Performing Art
Recent papers in Performing Art
Un giorno un uomo si sveglia e non trova più il suo naso. Comincia a cercarlo per le strade della città, va dalla polizia, pubblica un avviso sui giornali, chiede consiglio a un medico. Quando finalmente lo incontra (in una cattedrale),... more
Objective: Because antiretroviral treatment (ART) fails to improve neurocognitive impairment in children with HIV, we completed a pilot study evaluating the feasibility and cognitive benefit of computerized cognitive rehabilitation... more
The increase of studies on brain activity during music listening and processing has generated a puzzling, and in many instances contradictory, variety of findings. Besides methodological reasons, e.g., different brain imaging procedures... more
This paper addresses the following question: why do some customers migrate downward while others migrate upward? We examine this issue among theatregoers, who migrate downward as occasional ticket buyers and upward as subscribers. The... more
Municipal governments around the globe increasingly turn to museums, performing arts centers, arts districts, and other cultural activities to promote and revitalize their cities. While a significant body of literature examines... more
Art and entrepreneurship, individually, are not new area of investigation, but are far from constituting consolidated topic 'Artrepreneurship', especially in start-up India and Skill India. Despite the perceptible similarities in... more
I Kissed Chavela Vargas a play w music about three generations of Chicanas living under one roof, written by Monica Palacios will have reading May 2, 2019 @ Wistariahurst Museum, Holyoke, MA. Reading can come to your campus. Let's talk!... more
Secondary schools tend to sponsor a large number of extra-curricular activities (ECA) yet little is known about their contribution to students' educational outcomes. This meta-analysis aims to determine what it is about ECA participation... more
Beijani FJ, Kaye GM, Benham M. Musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions of instrumental musicians. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996;77:406-13.
Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt was offered an opportunity that would make any performer swoon: a star role in the ground-breaking film The Jazz Singer (1927). Yet Rosenblatt refused this artistic opportunity of a lifetime. This paper... more
Статья посвящена разнообразным темповым и эмоционально-выразительным ремаркам в произведениях Густава Малера в связи с вопросами музыкального содержания и исполнительской интерпретации. The article is devoted to the various tempo and... more
Factors such as reduced government spending, increased competition from expanding entertainment markets and shrinking audiences have all placed excess pressure on the ability of performing arts organisations to make ends meet. Many... more
Doctoral degrees in the visual and performing arts are a fairly recent entrant in the research higher degree landscape in Australian universities. At the same time, a new kind of doctorate is evolving, a doctorate in which significant... more
Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh Undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak , mengutip sebagian ataupun seluruh isi buku ini dalam bentuk apapun, dengan cara apapun, tanpa izin tertulis penulis dan penerbit.
In 1960, the renowned architect Philip Johnson championed Frederick Kiesler, calling him “the greatest non-building architect of our time.” Kiesler’s ideas were difficult to construct, but as Johnson believed, “enormous” and “profound.”... more
The Orgies Mysteries Theatre is one of the most radical experiences in twenty-century theatre. Hermann Nitsch started his project in Vienna at the beginning of the 1960s. At that time Nitsch was a young painter taken by the idea of... more
justify the forum almost entirely on their own. Then there is the book. It inaugurates its own sub-discipline which reaches into several disciplines besides mainstream music theory, such as music perception and cognition, human... more
「津田信敏と近代舞踊」 概要: 津田信敏(1910~1984年)は日本で今日用いられている「現代舞踊」 という言葉を最初に使った舞踊家だ。土方 や若松美黄といった前衛 的な舞踊家に影響を与えたことでも知られている。しかし彼の生涯を 記録した資料は長い間整理されてこなかった。そこで、当時を知る舞 踊家たちや津田の関係者らのインタビューなども用いながら、その歩 みをまとめた。 津田の原点は青山学院時代に学んだ児童劇と子どものダンスにある。... more
Kesenian tradisi di tengah-tengah masyarakat heterogen, alih generasi dan marginal menjadi fenomena penting dalam upaya pemuliaan, revitalisasi dan pengembangan seni dewasa ini. Fenomena ini, tampak pada kesenian Topeng Banjet ”Baskom” di... more
Bulzoni 2021
Collana: Biblioteca Teatrale/Estetica e politica della Performance/2
pagine: 228
ISBN: 978-88-6897-227-1
Collana: Biblioteca Teatrale/Estetica e politica della Performance/2
pagine: 228
ISBN: 978-88-6897-227-1
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Algunas impresiones sobre el trabajo conjunto de Emilio García Whebi y Gabo Ferro presentado el Centro Experimental de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Ciudad Autómona de Buenos Aires), en el marco de la "Bienal de Performance... more
A large series of essays dedicated to the changes and challanges of critical thinking and, particularly, theatre criticism in the social-network comunication and digital era.
Chou LH, Akuthota V, Drake DF, Toledo SD, Nadler SF. Sports and performing arts medicine. 3. Lower-limb injuries in endurance sports. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85 (3 Suppl 1):S59-66.
370 Book Reviews their careers trying to reproduce their day in the sun.(Orson Welles.) Every field has examples, I suppose.(Peter Frampton.) The creative or physical talents of youth can be a mixed blessing, pushing someone into the... more
Résumé Le théâtre d'Eugène Ionesco fait l'objet d'un paradoxe: son «avant-gardisme» spectaculaire se nourrit d'une vision essentiellement classique. Plus précisément, Ionesco envisage des «archétypes oubliés», et cherche à les... more
SAG-AFTRA, AEA 5'11" -180 lbs -Hair: Dk. Brown -Eyes: Dk. Brown -Vocal Range: High Baritone
“Be-Witched shadows: approaching Greek Shadow Theatre’s Witches, inspired by Fairy tales” It is widely accepted that Fairy Tales is a basic theme source of Modern Greek (glove & string) Puppet Theatre. However, the relation between... more
... He was thin, like a punk rocker, but I liked that look. ... 12. As founding members of the Los AngelesJanus Society (now called Threshold), Bob Flanagan and Sheree Rose were instrumental in forming this nonprofit organization... more