Perry Anderson
Recent papers in Perry Anderson
"A revista começa com uma entrevista que LUCIO COLLETTI concedeu a Perry Anderson em 1974, inédita em nossa língua. Colletti foi um dos precursores da teoria crítica do valor, e é pouco conhecido no Brasil." (Do editorial da Sinal de... more
Description du fonds André Gorz déposé à l'IMEC, Caen. Auteur : Sandrine Samson, avec le concours de Willy Gianinazzi
Perry Anderson El estado absolutista
On the other hand, the Marxists expanded the use of the term. In the nineteenth century Karl Marx had proposed an understanding of human history based on the gradual rise and fall of different modes of production which were said to have... more
Comparing the interpretations of Perry Anderson and Jacques Le Goff.
Perry Anderson, "Peace without Empire" LRB, 2 December 2021 "Conquering Peace: From the Enlightenment to the European Union" by Stella Ghervas. Gradual changes have already started to act as counterforces to the follies of unbridled... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, sosyal bilimlerde uygulanan yöntemsel yaklaşımlar/”modeller” üzerine asrı aşkın süredir devam eden tartışmalar bağlamında, Annales Okulu’nun öncü figürlerinden çıkma toplumsal tarihçilik fikrini ele almaktır.... more
While the 1970s was undoubtedly the decade in which Gramsci became a significant reference for Williams, I’ll argue here that he was channelling Gramscian themes at least from The Long Revolution (1961), and that Williams’s views on what... more
An account of Raymond Williams's engagement with the thought of Georg Lukacs from 1962 to 1984
Voltaire en su Histoire d'un bon bramin (1761) describe las tergiversaciones filosóficas de un brahmán consciente de su ignorancia a pesar de su sabiduría y su riqueza...
In this article, I tease out the different aspects of the appropriation of Gramsci's thinking by Anglo-Marxism, from the 1960s onward, in the context of the British debate, in the field of political theory, regarding the “crisis of... more
Resenha de Teoria, política e história: um debate com E.P. Thompson
PERRY ANDERSON. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2018. 218p.
PERRY ANDERSON. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2018. 218p.
En el presente artículo se indaga en los itinerarios político-intelectuales de Perry Anderson y Daniel Bensaïd. Se hace especial hincapié para ello en trazar los contornos de las actitudes del realismo intransigente y la lenta impaciencia... more
No artigo que se segue, exponho brevemente as principais questões debatidas entre Perry Anderson e E.P. Thompson nos três textos que compõem o debate no interior da New Left britânica [“Origins of the present crisis” (1964); “The... more
Gregory Elliott’s Ends in Sight (2008) argues that Marxism is no longer a ‘real movement’ grounded in the historical tendencies of the present, but has retreated into being a utopian idea. Refusing to embrace anti-Marxism, Elliott... more
Cet article propose une étude synthétique des usages de la pensée de Gramsci (en premier lieu les notions d’hégémonie et d’État intégral) par Althusser et par des philosophes et théoriciens de l’État fortement influencés par lui (Étienne... more
Nos anos 1960, o marxismo passou por um momento de renovação no Brasil, ao servir de base para um conjunto de teses dedicadas à interpretação da sociedade brasileira, entre as quais, aquelas que se desenvolveram a partir do que ficou... more
Μετάφραση στα ελληνικά: Σωτήρης Σιαμανδούρας
This paper examines one of the most influential theories of the 20th century, postmodernism, in the present time. Within this framework, this paper concentrates on the main elements of postmodernism in a critical-historical perspective... more
Un pequeño trabajo universitario que analiza la idea de progreso bajo las dos concepciones fundamentales, la liberal y la socialista. Aunque la esencia de la tesis es la conceptualización y crítica de la idea de progreso
Me preguntabas en tu último mensaje si a mí también me están escribiendo colegas desde España solicitándome referencias a sus obras incluidas en mis publicaciones, para enumerarlas en esos epígrafes de “indicadores de calidad” que han... more
O presente trabalho busca apresentar a noção de Estado Absolutista contida nas obras do autor marxista Perry Anderson. Resumen: Tanto Perry Anderson como Alex Callinicos y Terry Eagleton han desarrollado un... more Reviews: “Robert Vinten has produced an impressively meticulous and wide-ranging discussion of how Wittgenstein’s mature philosophy can revitalize the social sciences.... more
En el presente trabajo pretendemos abordar una problemática que tiene que ver con aquella hipótesis, erigida en corazón de la posmodernidad, que sostenía la radical imposibilidad de construir metarrelatos capaces de hallar un sentido... more
The experience of three millennia has not made people any cleverer; on the contrary, it has made them more confused, more prejudiced, has driven them mad, and the result of this is the political state of presentday Europe." Engels, 'The... more
Nietzsche è stato, insieme a pochi altri pensatori classici, il punto di riferimento filosofico più importante per la cultura teorica del secondo Novecento occidentale. Ma se è vero che i nomi dei filosofi sono poco più che metonimie,... more
Von türkischen Turbulenzen sprechen politische Kommentatoren und Analysten, von einem sich zuspitzenden Kulturkampf am Bosporus, und was wir gelegentlich über die Nachrichtenticker wahrzunehmen vermögen, klingt schon recht kurios. So... more
This article engages the analyses of Poulantzas, Anderson, and Ferreira do Aramal to outline the main politico-economic contours of post-Carnation Revolution Portugal. The account that follows examines the effects of accession to the... more
The schools of London and the South-East have traditionally been the locus of upper and upper middle class social reproduction in the UK. The financial crisis appears to have reinforced this trend with private school numbers declining in... more
Fukuyama, liberal demokrasinin zaferi ile sonuçlanmış bu zaferin ilk haberini Hegel’in verdiği inancındadır. Perry Anderson, Fukuyama’ya yönelik eleştirisinde küçük, devlet ve demokrasi kavramlarının tartışılmaya başlandığı, Hegel’e... more
José Fernández Vega, Los usos de Hegemonía; Lucio Mafud, El primer cine soviético en Argentina: el Comité Central de Ayuda al Proletariado Ruso y la distribuidora Russ Film (1922-1927); Manuel Barrós, La dirección del agua: César... more
The mode of production (MoP) was an important term in the Marxist anthropology of the 1970s. Its origins can be traced to the diverse uses of the words by Marx himself, to elaborations on this by Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar (for... more
n calling for an expanded geography of education, Thiem (2009) noted increasing research in the geographies of social reproduction. Recent work has examined a theoretical framework for social reproduction which now occurs at a global... more
Perry Anderson -"El despliegue del neoliberalismo y sus lecciones para la izquierda" Nuestra sociedad se ha visto implicada en montones de cambios tanto políticos como sociales, que la han beneficiado o afectado, pero uno de los más... more
Roberto Mangabeira Unger was one of the principal publicists of the Critical Legal Studies movement during the early 1980s. With the publication of his three volume study, Politics: A Work in Constructive Social Theory, his influence... more