Personnel Economics
Recent papers in Personnel Economics
The purpose of this article is to review spirituality at work literature and to explore how spirituality improves employees’ performances and organizational effectiveness. The article reviews about 140 articles on workplace spirituality... more
The paper investigates the management practices in place and the labour market outcomes experienced by workers in the Traffic Branch of the Victorian Railways over the period 1864– 1921. Using longitudinal panel data drawn from several... more
This study examines the factorial structure of a new instrument to measure engagement, the hypothesized 'opposite' of burnout in a sample of university students (N = 314) and employees (N = 619). In addition, the factorial structure of... more
"Block Printing is the process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a plain surface. It is one of the oldest and most enjoyable of all the crafts and has given color and pattern to paper, cloth, and other surfaces for... more
The purpose of this article is to respond to the lack of consistency in the academic and practitioner literature regarding the construct of employee engagement and to offer a platform for the research and use of a refined construct called... more
Burnout researchers have proposed that the conceptual opposites of emotional exhaustion and cynicism (the core dimensions of burnout) are vigor and dedication (the core dimensions of engagement), respectively . We tested this proposition... more
Relatively little is known about the youth labour market in Mongolia. This paper studies returns to education of 15-29-year-olds by taking advantage of a recent ad hoc School to Work Transition Survey. Based on augmented Mincerian... more
Background: Managing nurse shortages is a major challenge in Trusts today given the worldwide shortage of nurses. To fill the gap created by a lack of permanent staff UK government agencies have increasingly used bank and agency staff.... more
Strategic recruitment is of vital importance in recruitment planning now a day. We also found the usefulness of Generation X approach in identifying the differences between the old generation and the young new Generation x and the... more
Strategic decision making is perceived as a crucial component of organizational development and change management. Consultants and managers are expected to make strategic decisions that affect organizational performance. This analytical... more
PL: Opracowanie przedstawia krótkie studium nad zagadnieniem satysfakcji pracowników pracy, pokazuje czynniki wpływające na satysfakcję oraz jej związki z innymi aspektami funkcjonowania organizacji. EN: The chapter presents a brief study... more
[PL] Opracowanie przedstawia krótką syntezę wyników trzech badań przeprowadzonych w Katedrze Zarządzania Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej w Bielsku-Białej. Badania dotyczyły roli lidera, jego zdolności przywódczych, opinii pracowników... more
This position paper introduces the emerging concept of work engagement: a positive, fulfilling, affectivemotivational state of work-related well-being that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption. Although there are... more
In Charlemagne’s Survey of the Holy Land, Michael McCormick rehabilitates and reinterprets one of the most neglected and extraordinary sources from Charlemagne’s revival of the Roman empire: the report of a fact-finding mission to the... more
The introduction of decentralized planning in Kerala in the year 1996, has heralded a new era of participatory pattern of development process in the state. Each and every stage of development planning in the state is based on the active... more
Demonstrates how governmental legislative action shadows the economic cycle with reference to employment law and in particular the law on redundancy.
PL: Opracowanie omawia podstawowe pojęcia związane z satysfakcją, satysfakcją pracowników i czynnikami ją kształtującymi, a następnie prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących satysfakcji z pracy młodych pracowników (do 35 roku życia),... more
We constructed amodel of workplace psychosocial safety climate (PSC) to explain the origins of job demands and resources, worker psychological health, and employee engagement. PSC refers to policies, practices, and procedures for the... more
In a command economy, centralized political priorities take precedence over market equilibrium, and government purchases cannot be refused. This chapter describes the antecedents, origins, evolution, and outcomes of the Soviet command... more
This study represents the first substantial investigation of the human resource management practices within the Victorian Railways over the period 1864-1921. The employment and management strategies of the organisation are examined using... more
This paper uses a unique data set containing detailed micro-information on organisations, managers, workers and volunteers belonging to public, private forprofit and private nonprofit institutions delivering social services in Italy. The... more
In the UK and other western countries the financial services sector is seen as offering women better career prospects than most other sectors. Unprecedented numbers of well-qualified young women are now achieving promotion to first-line... more
This editorial introduces a special issue of the Journal of Organizational Behavior on positive organizational behavior (POB). POB emphasizes the need for more focused theory building, research, and effective application of positive... more
The central aim of the present study among 572 Dutch employees was to examine whether burnout and its positive antipode-work engagement-could be differentiated on the basis of personality and temperament. We expected burnout to be... more
This paper analyzes the recent literature on innovation and its determinants from an institutional point of view. Innovation is a concept that has been defined by several authors as implementing new ideas, processes, mechanisms and... more
This editorial introduces a special issue of the Journal of Organizational Behavior on positive organizational behavior (POB). POB emphasizes the need for more focused theory building, research, and effective application of positive... more
and participants in conferences in Berkeley and the LSE for helpful comments. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
The story of wages in nineteenth‐ and early twentieth‐century Australia has largely been told through official published statistics and the experiences of skilled artisans and construction labourers. Utilising wage book data from an early... more
Høgskolen i Akershus, Holmen Fjordhotell 12.-13.november, 2000: "Trenger vi en egen yrkespedagogikk?" eller "trenger vi noe annet enn yrkespedagogikk?"
This paper looks at the issue of workforce skills in the automotive sector of Central and Eastern Europe as part of a more general employment model which underpins the production strategies of firms in the sector. Drawing on the... more
Burnout researchers have proposed that the conceptual opposites of emotional exhaustion and cynicism (the core dimensions of burnout) are vigor and dedication (the core dimensions of engagement), respectively . We tested this proposition... more
The new economics of personnel and human resource management is analysed, including its current prominence as well as its historical antecedents. The economic paradigm as applied to personnel and human resource economics is illustrated... more
This paper is about the school that began technical secondary education in the Province of Ontario, Canada. It is an historical case study that seeks to understand why the Toronto Technical School (TTS) was established, how it... more
This brief paper draws from my current Doctoral research which aims to address the question -How can I as a leader shift my focus from action to deep reflection? The research journey is crystalising a framework called the ʻDOORʼ which... more
Employees in the Public Sector face a range of workplace conflicts from the "macro" to the "micro." State and federal budget cutbacks can jeopardize programs, which can create conflicts with clients who no longer meet eligibility criteria... more
The purpose of this paper is to show the relation between job satisfaction and proactive behaviour. Existing studies clearly indicate the impact of proactive attitude on job satisfaction. The authors' objective was to verify this... more
Personnel economics drills deeply into the firm to study human resource management practices like compensation, hiring practices, training, and teamwork. Why should pay vary across workers within firms—and how “compressed” should pay be... more
Abstract: In our simple model the supervisor: i) cannot observe the agent's effort; ii) aims at inducing the agent to exert high effort; but iii) can only offer rewards based on performance. Since performance is only stochastically... more