Persistent Homology

368 papers
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Persistent homology is a method in topological data analysis that studies the shape of data by examining the multi-scale topological features of a space. It captures the persistence of these features across different scales, providing insights into the underlying structure and relationships within the data.
Popular network models such as the mixed membership and standard stochastic block model are known to exhibit distinct geometric structure when embedded into R d using spectral methods. The resulting point cloud concentrates around a... more
This paper works as a motivation to consider stronger methods in TDA (Topological Data Analysis). We discuss some of the main principles used currently in Big Data analysis. This discussion points became evident while we apply TDA to Big... more
We compute the homology of random Čech complexes over a homogeneous Poisson process on the d-dimensional torus, and show that there are, coarsely, two phase transitions. The first transition is analogous to the Erdős -Rényi phase... more
Large datasets describing geometric shapes are nowadays available in a variety of applications, including Geographical Information System. Handling such shapes require extensive computing resources. One of the most computer-intensive task... more
Dramatically different patterns can be observed in the topological fingerprints for hydrogen-bonding networks from two types of osmolyte systems.
The aim of our investigation is to use R to create a tool to estimate the relevance of random variables within a model. The algorithm will extract the geometric information from a data cloud by exploiting its topological features. It will... more
The unknown function m : Rp 7! R describes the conditional expectation of Y given (X1, X2, . . . Xp). Suppose also that (Xi1, Xi2 . . . Xip, Yi) for i = 1, . . . , n is a sample of size n of the random vector(X1, X2 . . . Xp, Y ). If p n... more
Persistent Homology is a fairly new branch of Computational Topology which combines geometry and topology for an effective shape description of use in Pattern Recognition. In particular it registers through "Betti Numbers" the presence of... more
Node id: 1746 Category: Tch F (i) (iii) (ii) timestamp connected component G Fig. 1. TDANetVis system prototype, an interactive and web-based system with linked views designed to assist the analysis of temporal graphs by highlighting... more
For medical image analysis, the test statistic of the measurements is usually constructed at every voxels in space and thresholded to determine the regions of significant signals. This thresholding produces a small patch of regions around... more
In this paper we present a novel methodology based on a topological entropy, the so-called persistent entropy, for addressing the comparison between discrete piecewise linear functions. The comparison is certified by the stability theorem... more
Topological data analysis has been recently used to extract meaningful information from biomolecules. Here we introduce the application of persistent homology, a topological data analysis tool, for computing persistent features (loops) of... more
We develop in this paper a theoretical framework for the topological study of time series data. Broadly speaking, we describe geometrical and topological properties of sliding window embeddings, as seen through the lens of persistent... more
This dissertation places intersection homology and local homology within the framework of persistence, which was originally developed for ordinary homology by Edelsbrunner, Letscher, and Zomorodian. The eventual goal, begun but not... more
Motivated by the measurement of local homology and of functions on noisy domains, we extend the notion of persistent homology to sequences of kernels, images, and cokernels of maps induced by inclusions in a filtration of pairs of spaces.... more
This dissertation places intersection homology and local homology within the framework of persistence, which was originally developed for ordinary homology by Edelsbrunner, Letscher, and Zomorodian. The eventual goal, begun but not... more
In this paper we present an approach to determine the smallest possible number of neurons in a layer of a neural network in such a way that the topology of the input space can be learned sufficiently well. We introduce a general procedure... more
In this paper, we use topological data analysis techniques to construct a suitable neural network classifier for the task of learning sensor signals of entire power plants according to their reference designation system. We use... more
By definition, transverse intersections are stable under infinitesimal perturbations. Using persistent homology, we extend this notion to a measure. Given a space of perturbations, we assign to each homology class of the intersection its... more
In this work, we develop a pipeline that associates Persistence Diagrams to digital data via the most appropriate filtration for the type of data considered. Using a grid search approach, this pipeline determines optimal representation... more
Background: Complex diseases may have multiple pathways leading to disease. E.g. coronary artery disease evolves from arterial damage to their epithelial layers, but has multiple causal pathways. More challenging, those pathways are... more
Polydopamine has the capacity to adhere to a large variety of materials and this property offers the possibility to bind nanoparticles to solid surfaces. In this work, magnetite nanoparticles were deposited on gold substrates coated with... more
A basic task in signal analysis is to characterize data in a meaningful way for analysis and classification purposes. Time-Frequency transforms are powerful strategies for signal decomposition, and important recent generalizations have... more
We implement methods from computational homology to obtain a topological signal of singularity formation in a selection of geometries evolved numerically by Ricci flow. Our approach, based on persistent homology, produces precise,... more
We implement methods from computational homology to obtain a topological signal of singularity formation in a selection of geometries evolved numerically by Ricci flow. Our approach, based on persistent homology, produces precise,... more
Persistent homology is a new tool from algebraic topology, showing until nowadays a lot of success when it comes to application in biology since this latest use metrics only for measuring similarities, Embedding the geometric details and... more
Motivated by the recent surge of criminal activities with cross-cryptocurrency trades, we introduce a new topological perspective to structural anomaly detection in dynamic multilayer networks. We postulate that anomalies in the... more
Motivated by the recent surge of criminal activities with cross-cryptocurrency trades, we introduce a new topological perspective to structural anomaly detection in dynamic multilayer networks. We postulate that anomalies in the... more
We propose a deterministic initialization of the Echo State Network reservoirs to ensure that the activation of its internal echo state representations reflects similar topological qualities of the input signal which should lead to a... more
Let M be a finitely generated bigraded module over the standard bigraded polynomial ring S = K[x 1 ,. .. , x m , y 1 ,. .. , y n ], and let Q = (y 1 ,. .. , y n). The local cohomology modules H k Q (M) are naturally bigraded, and the... more
The Hilbert functions and the regularity of the graded components of local cohomology of a bigraded algebra are considered. Explicit bounds for these invariants are obtained for bigraded hypersurface rings.
This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of... more
Persistent homology is a tool from a set of methods called Topological data analysis, showing until nowadays a lot of success when it comes to application in biology since this latest uses metrics only for measuring similarities,... more
The rapid evolution of image processing equipment and techniques ensures the development of novel picture analysis methodologies. One of the most powerful yet computationally possible algebraic techniques for measuring the topological... more
In this paper, we demonstrate that algebraic topology can be used to perform 2D+t object detection. After the construction of a topological complex for a 2D+t image sequence, we build a nested sequence of cell complexes on which relative... more
Quantification and classification of protein structures, such as knotted proteins, often requires noise-free and complete data. Here, we develop a mathematical pipeline that systematically analyses protein structures. We showcase this... more
In Mathematical Morphology (MM), connected filters based on dynamics are used to filter the extrema of an image. Similarly, persistence is a concept coming from Persistent Homology (PH) and Morse Theory (MT) that represents the stability... more
In Mathematical Morphology (MM), dynamics are used to compute markers to proceed for example to watershed-based image decomposition. At the same time, persistence is a concept coming from Persistent Homology (PH) and Morse Theory (MT) and... more
We state in this paper a strong relation existing between Mathematical Morphology and Discrete Morse Theory when we work with 1D Morse functions. Specifically, in Mathematical Morphology, a classic way to extract robust markers for... more
In Mathematical Morphology (MM), connected filters based on dynamics are used to filter the extrema of an image. Similarly, persistence is a concept coming from Persistent Homology (PH) and Morse Theory (MT) that represents the stability... more
• Statistical inference of persistent homology over 3D rock images predicts constitutive behaviors. • Principal component analysis and a penalized regression model computes structural characteristics of sample volumes. • Output is... more
Current morphometric methods that comprehensively measure shape cannot compare the disparate leaf shapes found in seed plants and are sensitive to processing artifacts. We explore the use of persistent homology, a topological method... more
Current morphometric methods that comprehensively measure shape cannot compare the disparate leaf shapes found in seed plants and are sensitive to processing artifacts. We explore the use of persistent homology, a topological method... more
Scientific data has been growing in both size and complexity across the modern physical, engineering, life and social sciences. Spatial structure, for example, is a hallmark of many of the most important real-world complex systems, but... more
We study the relationship between a notion of conjunction among conditional events, introduced in recent papers, and the notion of Frank t-norm. By examining different cases, in the setting of coherence, we show each time that the... more
We study the relationship between a notion of conjunction among conditional events, introduced in recent papers, and the notion of Frank t-norm. By examining different cases, in the setting of coherence, we show each time that the... more
Sparse systems are usually parameterized by a tuning parameter that determines the sparsity of the system. How to choose the right tuning parameter is a fundamental and difficult problem in learning the sparse system. In this paper, by... more