Recent papers in Periphery
В настоящей статье на базе теории принципов производства и производственных революций мы показываем взаимосвязь между К-волнами и крупнейшими технологическими переворотами в истории, а также делаем прогнозы об особенностях шестой К-волны... more
This paper deals with research findings regarding traditional and modern biomedical healthcare systems prevailing in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. An effort has been made to find out the medical... more
Diagrid and braced frame structural system are very popular in high rise buildings and is opening new dimensions in buildings design, twisted, tilted and free form have become possible with greater stability with the use of this system.... more
This paper focuses on kinship, family structures and social organization of Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. In this paper an attempt has been made to understand the social organization of Pashtoons (Pashto... more
This paper deals with research findings regarding emic and etic perception of development in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. Perception of landlords, medium landholders, small landholders and the people... more
Insider/outsider issues are of central importance for the definition of religion and for the identity of religious groups, for the subjectivity and relationships of their adherents, for methodological issues within the study of religions... more
The main aim of this paper is to explore the impact of globalization processes on higher education institutions, with a particular focus on Colleges of Technology (CsoT) in Oman. To achieve this aim, this paper first defines and... more
With this paper, we continue a series of publications on the theoretical aspects of Teodor Shanin’s conception of Russia as a ‘developing society’ first published in 1986 in the book Russia as a ‘Developing Society’. The Roots of... more
This paper deals with research findings regarding horticulture, a major sources of income in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. Initially the natives were earning their livelihood through horticulture only.
Both translations use the chapter divisions which correspond to the Roman numerals in Schmeidler's edition of the work as will this thesis. Tschan's translation of Adam's narrative will henceforth be abbreviated as AB; Schmeidler's... more
The areas remote from the geographic center, where this is understood primarily as Western Europe, define themselves foremost by nostalgia in relation to a supposed glorious past and status. Yet, this attempt, apart from representing a... more
We need to understand the reason of the Watts’ riot and what we need to prevent it in the future. Because only if we study and assimilate the Los Angeles’ lesson, drawing the due conclusions, could we hope to keep the unstable social... more
L'évolution de l'urbanisation dans le monde nous a motivé à développer nos recherches sur la croissance déchaînée des villes et les multitudes de formes urbaines qui en résultent. L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser ces formes de... more
Objetivo/contexto: la capacidad interna de las agencias estatales es una condicion necesaria y predice su potencial estrategico para alcanzar objetivos de desarrollo industrial a largo plazo. Este ...
, agradeço pelas importantes discussões e lições aprendidas durante nossas tardes de encontro na salinha do Centre D'Études Africaines (CEAF) e nas aulas da École Des Hautes Études En Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Agradeço a todos os... more
Resumo: Este ensaio refere-se aos movimentos migratórios ocorridos entre a população negra no período pós-abolição. São histórias de chegada a cidade de Carapicuíba -São Paulo na primeira metade do século XX que narram os processos de... more
Bl a n ka m a r ková , tom áš B oru ta university of ostrava, Faculty of science, department of human geography and regional development
A periferia está em evidência em diversos discursos midiáticos e sociais no Brasil e no mundo. Este texto busca discutir o papel da música no processamento dessa emergência da periferia a partir da análise de alguns exemplos das trilhas... more
This research aims to understand how the young residents of the city of Diadema, São Paulo, identify themselves nowadays with the Hip Hop movement. In the 1990s hip hop had strong repercussions among the youth people of this city,... more
The central aim of this article is to investigate the problematic identity of actors as workers. We focus on the first half of the 20th Century, and we seek to reveal to which extent the roles played by the State and the theatrical field... more
This paper deals with research findings regarding traditional and modern biomedical healthcare systems prevailing in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. An effort has been made to find out the medical... more
In this paper we examine a struggle waged by production line workers at a formerly state-owned factory located in Israel’s northern periphery. Intially an attempt to prevent the closure of the privatized factory, it soon became an... more
This paper presents an investigation of the structure of word associations dependent on the context in which they are assessed. Respondents from Spain and Nicaragua produced free associations about war and peace. Word associations about... more
The current crisis confirmed that highly financialized regimes of accumula-tion are extremely crisis-prone. Most of the literature on financialization is focused on the economies of the centre. This paper analyses the peculiari-ties of... more
This paper presents an investigation of the structure of word associations dependent on the context in which they are assessed. Respondents from Spain and Nicaragua produced free associations about war and peace. Word associations about... more
This first issue of Volume 5 of Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal (2019) is designated as an April/May issue to commemorate two events that were set to impact on and redefine China’s... more
This article presents possible answers, and their respective probabilities, to the question, ‘What are the consequences of the present global crisis in the proximate future of the World System?’ It also attempts to describe the basic... more
This paper deals with research findings regarding traditional and modern biomedical healthcare systems prevailing in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. An effort has been made to find out the medical... more
This paper deals with research findings regarding horticulture, a major sources of income in the Village Zandra, District Ziarat in the province of Balochistan. Initially the natives were earning their livelihood through horticulture... more
The central aim of this article is to investigate the problematic identity of actors as workers. We focus on the first half of the 20th Century, and we seek to reveal to which extent the roles played by the State and the theatrical field... more
Non hegemonic forms of musical production have appeared in peripheral regions of Brazil, such as the lambadão genre in the Mato Grosso state. Lambadão is a product of the lower classes that, without expecting recognition from the cultural... more
Mercato Saraceno, a small town in Romagna, lived a time of intense architectural activity during the fascist era. Arnaldo Mussolini, the little brother of Benito and director of the most influential Italian newspaper at that time, chose... more
Resumen El análisis tecnológico de las dinámicas de desarrollo de productos en la periferia implica, en primera instancia, la conceptualización de 'técnica' y 'tecnología' como formas de construcción del conocimiento y como medios de... more
Diagrid and braced frame structural system are very popular in high rise buildings and is opening new dimensions in buildings design, twisted, tilted and free form have become possible with greater stability with the use of this system.... more
A Deus, primeiramente, pelo dom da Vida e por ter nos dado sabedoria, força e coragem para realização desse trabalho.