Personal Fabrication
Recent papers in Personal Fabrication
Maker and DIY cultures, as well as the trend towards personal fabrication have gained recent visibility in HCI research. While first reflecting on makers as a new user and “social actor”, current r ...
We present a new approach to rapid prototyping of functional objects, such as the body of a head-mounted display. The key idea is to save 3D printing time by automatically substituting sub-volumes with standard building blocks'in our case... more
In diesem Beitrag wird ein Konzept für ein mobiles interaktives Personal-Fabrication Tool vorgeschlagen, das die Vor-Ort-Reparatur von beschädigten Alltagsgegenständen als Mixed Reality Anwendung realisiert. Das Toolkit (MixRepair)... more
Maker and DIY cultures, as well as the trend towards personal fabrication have gained recent visibility in HCI research. While first reflecting on makers as a new user and " social actor " , current rhetoric has shifted towards the maker... more
While personal fabrication tools, such as laser cutters and milling machines, are intended for construction, we are exploring their use for destruction. We present a series of games that result in valuable physical objects being... more
This is an interview with Massimo Menichinelli, founder of the on-line platform The interview deals with topics connected to innovations in the fields of design and-metadesign, with a particular attention towards open... more