Personality Trait

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A personality trait is a consistent pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguishes individuals from one another. Traits are often measured on a continuum and are considered relatively stable over time, influencing how individuals interact with their environment and respond to various situations.
The negative consequences of shift work on workers’ health and safety increasingly ignored. The major effects include health effects and effects on quantity of sleep, alertness, life satisfaction, and job performance. The aims of this... more
This study explored relationships between the sensation-seeking trait and the de- velopment of emotional symptomatology during smoking cessation with nicotine transdermal patches. Twenty-five subjects were evaluated before they stopped... more
Anhedonia is a personality trait associated with a decrease in the ability to feel pleasure. We investigated the experience of pleasure in individuals with physical and social anhedonia for positive pictures with varying levels of... more
Objectives: The objectives of the study are (1) to study personality profile in patients diagnosed with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and (2) to study incidence of psychosis in patients with AUD. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study... more
The frequency of alcohol use among a subject population of 2X male and 60 female college students was assessed using the Student Alcohol and Drug Use Survey (STADUS). Data were also collected on personality traits as measured by the... more
In a sample of 127 Spanish adolescents, the ability to understand and manage emotions, assessed by a performance measure of emotional intelligence (the MSCEIT), correlated positively with teacher ratings of academic achievement and... more
We report the findings from two studies that examine the association between emotional intelligence and leadership emergence in small groups. In both studies, members of groups completed measures of emotional intelligence and other... more
Emotion regulation abilities, measured on a test of emotional intelligence, were related to several indicators of the quality of individuals' social interactions with peers. In a sample of 76 college students, emotion regulation abilities... more
Students’ ability to evaluate emotionally challenging situations and identify effective strategies for managing emotions in themselves and others was negatively related to poor classroom social behavior across three studies. These... more
Platelet monoamine oxidase activity predicts alcohol sensitivity and voluntary alcohol intake in rhesus monkeys. Ups J Med Sci. (2006) Further evidence for an association of 5-HTTLPR with intensity dependence of auditory evoked... more
Objective: Life skills programs should ensure that their effects generalize across contexts and activities. Three studies are presented examining the construct validity of an instrument assessing global goal orientations in life in... more
Belongingness has emerged as a central construct of theoretical importance in the last two decades; however, little attention has been given to develop a brief, psychometrically sound measure of general belongingness. Three studies were... more
The aims of this study were to replicate the results of a previous study ) and to extend them by examining the evidence for prenatal exposure to androgens versus sibling imitation as a potential cause of group differences in levels of... more
En relación a las complicaciones micro y macroangiopáticas de pacientes con diabetes, existe una extensa evidencia que demuestra claramente la ventaja de mantener un estricto control tanto sobre la glucemia, como sobre los factores de... more
Objective: The hypothesized relationship between theory of mind (ToM) and self-face recognition as well as its potential genetic associations has not been previously explored in patients with schizophrenia and in first-degree relatives... more
A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 2 Résumé Le modèle des « Big Five » rencontre aujourd'hui un large consensus pour l'évaluation de la personnalité. Le Big Five Inventory (BFI), développé par John et al., a été traduit et validé en... more
Learn about Down Syndrome, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. Get expert insights on early intervention and supportive care for a better quality of life. Stay informed with Artemis Hospitals.... more
We conducted secondary analyses to determine the relationship between longstanding personality traits and risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD) among 767 participants 72 years of age or older who were followed for more than 6 years.... more
Neurodevelopmental schizophrenia seems to be caused by impaired cerebral development and is supposed to be associated with obstetric complications (OCs), poor premorbid adjustment, schizotypal or schizoid personality traits and negative... more
Cloninger proposed a biosocial model for personality, linking personality traits to patterns of responses to various external stimuli, including alcohol. The Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ) was administered in a multicenter... more
Empathy has been considered a central feature of our temperamental dispositions in childhood and adolescence. It plays a central role in the development of prosocial behavior and moral reasoning. However, the links between empathy and the... more
Summary This work analyzes the relationship between the different CDI factors, nonsocialized personality traits as measured by the Psychoticism and Antisocial Behavior EPQ scales, academic achievement, and general intelligence.... more
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue resaltar la importancia de la participacion de los psicologos en los equipos multidisciplinarios que atiendan a pacientes con enfermedades gastrointestinales. Existe una variedad de alteraciones... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the role of personality traits measured by the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ; Tellegen, 2000 and Waller, 2008) in selecting educational majors. Personality traits were examined... more
This study sought to determine if certain personalities and uses are associated with various fonts. Using an online survey, participants rated the personality of 20 fonts using 15 adjective pairs. In addition, participants viewed the same... more
There is debate about whether the psychopath's criminal behaviour is a consequence of abnormal personality traits or a symptom of psychopathy. The aim of this study was to examine independent associations between offending behaviour over... more
Background  Spina bifida (SB) can place parents at risk for increased levels of parenting stress. Little is known, however, about the role of parents’ intrapersonal resources. Therefore, based on ideas of the Disability‐Stress‐Coping... more
Volumes of research show that people in different geographic regions differ psychologically. Most of that work converges on the conclusion that there are geographic differences in personality and values, but little attention has been paid... more
Every adult possesses and uses to a various extent, a powerful tool, a theory of mind. The ability to recognize emotions, intentions, and thoughts of others is an important component of social competence. The use of personality... more
This study investigated the association between Perceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI), measured by the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS), and life satisfaction in Spanish undergraduate university students. Specially, the predictive and... more
Supplemental material, LM_supplement_3.10.19 for Self-presentation and impressions of personality through text-based online dating profiles: A lens model analysis by Stephanie Tom Tong, Elena F Corriero, Kunto Adi Wibowo, Taj W Makki and... more
Falling is one of the greatest challenges of aging, devastating for older individuals and expensive to the health system. While much research to date has focused on physical risk factors for falls, little is known about behavioral risk... more
Using data from 598 studies representing over 200,000 individuals, we meta-analyzed the relationship between G. Hofstede's (1980a) original 4 cultural value dimensions and a variety of organizationally relevant outcomes. First, values... more
The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the effect of impulsive and callous personality traits on delinquent behavior varied across neighborhood context in a populationbased, statewide sample of 85,000 Iowa... more
The Driving Observation Schedule (eDOS) was developed for use in the Candrive/Ozcandrive five-year prospective study of older drivers to observe their driving behaviour. The aim of this study was to describe whether participants’ looking... more
proposed that personality traits developed in childhood mediate the association of birth order with scientific radicalism. Birth-order effects on traits within the five-factor model of personality were examined in three studies.... more
proposed that personality traits developed in childhood mediate the association of birth order with scientific radicalism. Birth-order effects on traits within the five-factor model of personality were examined in three studies.... more
Entrepreneurial growth is predicted to be related to micro variables or intrinsic determinants (motivations) and macro variables or extrinsic determinants (environmental infrastructure elements) but in a differential way. Infrastructure... more
Emotional exhaustion and organizational commitment are factors that have an impact on mission readiness. In a study of 8,906 uniformed Department of Defense (DOD) personnel, the authors proposed and tested a conditional process model that... more
In this 2-year prospective study, we searched for predictive factors influencing the 2-year outcome of major depressive episodes. Demographic characteristics (age, gender, education, employment), illness-related variables (severity, age... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed students' lives, shifting education from face-to-face classes to e-learning, which relies on digital devices like laptops, phones, and tablets. This shift has integrated technology into... more
The goal of this paper is to study factors influencing the rate of plagiarism among accounting postgraduate students. Data is collected from students of Sistan and Baluchestan university of Iran through 73 applicable questionnaires during... more