studies have measured the prevalence of mental health issues amongst the student population. Of note in the literature is the absence of help-seeking amongst most sufferers. Several barriers to help-seeking have been identified in... more
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      EducationMental HealthExperience DesignPersuasive Technology
Limber, in its current iteration, is a vision-based application that introduces gamification into the workplace. This ongoing effort to incentivize good posture, and regular body movements implements several changes to include; full body... more
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      Persuasive TechnologyKinect
The concept of persuasive design has demonstrated its benefits by changing human behavior in certain situations, but in the area of education and learning, this approach has rarely been used. To change this and to study the feasibility of... more
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      EngineeringPersuasive DesignPersuasive TechnologyE Learning
Persuasive games and gamified systems are effective tools for motivating behavior change using various persuasive strategies. Research has shown that tailoring these systems can increase their efficacy. However, there is little knowledge... more
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      Human Computer InteractionHealth InformaticsPublic HealthPersuasive Technology
People spend a large portion of time at their workplace and henceforth, need actions to recharge their mind and body. Therefore, it is important to highlight on health promotion activities in the workplace that focus on changing personal... more
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      User Centred DesignSystem DesignPersuasive TechnologyEinstein's General Theory of Relativity
App-based persuasive technologies emerged as promising tools to promote sustainable travel behavior. However, the opt-in, self-selection framework characterizing their use in real-life conditions might actually lead to wrongly estimate... more
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      Persuasive TechnologyMobility ManagementSustainable Mobility
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      Persuasive TechnologyLong Term Study
The primary challenge for information terminals, kiosks, and incidental use systems of all sorts, is that of getting the "first click" from busy passersby. This paper presents two studies that investigate the role of motion and... more
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      Persuasive TechnologyFactorial DesignField StudyPersuasive
Mobile devices, as persuasive technologies, represent an important platform to promote changes in attitudes and behaviors. They are not only understood as tools, but as a learning process that provides different opportunities to learn how... more
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      Mobile LearningMobile TechnologyPersuasive TechnologyNursing Education
The continued interest in advertising and entertainment brings about important questions about the effectiveness of advertising when it is competing for attention with entertainment content. This research provides the results of an... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceAdvertisingVideo Games
A central challenge in weight management is the difficulty of overcoming desires for excessive and unhealthy food. Yet, studies show that when people are able to resist their desires for unhealthy choices, they experience pride and... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceQuantitative ResearchQualitative Research
This report provides an overview of the common attributes of current news focused games, toys and interactives. It aims to provide a snapshot of the state of newsgames and related digital media a decade after much of the original work on... more
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      JournalismSerious GamesVideo Game DesignPersuasive Design
A b s t r a c t While our Y2K worries about old computers "retiring" at midnight captured the television and news media attention, a more significant "old age" phenomenon snuck onto the scene with hardly a headline: the dawn of the age of... more
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      EngineeringGeriatricsNew MediaMedical Informatics
Social influence concepts have great potential to positively affect the behaviors and attitudes of individuals. Drawing on socio-psychological theories, this study explores how social influence design principles alter user engagement in... more
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      SociologyHuman Computer InteractionPersuasive Uses of TechnologyTwitter
This article describes software design techniques for social influence as software design patterns, instantiating social influence features defined in the persuasive systems design (PSD) model. The article draws on literature from PSD,... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceSocial InfluencePersuasive Technology
Research has shown that most developing nations like Nigeria are increasingly confronting numerous environmental problems such as greenhouse gases, oil spills, and toxic waste management. However, the real problem has to do with peoples'... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementPersonalizationPersuasive DesignPersuasive Technology
Digitalization enables the development of existing social activities and the invention of new forms of social activities online. Social networks and microblogging are some of the most frequently used online social interaction services,... more
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      Social NetworksSocial MediaTwitterSurvey Research
L’obiettivo di questa tesi di laurea è quello di fornire un’analisi sull’efficacia di alcune tecniche di persuasione basate su errori logici, attraverso una ricerca empirica. L’elaborato, in questo modo, mira a proporre le potenzialità... more
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      FallaciesPersuasive TechnologyCaptology
Of late there has been growing interest in the potential of technology to support children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) with social and life skills. There has also been a burgeoning interest in the potential use of mobile... more
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      Educational TechnologySpecial EducationMobile TechnologyAutism Spectrum Disorders
In this paper we analyze the role trust plays in an ethical evaluation of PT. We distinguish between trust in PT itself, and trust in those humans who design, produce and deploy it and draw on Discourse Ethics to further distinguish two... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyTrustJurgen HabermasPersuasive Uses of Technology
Background: Thousands of patients seek health services every day with complaints of pain. However, adequate pain assessment is still flawed, a fact that is partly related to gaps in professional learning on this topic. Innovative... more
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      Mobile LearningMobile TechnologyPersuasive TechnologyNursing Education
The application of persuasive technology has been shown to be effective in a weight management context. However, it has been observed that the impact is not as significant as predicted. The aim of this project was to investigate whether a... more
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      Service DesignObesityDesign thinkingPersuasive Technology
Empathy approach can be utilized as a tool to uncover sensory information. It also uncovers the experience of target-audience and builds a better understanding of their behaviors and concerns, incorporating them as user-profiles and... more
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      Qualitative methodologyType 2 DiabetesHCIPersuasive Design
In this paper sustainable consumption is conceptualized as the result of various types of interactions between users and systems. We review attempts to promote sustainable behavior and discuss contributions by using persuasive technology.... more
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    • Persuasive Technology
Obesity is a condition in which the body has excess fat. Childhood obesity has become an important public health issue because affects every aspect of the life of a child. More specifically, the condition leads to poor health and negative... more
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      Game studiesGame DesignChildhood ObesityPublic Health
This chapter covers the steps you must consider when crafting a strategy for exposing corruption and mismanagement through social media. Along with practical advice and thought-provoking questions, it examines several case studies which... more
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      Social MovementsEthicsNew MediaSocial Networks
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyInformation TechnologyTechnologyNew Media
The development of advanced smartphones has led to many new opportunities to enrich people’s life. However, this rapid rise of mobile computing urges technology companies to create products that are even more integrated into the users... more
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      Information SystemsSocial PsychologyInformation TechnologyUser Experience (UX)
mHealth applications have shown promise in supporting the delivery of health services in peoples' daily life. Recently, the Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (MOH) has launched several mHealth applications to develop work... more
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      Health SciencesPersuasion (Psychology)Health InformaticsPublic Health Informatics
Of late there has been growing interest in the potential of technology to support children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) with social and life skills. There has also been a burgeoning interest in the potential use of mobile... more
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      Special EducationAutismMobile TechnologyAutism Spectrum Disorders
With an application of rhetorical reading and comparative analysis, the thesis studies how the ideological convictions of three smartwatch ads are rhetorically positioned to interpellate its readers. Research has firmly demonstrated how... more
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      AdvertisingVisual RhetoricIdeologyWearable Technologies
Little attention has been given to food waste prevention in households by changing consumers' behaviors. In this paper, we present a social recipe recommender which is a mobile application being developed to reduce food waste in... more
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      Mobile ComputingPersuasive Technology
The use of interactive technology for changing, shaping or reinforcing attitude or behaviour which is commonly known as persuasive technology is currently attracting attention in information systems research. Persuasive technology... more
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      Human Computer InteractionHuman-Computer Interaction for GamesHealth Behaviour ChangeBuilding Information Modeling
Does your UX design persuade people to act differently and perpetually influence their thoughts? UX/UI designers, innovators, influencers, strategists, web developers, marketers, advertisers, system architects, product developers, data... more
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      Social PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionInformation TechnologyDesign
The continued interest in advertising and entertainment brings about important questions about the effectiveness of advertising when it is competing for attention with entertainment content. This research provides the results of an... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceAdvertisingVideo Games
设计直接或间接地对人们的个人和社会生活产生影响。在这方面,设计师在他们的设计工作中负有最大的责任,所以应该利用他们的力量创造人类的福祉。随着医疗保健的范式转变,现在从关注治疗转向预防和健康,而健康行为和生活方式的改变越来越重要。行为改变的设计是设计中的一种相对新的方法,由于对健康,可持续性和幸福感的日益增长的关注,它得到更多的注意。虽然这些概念在传播设计中不是新的,但是如何将其应用到其他领域,如交互设计仍然处于起步阶段。本文将讨论一些行为变化的设计概念和理论,特别是关注保持长... more
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      Persuasive TechnologyDesign for Social Innovation and SustainabilityDesign for Health and Well-Being
This review explicates the past, present and future of theory and research concerning audience perceptions of the media as well as the effects that perceptions of media have on audiences. Before the sections that examine media perceptions... more
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      Media effectsCredibility (Psychology)Persuasive TechnologyPublic opinion, in particular on trust in media and media credibility.
Persuasive technology is a sub-discipline of Human–Computer Interaction that has emerged within the last 10 years, and which has generated increasing interest in the application of persuasion to systems design. Most applications have to... more
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      Instructional DesignPersuasion (Psychology)Persuasive Uses of TechnologyPersuasion
The essay introduces a distinction between a person-related and a circumstance directed type of happiness in order to investigate in which way modern technology can contribute to human happiness. This distinction is elaborated as the... more
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      Positive PsychologyPhilosophy of TechnologySubjective Well-BeingHappiness and Well Being
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePersuasion (Psychology)Persuasive Technology
In recent years, technology has been increasingly harnessed for motivating and supporting people toward various individually and collectively beneficial behaviors. One of the most popular developments in this field has been titled... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingInformation ManagementLibrary and Information Studies
Organizations continuously strive to engage customers in the services development process. The social web facilitates this process by enabling novel channels for voluntary feedback-sharing and collaborative interaction through social... more
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      Information SystemsSociologyHuman Computer InteractionSocial Media
Persuasive Technology (PT) is an emerging, interdisciplinary research field, focusing on the design, development and evaluation of technologies aimed at creating awareness and inducing behavior change with the ultimate goal to increase... more
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    • Persuasive Technology
Although constructs have been developed for designing the features of Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSSs), detailed descriptions and guidelines for their software level implementation are lacking. Through developing software design... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPersuasive TechnologySoftware Design PatternsPersuasive Systems Design
Abstract: This chapter introduces critical gameplay design as a technique for creating digital games that offer alternative play. Critical gameplay provides the opportunity to explore game ethics through the way games are designed to be... more
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      EthicsGame DesignComputer EthicsComputer Games Technology
This term paper gives a short overview over the topic of persuasion based on the work of Carl Iver Hovland. It summarizes his work, gives an overview over current studies about persuasion and discusses persuasion in an corporate... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyPersuasion (Psychology)Behavioral Economics
A Letter to Parents to Convince them to Study Abroad
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      Creative WritingPersuasion (Psychology)Persuasive TechnologyEssay Writing